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DMP abbr.stresses
gen. матричный принтер
energ.syst. ПУС (MichaelBurov)
IT динамический пул памяти
seism. эллиптическая развёртка отражений (dip moveout processing)
 English thesaurus
DMP abbr.
abbr. Debt Management Plan; Designated Medical Practitioner; Digital Music Products; Defense Manpower Policy; Deontic Modus Ponens; Digital Media Player (kvarkk); Director of Military Personnel; Dirty Mo Posse; The Department of Mines and Petroleu (Австралия Beforeyouaccuseme); The Department of Mines and Petroleum (Австралия Beforeyouaccuseme); diagnostic and monitoring protocol; 9,10-dimethylphenazine; N,N'-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine; dimethylpiperazine
abbr., auto. damper; dump car
abbr., automat. document material processed
abbr., avia. Display Management Processor (Interex)
abbr., BrE Director of Manpower Planning
abbr., Canada Destination Marketing Program (igisheva)
abbr., chem. dimethoxy propane
abbr., comp. data management platform (grafleonov)
abbr., comp., net., IT Dynamic Multipathing
abbr., dentist. dentine matrix protein (Игорь_2006)
abbr., earth.sc. deposit modeling program
abbr., el. data management program; diagnostic maintenance processor; digital microprocessor; discrepancy microprocessor; display making parameters; dual mode phaser
abbr., energ.syst. Demand Management Program (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ethol. delayed matching to position (http://people.uncw.edu/galizio/rapfiles/aces/Papers/Dudchenko2004.pdf Min$draV)
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Demon Manufacturing Plant
abbr., IT Declarative Meta Programming; Dot Matrix Printer; Dump File; desktop multimedia publishing; dynamic memory pool
abbr., med. Disease Management Programme (Dalilah); Dermatopathology (код больничного отделения Ying); dimethylphthalate
abbr., mil. Data Management Plan; Driver's Master Panel
abbr., mil., avia. dedicated microprocessor
abbr., oil dimethylphenanthrene; drilling monitor panel
abbr., opt. digital map processor; digital micromirror device
abbr., org.chem. di-methyl phthalate (igisheva)
abbr., org.name. Division of Drug Management and Policies
abbr., polym. dimethyl phenol; dimethylol phenol
abbr., scottish Daily Maintenance Pack
abbr., space display management panel
abbr., tech. Direct Metal Printing (3D-печать Lubovj)
abbr., tel. Device Management Protocol (Yakov)
abbr., tradem. Dark Music Productions; Dutch Music Partners
mil. disarmed military personnel
tech. dedicated microprocessor; dimethyl phthalate; dip moveout processing; display maintenance program; display masking parameters