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DOS [dɒs] nstresses
IT гипертекстовый справочник по операционной системе и её командам
do [du:] n
gen. вечеринка; взрыв бешенства; гам; неповиновение; общественные беспорядки; суета; суматоха; шум; всё-таки; пожалуйста (TarasZ); мистифицировать; на самом деле (suburbian); "липа"; употребляется перед глаголами для усиления смысла; употребляется вместо глагола для избежания повторения его; же; ну же; пожалуйста; употребляется в вопросительных предложениях; кутерьма; гвалт; усилие; возможность; возможное; обязательно (suburbian); точно (suburbian); в самом деле (+ verb; для выражения усилительного значения: If underwater civilizations do exist, all they need fear from mankind is that we will pollute them out of existence. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- в самом деле существуют / действительно существуют ART Vancouver); очень (A word-combination "do [infinitive]" can express a polite request: I do hope you will come. – Я очень надеюсь, что ты придёшь; I do invite you for dinner at my place. – Я буду очень рад тебя видеть на ужине у меня. TarasZ)
abbr. то же (ditto; употр. в инвентарных списках, счётах и т. п. для избежания повторения); столько же
amer. мужская причёска (slang Val_Ships)
austral., new.zeal., inf. удача; успех
brit. большая вечеринка; весёлое празднество; приём (гостей)
cliche. действительно (+ verb; для выражения усилительного значения: If underwater civilizations do exist, all they need fear from mankind is that we will pollute them out of existence. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") – действительно существуют • I do want to help you. • You do have small veins. • These gloves do come in black, I didn't know that • He told Cheryll that evidence from his personal experiences and career work with terminally ill patients had convinced him that God and life after death do exist. – действительно существуют (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
emph. всё-таки (+ infinitive)
Gruzovik, obs. ут (indec; the syllable naming the first [tonic] note of any major scale in solmization)
hindi выращивание двух урожаев в год; двупольный севооборот; двухпольный севооборот
idiom. нечто обязательное (Visiting the Eiffel Tower is one of the dos in Paris. VLZ_58)
inf. мошенничество; надувательство; розыгрыш; веселье; вечер; доля; развлечение; обслуживание; сделка; участие; возбуждение; стрижка и укладка волос; мероприятие (joyand); обман; афера (VLZ_58); причёска (his cropped and gelled do Val_Ships); выпендрёж (suburbian)
math. дюжина (в двенадцатеричной системе)
mech. всё же (+ infinitive); тем не менее (+ infinitive)
mil., lingo бой (MichaelBurov); операция (MichaelBurov); происшествие (MichaelBurov)
slang собрание; вечеринка (I'm having a do this weekend. Would you like to come? Я устраиваю вечеринку на выходной. Не желаешь прийти? Interex); мистификация; дерьмо (When the snow melts, the sidewalks are covered with dog do – После того, как сойдет снег, на тротуаре полно собачьего дерьма VLZ_58); какашки (VLZ_58); обворовать (The post office was done last night. – Прошлой ночью обворовали почтовое отделение. VLZ_58); прикол (suburbian); шутка (suburbian); дурачество (suburbian); сборище (I'm having a do this weekend. Would you like to come? Я устраиваю вечеринку на выходной. Не желаешь прийти? Interex)
vulg. дефекация; испражнение
DoS [dɒs] n
gen. время работы, дни (Days on Stream konstmak)
el. отказ в обслуживании; хакерская атака типа "отказ в обслуживании"; полное блокирование программного обеспечения сайта; частичное блокирование программного обеспечения сайта
Gruzovik, comp.sec. отказ в обслуживании (denial of service)
sec.sys. атака типа "отказ в обслуживании" (Denial of Service OlesyaAst)
Do [du:] n
comp., MS дело; дело (A task on a To Do list in a Works project)
mus. нота До; нота Ут; нота Це
dos [dɒs] n
textile спинка (платья или пиджака)
-do n
comp., MS дело; задача
inf. шум
DOS [dɒs] abbr.
