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EO adj.stresses
O&G оператор оборудования (equipment operator fluent)
Eo adj.
geol. эоценовый отдел (MichaelBurov); эоценовый возраст (MichaelBurov); эоценовый (MichaelBurov)
EO abbr.
avia. техническое задание (Engineering Order TurtleInFurs); техническая директива (указание; Engineering Order akha-ru)
comp., net. электронное учреждение
Gruzovik, mil. оптико-электронный (electrooptical)
Gruzovik, polit. директива президента США, утверждённый Конгрессом и имеющий силу закона (Executive Order); приказ президента США, утверждённый Конгрессом и имеющий силу закона (Executive Order)
law Организация предпринимателей (EndlessCircle)
med. этиленоксид (wrsp)
welf. равные возможности (equal opportunities; эвфемизм положительной дискриминации CBET)
EO% abbr.
med. "эозинофилы" <проф.> (MichaelBurov); относительное % содержание эозинофилов (MichaelBurov)
EO# abbr.
med. абсолютное содержание эозинофилов (MichaelBurov); EO, абс. (MichaelBurov)
Eo abbr.
geol. эоцен (MichaelBurov); эоценовая эпоха (MichaelBurov); эоценовое время (MichaelBurov)
eo abbr.
tech. моторное масло
 English thesaurus
EO abbr.
abbr., avia. engineering operations
abbr., chem. epoxy ethane
abbr., oil east offset; edge cliff outcrop; electrical/optical; elementary operation; emergency order; enable output; end of operation; equivalent orifice; error and omission; examining officer; exclusive OR; extra over price
abbr., space Earth Observing
EO abbr.
abbr. Eastern Oregon; Economical Office; Eminent Occultist; Esperanto; Establishing Operation; An Executive Order (is a directive from the President to executive agencies, issued under constitutional or statutory authority. Executive orders are published in the Federal Register and in title 3 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Alex Lilo); end of (fruit_jellies); End Office (Telephony); Engineering Officer; Erasable Optical; Escape Orbit; ethylene oxide; Europe Online (Netzwerk); EUROPEAN OPERATIONS (Juliafranchuk)
abbr., auto. engine control module output; exhaust opens
abbr., avia. enabling objective; elliptical orbit; engine out
abbr., BrE education officer; entertainments officer
abbr., chem. equivalent orbital
abbr., comp., net. electronic office
abbr., cryptogr. Bluetooth
abbr., cust. economic operator (chistochel)
abbr., el. electro-optical; errors and omissions; exclusive OR gate
abbr., el., scient. Electro Optic
abbr., IT Eight Ones
abbr., lab.law. Equal Opportunity (Equal Opportunity Survey – Исследование/опрос о предоставлении/обеспечении равных возможностей (например, при трудоустройстве) ilghiz)
abbr., Makarov. electrooptic; electrooptical
abbr., med. Early-onset; Eosinophil; Ethylene Oxide; Eyes Open; Skin Dose; Emergency Office
abbr., media. End Opening
abbr., mil. Electro Optics; Electro- Optical; Engagement Operations; Equal Opportunity; Essential Oil; Excessive Overkill; Extreme Offensive; Electro-Optics; equal opportunity; executive order; eyes only
abbr., mil., air.def. electro-optical (guidance system)
abbr., O&G engine oil (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil engine oil (MichaelBurov); early oil (MichaelBurov)
abbr., PCB engineering order, engineering change order (Метран)
abbr., pest.contr. water in oil emulsion
abbr., physiol., med. Essential Oils
abbr., police Equal Opportunities
abbr., polit. Executive Order (issued by Presidents of the United States Val_Ships)
abbr., scottish Electro-Optic
abbr., sport. Extreme Offense
comp. end office
mil. emergency organization; end objective; engineer officer; engineering order; equipment operator; executive officer; explosive ordnance; explosives officer; extended operations
tech. Earth observation; electric-to-optic; electrically operated; emergency officer; enforcement officer
EO% abbr.
abbr., med. eosinophiles (MichaelBurov); relative eosinophile count (MichaelBurov); relative eosinophile level (MichaelBurov)
EO# abbr.
abbr., med. absolute eosinophile count (MichaelBurov); absolute eosinophile level (MichaelBurov)
Eo abbr.
abbr. Eocene (MichaelBurov); Eocene age (MichaelBurov); Eocene time (MichaelBurov); the Eocene (MichaelBurov); earth orbit; Education Officer; mean translational energy of molecule of ideal gas at 0°C
abbr., chem. standard electrode potential
abbr., earth.sc. Young's modulus
abbr., geol. Eocene division (MichaelBurov)
abbr., med. eosinophile; eosinophilia
geol. Eocene Division (MichaelBurov); Eocene Epoch (MichaelBurov)
tech. electroaffinity; resonance energy
: 81 phrases in 21 subjects
Medical appliances1
Oil / petroleum1
Professional jargon1
Quality control and standards1