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equi ['i:kwi-,'ekwi-] nstresses
ling. удаление совпадающей ИГ (удаление совпадающей именной группы; сокр. от equi NP deletion: a rule of transformational grammar that deletes the underlying subject of a complement clause if it is coreferential with the subject or object of the main clause, as in John promised to return the money, where the underlying subject ( John) of return has been deleted. 'More); удаление совпадающей именной группы (equi NP deletion: a rule of transformational grammar that deletes the underlying subject of a complement clause if it is coreferential with the subject or object of the main clause, as in John promised to return the money, where the underlying subject ( John) of return has been deleted. 'More)
equi- n
math. равно- (приставка)
EQUIS abbr.
gen. Европейская Система Усовершенствования Качества (the European Quality Improvement System Степанова Наталья)
EQUIS: 17 phrases in 8 subjects
Mass media6
Roll stock1