automat. дисковая операционная система DOS; программные средства DOS
comp. дисковая операционная система; ДОС
comp., net. распределённая система обслуживания очередей
Gruzovik, comp. ДОС (disk operating system)
DoS [dɒs] abbr.
comp., MS атака типа отказ в обслуживании
dos [dɒs] abbr.
law приданое (штат Луизиана)
DOS [dɒs] prep.
el. стандартная операционная система для IBM-совместимых компьютеров
IT для преобразования носителей данных; В версии DOS 6.22 имеет название DriveSpace
система DOS prep.
tech., abbr. ДОС
 English thesaurus
DO [dəu] abbr.
abbr. District Office; Ditto; Dark One (Wheel of Time series Alex Lilo); Data Object (Alex Lilo); Data Out (Alex Lilo); Dawson and Oberman (plasmas Alex Lilo); DCS/Operations (Alex Lilo); Defined Order (Alex Lilo); Denominacion de Origen (general identification for Spanish wines Alex Lilo); Dental Officer; Deportation Order (Alex Lilo); Design Objective (Alex Lilo); Design Overview (Alex Lilo); Designated Official (Alex Lilo); Desk Officer (NYPD Alex Lilo); Desktop Originator (Alex Lilo); Detention Officer (Alex Lilo); Determination Order (workers compensation claims Alex Lilo); Development Officer (Alex Lilo); Dia'rio Oficial (Official Gazette; Brazil Alex Lilo); Diatomic Orbital (Alex Lilo); Diffractive Optics (camera lenses technology Alex Lilo); Digital Orthophoto (FEMA Alex Lilo); Diode Outline (Alex Lilo); Direct Object (Alex Lilo); Director of Operations; Director Officer (Alex Lilo); Disbursement Order (Alex Lilo); Disbursing Order (Alex Lilo); Disciplined Oscillator (Alex Lilo); Disorder (Alex Lilo); Dispensing Optician (Alex Lilo); Disto-Occlusal (dentistry Alex Lilo); Distortion Offset (Alex Lilo); Distributed Object (Alex Lilo); Dominica (Alex Lilo); Distributed Operations (Alex Lilo); District Officer (Alex Lilo); Division Officer (Alex Lilo); Division Operator (Alex Lilo); Doctor of Otolaryngology (Alex Lilo); Dornier (German aircraft manufacturer Alex Lilo); draw out; Drift Orbit (Alex Lilo); Driver Only (train operated by the driver only Alex Lilo); Ombudsmannen mot Etnisk Diskriminering (the Swedish national ombudsman for issues on ethnic discrimination Alex Lilo); Operational Dependability (Alex Lilo); Operations Directorate (NIMA Alex Lilo); US Duty Officer (Alex Lilo)
abbr., auto. double offset; double offset universal joint
abbr., avia. data output (Interex); drop out (Interex); description and operation; design office; design offset
abbr., comp., net., IT Data Only; Distributed Objects
abbr., corp.gov. field-level office; designated official
abbr., el. data overrun; default option; direct obligation; dolly out
abbr., el., scient. Dynamic optimization
abbr., fin. development objectives (Vladimir71)
abbr., inf. Short for "Hair Do"
abbr., IT Data Operation; Device Object; Digital Output; Domain Object; Dynamic Object; direct output
abbr., Makarov. drawing office
abbr., med. Diploma In Osteopathy; Distraction Osteogenesis; Doctor Of Osteopathy; Doctor Of; Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine; Dental Office; diamine oxidase; Diploma in Ophthalmology; distoocclusal; Doctor of Optometry
abbr., mil. Deep Operations; Delivery Order; Director of Ops; delivery order; disbursing officer
abbr., mil., avia. data organization
abbr., mil., WMD discrete output
abbr., nautic. Diesel Oil
abbr., oil development oil; drill out (andrushin); drilling obligation; drilling out
abbr., physiol., med. Dissolved Oxygen; Doctor of Osteopathy
abbr., polit. Dominican Republic; Dominica
abbr., polym. diesel oil
abbr., post Delivery Office (UK, 2006)
abbr., railw. direct operation
abbr., scottish Directorate of Operations (USA); Divisional Officer (UK Royal Navy)
abbr., soil. dolerite
abbr., sport. Path or way
abbr., st.exch. Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc.
abbr., tech. director of operations
ecol. dissolved oxygen
energ.ind. tube outside diameter
mil. defense order; deputy for operations; digital output; direct order; divisional order; due-out; duty officer
Nasdaq, abbr. Ditto (Usually a Horizontal Ditto)
railw. cafe observation car
tech. deviating oscillator; dipole orientation; direct oxidation; drilling-out; drying oil
TV dropout
do [dəu] abbr.
abbr. dito; the same
abbr., earth.sc. deformation orientation; directional ordering; drilled out
abbr., sport. double out
O&G outside diameter of casing
vulg. bunk; rural
Do [dəu] abbr.
abbr. day old
abbr., earth.sc. dolomite
abbr., el. doping
abbr., oil dolomitic
-do n
comp., MS To Do
do. abbr.
abbr., dril. drilled out
mining. dollar
polym. ditto
'do n
inf. hairdo (причёска: a 'do for your dog Val_Ships); hairdo (Val_Ships)
'do in writing abbr.
abbr., amer. hairdo прическа (as in "a 'do for your dog" Val_Ships)
abbr., earth.sc. dolomite
DOS [dɒs] abbr.
abbr. Dead Operating System; Defunct Operating System; Difficult Operating System; Dinosaur Operating System; Dumb Operating System; denial of service (Alexander Matytsin); Autodesk Comprehensive Education Solution; Darn And Oh Shucks; date of service (harser); Decision Outstanding; Dense Operating System; Direct Operating System; Directorate of Overseas Survey; Dirty Old Socks; Dirty Operating System; Disk Opening System; disk operated system; Dumb Old Stinky; disk-based operating system
abbr., avia. daily operating schedule; digital operation system; distribution operating system
abbr., BrE Director of Ordnance Stores; Director of Overseas Services
abbr., el. density of states (function); dedicated observer scheme; digital optical sound; digital optical switch
abbr., el., scient. Density Of States
abbr., file.ext. Disc Operating System; Dix Operating System; DOS related file (Win95); External command file (1st Reader)
abbr., footwear directly-operating stores (магазины от компаний-производителей, торгующие напрямую, без посредников своей продукцией stajna)
abbr., health. Date of Service
abbr., IT Declaration Of Support; Denial Of Service; External command file; denial of service (Bricker)
abbr., med. Doctor Of Ocular Science; Dysosteosclerosis
abbr., mil. Day of Supply; Days Of Supply; Deployed Operational State; Disk Operating System; days of supply; disk operating system
abbr., mil., air.def. disc operation system
abbr., mil., avia. data output station
abbr., physiol. Date Of Surgery
abbr., physiol., med. Date of surgery
abbr., polit. Democratic Opposition Of Serbia
abbr., polym. dioctyl sebacate
abbr., progr. Distributed Operating System (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Dual Operating System
abbr., scottish Department Of State (USA)
abbr., tech., comp. diskette operating system
comp. Department of Space
ecol. dissolved oxygen saturation concentration
energ.ind. degree of sensitization
mil. date of separation; day of supply; dependents overseas; Director of Studies; Directorate of Safety
tech. degree of sensibilization; drum out of service
USA Department of State
DoS [dɒs] abbr.
abbr., el. depth of search
abbr., multimed. denial of service attack
dos [dɒs] abbr.
abbr. date of sale; dosage; dose (Vosoni); dosimetric; dosimetry
insur. Dollars
dos. abbr.
abbr. dose
abbr., anim.husb. dosage
DOS [dɒs] abbr.
abbr. depot of supply; Directorate of Ordnance Services
abbr., busin. Directly Operated Stores (N.Zubkova); delivery on spot
abbr., earth.sc. directorate of overseas surveys (UK); dissolved organic substances
abbr., oil disk operation system; date of shipment; day of sale; Dynamic object server
abbr., space Department of Supply
n DOS prep.
comp. DOS gai1
DOS under: 28 phrases in 7 subjects
Foreign policy1
Information technology2
Quotes and aphorisms1