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cooperation [kəʊˌɒpə'reɪʃn, koʊˌɑːp-] nstresses
gen. взаимодействие (Thanks to the well-coordinated assignment and the exemplary cooperation of all teams, the plant was recommissioned after only 120 working hours.); кооперация; сотрудничество; лояльность (в смысле – осознанный отказ от противодействия mtovbin); содействие (Responding to the request made by the IOM, with the cooperation from Japanese private airline companies, Japan helped repatriate 807 Filipinos who were sheltered in Jordan in September and October 1990. • The Department with the cooperation of the Agency, the Department of Public Health, the Department of Agriculture and others as needed, shall develop, coordinate and conduct an education program for groundwater protection.); взаимосвязь (Johnny Bravo)
Gruzovik содружество
account. совместное действие
automat. координация движений (напр., узлов робота); координация функций (напр., узлов робота)
busin. совместные усилия; совместные действия
el. коллективные действия
immunol. кооперация (клеток в процессе реализации иммунного ответа)
law кооперирование
med. коллегиальность; сотрудничество (с членами коллектива); психологическая совместимость
mil. связь (Киселев)
nautic. совместная работа
neur.net. кооперация (механизм формирования карты самоорганизации clck.ru dimock)
notar. кооперация (as an association or collective action)
psychol. совместимость (психическая)
seism. объединение
uncom. совместный труд (It represents a key principle within the Tibetan culture – that of cooperation. ART Vancouver); соработничество (Супру)
Cooperation [kəʊˌɒpə'reɪʃn, koʊˌɑːp-] n
bank. Организация европейского экономического сотрудничества (ОЕЭС)
cooperations n
invest. проекты (совместные sankozh)
 English thesaurus
cooperation [kəʊˌɒpə'reɪʃn, koʊˌɑːp-] n
mil., logist. Coordinated joint action to achieve objectives by units, tactical formations and major formations of the armed forces, various arms of the service, elements in the battle deployment operational order of battle and various types of weapon relative to missions, targets, axes, lines or areas, times and methods of execution. Cooperation may be strategic, operational or tactical, depending on its scale. Strategic cooperation consists of coordinated joint action by large force groupings conducting operations in one or more theatres or on one or more strategic axes in order to achieve the aim of a strategic operation or a war as a whole. In wars fought by coalitions there may also be strategic cooperation among the armed forces of allied states and their individual force groupings involved in a joint operation in a continental or maritime theatre of operations. Operational cooperation consists of coordinated, joint operations along one or more adjacent operational axes conducted by operational or operational-tactical formations from the various armed forces and arms of the service, including multinational forces, in order to achieve an operational or tactical objective. Tactical cooperation is a coordinated joint action by formations and units, either among themselves or with adjacent units, to achieve a common goal. (UKR/NATO)
Cooperation for Open Systems Interconnection
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects