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command and control information systemstresses
astronaut. информационная система управления и наведения
foreig.aff. информационная система командования и управления
mil., avia. командно-управляющая информационная система
 English thesaurus
Command and Control Information System
mil., abbr. C2IS; CCIS
command and control information system
mil. An integrated system comprised of doctrine, procedures, organizational structure, personnel, equipment, facilities and communications which provides authorities at all levels with timely and adequate data to plan, direct and control their activities
mil., logist. An integrated system comprised of doctrine, procedures, organizational structure, personnel, equipment, facilities and communications which provides authorities at all levels with timely and adequate data to plan, direct and control their activities. (UKR/NATO)
Command and Control Information Systems
IT, abbr. C2IS (Mil., USA)
Command and Control Information System: 35 phrases in 7 subjects
Automated equipment1
Weapons of mass destruction2