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EA [ɪə] nstresses
sec.sys. Чрезвычайная поправка (Emergency Amendement Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory)
ea [ɪə] n
gen. река; проточная вода
Makarov. водный поток
O&G, sakh. шт.
tech. ед. (используется в таблицах для ед. или шт. Business_Translating)
Ea [ɪə] n
relig. Эа (Mesopotamian god of water and a member of the triad of deities completed by Anu and Bel); Эйа; Хайа; Энки
EAE abbr.
clin.trial. внешнее нежелательное явление (MichaelBurov)
pharma. экспериментальный аллергический энцефаломиелит (русск. "ЭАЭ" Vadim Rouminsky)
vet.med. энзоотический хламидиозный аборт овец (iwona)
 English thesaurus
EAE abbr.
abbr., avia. engineering approval of equipment
abbr., biol. epizootic abortion of ewe
abbr., el. electronic automatic exchange
abbr., mil., air.def. exterior aperture electron
EA [ɪə] abbr.
abbr. Each; East Anglia; Educational Assistant; Enterprise Architecture; Epreuve D Artiste.; Excused Absence; Expenditure Authorization; Visio for Enterprise Architects (MS, .NET); Address Field Extension (HDLC); East Africa; Economic Adviser; Educate America!; Edward Appleby; Egotistical Asses; Egotistical Assholes; Einsteins Asshole; Electronic Assholes; Elite Athlete; Emergency Action (s); Employment Authorization; Energy And Atmosphere; Enterprise Agreement (MS); Entertaining Assholes; Environmental Agency; Epistula Augustini; Escrowed Authenticator (Verschluesselung, EES); Espionage Act; Eudora, Arkansas; European Cooperation for Accreditation (ABelonogov); Evening Association; Evil Association; Exchange Act; Exclusive Authorization; Excruciating Assfuck; Executive Administration; Executive Agent; Exhaust Air; Expanded Academic; expectancy age; Extended Attribute (OS/2); Extreme Assassins; Extremely Amazing; Extremely Asshole
abbr., agric. exchange acidity
abbr., biol. endemic areas
abbr., busin. each (aht)
abbr., chem., scient. Emulsion Aggregation; Epoxy Adhesive
abbr., comp., net. electrically alterable
abbr., EBRD Europe Agreement (raf)
abbr., electr.eng. energy accounting
abbr., energ.ind. equivalent availability (MichaelBurov); equivalent availability coefficient (MichaelBurov)
abbr., inet. Easily Amused
abbr., IT Effective Address; Erase All; Extended Address; effective address; extended attribute
abbr., med. Endocardio Graphic Amplifier; Endocardiographic Amplifier; Endometriosis Association; Environment Agency (UK); Ethacrynic Acid
abbr., mil. Economic Analyses; Electronic Attack; Emergency Actions; Engineering Analysis; Environmental Assessment; Evolutionary Acquisition; Electrical Actuator; enemy aircraft
abbr., mil., WMD Economic Analysis
abbr., oil expected allowable
abbr., physiol., med. Endometrial Ablation
abbr., progr. enterprise architecture (ssn)
abbr., scottish Elettronica Aster SpA (Italy); Engineering Authority
abbr., sec.sys. encryption algorithm
abbr., tradem. Electronic Arts; Electronics Australia
abbr., water.suppl. Endangerment Assessment (EPA)
energ.ind. energy analysis; environmental aspect; excess air; exclusion area
mil. Edgewood arsenal; educational adviser; electronic attack; electronics assembly; emergency area; enemy action; enemy area; energy absorption; engagement area; engineering aid; enlistment allowance; environmental analysis; environmental assessment; escort aircraft; executive assistant; experimental aircraft
railw. electric street railway service car
tech. earphone amplifier; easy axis; editorial alteration; eikonal approximation; electrical artificer; electrocardiographic amplifier; electronic assembly; enforcement action; engineering assurance; equipment alignment; ethyl acetate; ethyl acrylate; experimental assembly; extender amplifier
ea [ɪə] n
logist. each (штуки (в инвойсах в графе "ед. изм-я" ) Karabas)
Ea [ɪə] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. evapotranspiration
Ea. abbr.
abbr. earth
EAE abbr.
abbr., avia. Emae, Vanuatu
abbr., clin.trial. external adverse event (MichaelBurov)
abbr., immunol. experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
abbr., IT Enterprise Application Environment
abbr., med. European Association Of Echocardiography; Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis; emergent adverse event (shpak_07); endogenous aspergillus endophthalmitis (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil., WMD environmental architect-engineer
abbr., oil ethyl amino ethanol; ethylene/acrylic elastomer
abbr., physiol., med. Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis
abbr., vet.med. enzootic abortion of ewes (iwona)
energ.ind. energy analysis and environment
tech. extended arithmetic element
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects
Artificial intelligence1
Pharmacy and pharmacology3