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DEA nstresses
gen. оболочечный анализ данных (slitely_mad)
pharm. диэтиламина салицилат (kat_j)
DEA abbr.
gen. Администрация по контролю за применением законов о наркотиках; ОАД (slitely_mad)
amer. абн (Drug Enforcement Administration, US Maggie)
comp., net. алгоритм шифрования данных
econ. Data Envelopment Analysis анализ охвата данных (ML)
ed. диплом о высшем образовании (ISS)
energ.ind. анализ среды функционирования (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, econ. Министерство экономики Великобритания (Department of Economic Affairs)
law Администрация по контролю за соблюдением законов о наркотиках (Drug Enforcement Agency; в США Alex Lilo); сотрудник управления по борьбе с наркотиками (Drug Enforcement Agent Alex Lilo); Управление по борьбе с наркотиками (Федеральное ведомство в составе Министерства юстиции США; Drug Enforcement Administration Alex Lilo)
O&G ДЭА (MichaelBurov); ди-этанол-амин (MichaelBurov); диэтанол-амин (MichaelBurov); диэтанол амин (MichaelBurov); диэтаноламин (diethanol amine)
st.exch. прямой электронный доступ (Direct Electronic Access Roman_Kiba)
vet.med. собачий эритроцитарный антиген (dog erythrocyte antigen Ying)
 English thesaurus
DEAS abbr.
abbr. Disability Empowerment Advocacy And Support
abbr., biol. dehydroepiandrosterone
abbr., ed., scient. Division Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
abbr., Makarov. dissociative electron attachment spectroscopy
abbr., mil., avia. directorate of engineering, aeronautical systems
DEAs abbr.
abbr., el. diethylarsine
Dea abbr.
abbr., oil dead wood
DEA abbr.
abbr. Data Entry Assistant
abbr., auto. diesel engine analyser
abbr., automat. Digital Electronic Automation
abbr., avia. Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan; delegated engineering authority
abbr., comp., net. data encryption algorithm
abbr., earth.sc. Department of Environment Affairs
abbr., el. diethylarsine; display electronic assembly
abbr., energ.ind. data envelope analysis (MichaelBurov); data envelopment analysis (MichaelBurov)
abbr., inet. Don't Even Answer
abbr., med. Drug Enforcement Agency; dehydroepiandrosterone; dehydrogenated ergot alkaloid
abbr., mil. Data Exchange Agreement; Drug Enforcement Administration (DOJ)
abbr., mil., air.def. directed energy attack
abbr., mil., avia. data exchange annex
abbr., O&G di ethanol amine; diethanol amine
abbr., O&G, sakh. Drilling Engineering Association
abbr., oil unit a treating system using diethanolamine DEA for reduction of hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, carbonyl sulphide and other acid gases from sour process stream; Designated Examination Authority; diamond exposure area; diethyl adipate
abbr., opt. display electronics assemblies
abbr., pharm. dihydroergocryptine A
abbr., physiol., med. Dog Erythrocyte Antigen
abbr., polym. diethanolamine; differential enthalpic analysis; diethylamine
abbr., scient. Data Envelopment Analysis
abbr., sec.sys., IT Data Encryption Algorithm
abbr., stat. data envelopment analysis
abbr., telecom. Diameter Edge Agent (Баян)
abbr., UN, sl., drug. drug enforcement administration (USA)
tech. deaerator; driver evaluation assembly
tech., abbr. deflection error average; diethylaniline; dynamic electric amplifier
dea abbr.
abbr., mil. aerospace drift error
: 49 phrases in 22 subjects
Classical antiquity excl. mythology1
Information security and data protection2
Oil / petroleum4
Oil and gas2
Oil processing plants1
Sakhalin R1
Sakhalin S1