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Dad [dæd] nstresses
geogr. река Дадес (French:Oued Dad Dollie)
dad [dæd] n
gen. папа; папочка; батяня; тятя (Anglophile); папуля (анатолий12)
Gruzovik, dial. тата
Gruzovik, poetic родимый
inf. папахен; папашин; папашка; папка; тятин; тятькин
Makarov. проветривать горную выработку
mining. проветривать выработку
slang отец; папаша (в обращении)
dad [dæd] n
Gruzovik, inf. тятька (= тятя)
DAD [dæd] abbr.
avia. Международный аэропорт Дананг (Uchevatkina_Tina)
busin. проект дополнения (draft addendum); проект приложения (draft addendum)
cardiol. поздняя постдеполяризация (Delayed afterdepolarizations (DADs) begin during phase 4, after repolarization is completed but before another action potential would normally occur via the normal conduction systems of the heart. They are due to elevated cytosolic calcium concentrations, classically seen with digoxin toxicity wikipedia.org mazurov)
el. цифровой аудиодиск; цифровая грампластинка
IT цифровой диск для звукозаписи
med. ППД (поздняя постдеполяризация – Delayed afterdepolarizations (DADs) begin during phase 4, after repolarization is completed but before another action potential would normally occur via the normal conduction systems of the heart. They are due to elevated cytosolic calcium concentrations, classically seen with digoxin toxicity.[ wikipedia.org mazurov)
pharm. диодно-матричный детектор (Noia)
 English thesaurus
DAD [dæd] abbr.
abbr. delayed afterdepolarization (Alex Lilo); Days After Delivery; Dead Animal Disposal; Dear Ancient Daddy; District Athletic Director; Da Nang, Vietnam - Da Nang (Airport Code Alex Lilo); Data Access Diagram (Alex Lilo); Data Acquisition and Data Processing (Alex Lilo); Data Acquisition Division (Alex Lilo); Data Administrator (Alex Lilo); Database Action Diagram (Alex Lilo); Database Assisted Design (Alex Lilo); Days After Draining (Alex Lilo); Death and Decay (game Alex Lilo); Decide, Announce, and Defend (Alex Lilo); Decimal Adjust (Alex Lilo); Dedicated and Devoted (Alex Lilo); Defenders Against Drugs (Alex Lilo); Defense Acquisition Decision (Alex Lilo); Defense Appellate Division (Alex Lilo); Delaware Association of the Deaf (Alex Lilo); Delivery Address Data (Alex Lilo); Demolay Advisor Development (International Order of DeMolay Alex Lilo); Dependability of Architecture Design (Alex Lilo); Deployment Assistance Device (Alex Lilo); Desiccant Air Dryer (compressed air system components Alex Lilo); Design Appraisal Declaration (Alex Lilo); Desktop Application Driver (Alex Lilo); Detailed Aircraft Decontamination (Alex Lilo); Development Activity Description (Alex Lilo); Die Another Day (James Bond movie Alex Lilo); Diffuse Alveolar Damage (Alex Lilo); Digi Artists Domain (forum Alex Lilo); Digiartist's Domain (forum Alex Lilo); Digital/Analog/Digital (audio CD format, recording/mixing/mastering Alex Lilo); Direct Access Democracy (Canada Alex Lilo); Director of Admissions (USMA Alex Lilo); Discharge Abstract Database (Alex Lilo); Distributed Application Division (Alex Lilo); Distributed Applications Division (Microsoft Alex Lilo); Distributed Architecture Decoy (Alex Lilo); Distributed Attack Detection (Alex Lilo); Distributional Analysis/Analyse Distributive (Alex Lilo); Divide and Delegate (Alex Lilo); Document Access Definition (Alex Lilo); Dogs Against Drugs (Alex Lilo); Double Add (Alex Lilo); double-acting door; Down And Dirty; Draft ADdendum; Dressage At Devon (horse show Alex Lilo); Drinking and Driving (Alex Lilo); Drive Against Diabetes (Alex Lilo); Dryer, Compressed Air, Desiccant (Alex Lilo); Disciplined Agile Delivery (Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) is a people-first, learning-oriented hybrid agile approach to IT solution delivery. wikipedia.org DDVBY); Dual Air Density (Alex Lilo); Dudes Against Dicks; Dungeons And Dragons (Alex Lilo); Duplicate Address Detection (IPv6 address configuration Alex Lilo)
abbr., anim.husb. domestic animal diversity
abbr., automat. draft addendum to an International Standard
abbr., avia. Da Nang, Viet Nam; data acquisition display; digital air data; double action door; dual authority dataset
abbr., BrE deputy assistant director; Directorate of Armament Development
abbr., chem. diode array detection
abbr., chromat. Diode-Array Detection (inn); diode array detector (диодно-матричный детектор kat_j); Dual Absorbance Detector (детектор поглощения на двух длинах волн kat_j)
abbr., comp., net. duplicate address detection
abbr., earth.sc. depth-area-duration curve
abbr., el. differential amplitude detection; diffraction alignment device; direct access device; direct addressable device; do-all debugger; drag and drop
abbr., el., scient. Diode Array Detector
abbr., inet. Dashing And Debonair
abbr., IT Data Access Descriptor; Database Access Descriptor; Desktop Application Director; digital audio disk
abbr., logist. Delivery At Dock
abbr., med. Disability Assessment in Dementia (Игорь_2006); disease-ADR-drug (Игорь_2006); Dial-a-Diagnosis
abbr., media. Decide Announce Defend; Digital Audio Disc
abbr., mil. Defense Acquisition Deskbook; Degrease Abrade And Degrease
abbr., mil., avia. deep air defense
abbr., O&G, oilfield. Dynamic Acid Dispersion (кислотная система для удаления парафинистых отложений и одновременного растворения породы (товарный знак компании "Тоталь"). Mixer)
abbr., oil data acquisition device; design approval drawing
abbr., progr., IT Distributed Application Development
abbr., pulm. diffuse alveolar damage (iwona)
abbr., scottish Deep Air Defence
abbr., shipb. double acting door
abbr., tradem. Diamonds After Dark; Disneyland After Dark
abbr., transp. Dangerous Airports Database; Digital Auto Drive
energ.ind. defect analysis diagram
mil. design approval data; divisional ammunition dump; dockyard armament depot
names Domenico Adamo
tech. density altitude display; digital angle data; double amplitude displacement
: 87 phrases in 18 subjects
American usage, not spelling8
Energy industry1
Modern use1