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Chagas diseasestresses
biol. болезнь Чагаса (возбудитель – Typanosoma cruzi); американский трипаносомоз (возбудитель – Typanosoma cruzi)
med. американский трипаносомоз; болезнь Шагаса
Chagas' disease
environ. болезнь Шагаса (A form of trypanosomiasis found in South America, caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, characterized by fever and often inflammation of the hearth muscle; Разновидность трипаносомоза, встречающаяся в Южной Америке, вызывается протозоаном Trypanosoma cruzi, проявляется в виде лихорадки и часто воспалением сердечной мышцы)
Makarov. болезнь Шагаса (американский трипаносомоз)
vet.med. американский трипаносомоз (возбудитель – Trypanosoma cruzi)
 English thesaurus
Chagas Disease
med. A disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi a type of protozoa. Chagas disease is most commonly transmitted when people come into contact with the feces of an infected riduviid bug, a blood¬ sucking insect that feeds on humans and animals. In the earliest stage of infection, Chagas disease usually has few signs or symptoms. However, if untreated, the disease becomes a lifelong infection. In people with HIV, reactivation of chronic Chagas disease infection can cause inflammation of the brain and meninges meningoencephalitis. see also opportunistic infection
Chagas' disease
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects