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Civil Disobedience ['sɪv(ə)ldɪsə'bi:dɪəns]stresses
lit. "Гражданское неповиновение" (1849, эссе Генри Торо)
civil disobedience ['sɪv(ə)ldɪsə'bi:dɪəns]
gen. акт гражданского неповиновения (There was always a `support group" behind any direct action or civil disobedience , which was responsible for coming up with the bail. Kallen, Lucille C B GREENFIELD – A LITTLE MADNESS (Collins) Alexander Demidov); гражданское неповиновение
polit. гражданское неповиновение (the refusal to comply with certain laws as a peaceful form of political protest Val_Ships); гражданские беспорядки; гражданский конфликт; гражданские волнения
Civil Disobedience
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
American usage, not spelling1