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CRS abbr.stresses
gen. технические условия на товарные характеристики (Commercial Requirement Specifications schyzomaniac); сертифицированный контрольный образец (certified reference sample Adrax)
auto. child restraint system, детская удерживающая система (ГОСТ Р 41.44-2005 Харламов)
avia. КСБ (MichaelBurov); компьютерная система бронирования (MichaelBurov); Свидетельство пригодности к эксплуатации (Certificate of Release to Service luisochka)
clin.trial. лист обнаруженных случаев (Case retrieval sheet vdengin)
econ. общий стандарт отчётности (common reporting standard Ремедиос_П)
genet. Кембриджская Стандартная последовательность (Cambridge Reference Sequence Vadim Rouminsky); Кембриджская Эталонная последовательность (Cambridge Reference Sequence Vadim Rouminsky); Кембриджская Образцовая последовательность (Cambridge Reference Sequence Vadim Rouminsky)
Gruzovik, IT система обратной связи с пользователем (customer response system)
Gruzovik, polit. Система центрального архива ФБР США (Central Records System)
immunol. хронический риносинусит (chronic rhinosinusitis Ying)
math. полная система вычетов (complete residue system)
mech.eng. между центрами (в размере на чертеже konstmak)
med. КРС (harser); синдром высвобождения цитокинов (cytokine release syndrome aguane); СВЦ (синдром высвобождения цитокинов traductrice-russe.com)
met. коэффициент относительного сжатия (Этот термин применяется в металлургической промышленности при механических испытаниях annapolyakova); холоднокатаная сталь (cold rolled steel Yuriy83)
O&G базовая система координат (опорная, эталонная; Coordinates Reference System eugeene1979)
O&G. tech. Центр изучения ресурсов (Канада, Center for Resources Studies; источник: словарь Извекова); Центр изучения ресурсов (Канада, Center for Resources Studies; источник: словарь Извекова)
pharm. стандартный образец субстанции (chemical reference substance (Европейская фармакопея) aksolotle)
pharma. фармакопейный стандартный образец (angryberry)
tax. автоматический обмен налоговой информацией (Alex_Odeychuk); обмен налоговыми данными (Alex_Odeychuk)
tech. Ведомость устранения замечаний (Procyon_lotor)
crs abbr.
chem. сертифицированный стандартный образец (Elena Sosno)
construct. расстояние между центрами (at 5 m crs yaal)
CRs abbr.
telecom. приёмники CR (oleg.vigodsky)
 English thesaurus
CRS abbr.
abbr. Center for Resources Studies; Certified Residential Specialist; Creation Research Society; Cash Recycling System; Central Referral System (Franka_LV); chemical reference substance (nipetra); Coast Rail Services; Combined Reconnaissance System; common reporting standard (kee46); COMIREX Requirements Structure; Community Residential Services (AMlingua); Computer Readable Service; certified reference sample (igisheva); certified reference standard (igisheva); central reservation system; Cereal Research Station; coconut research station; central reserve stock
abbr., astr., scient. Cambridge Reference Sequence
abbr., auto. common rail system; common-rail system; child restraint seat; coasting richer system; coolant recovery system; crank position sensor; cruise system
abbr., avia. cost repercussion sheet (Interex); Contracts and Radar Systems; computer reservation system (A.Rezvov); Computer Reservation System (MichaelBurov); calibration requirements summary; composite route system; consolidated requirement schedule; cost reduction study; cruise; cryogen retract system
abbr., bank. chargeback reduction service
abbr., BrE camp reception station
abbr., busin. cash by return steamer; corrosion resistant steel; creditors
abbr., chem. Chemical Reference Standards (Игорь_2006); Chemical Registry System (Игорь_2006)
abbr., cinema Community Rating System
abbr., commer. Computer Resources Support
abbr., comp., net. customer response system
abbr., cryptogr. common reference string
abbr., earth.sc. celestial reference system; Center for Remote Sensing; central recording station; Centre for Resource Studies; ceramic research station; chromium reducible sulfur; coefficient of rock strength
abbr., ed. Child Restraint System
abbr., el. call redirection server; call redirection supervisor; call-reply system; call routing system; cellular radio system; cellular radiotelephone service; central radio station; chain-radar system; chemical refill system; circuit reset; clock-rate select; coherent Raman spectroscopy; command retrieval system; communication resource server; condition register select; conductive reflow soldering; conflict resolution strategy; confocal review station; cryptographic service
abbr., file.ext. WordPerfect 5.1 File Conversion Resource
abbr., fin. creditor reporting system
abbr., fr., space Comite des Recherches Spatiales
abbr., genet. cis-acting repression sequence
abbr., heavy.eq. complete residue system (igisheva)
abbr., immunol. class switch recombination (iwona)
abbr., insur. Coast Radio Station
abbr., IT Cell relay Service; Configuration Report Server; Challenge Response System
abbr., lab.eq. Clinical Research and Statistics
abbr., law Colorado Revised Statutes
abbr., med. California Radiological Society; Caudal Regression Syndrome; cardiorenal syndrome (harser); Chicken Reference Serum (harser); Chinese restaurant syndrome (Игорь_2006); chronic rhinosinusitis (хронический риносинусит (ХРС) Шакиров); Coma Remission Scale (ННатальЯ); congenital rubeola syndrome (Vladimir71); colon-rectal surgery; congenital rubella syndrome; contamination reduction system
abbr., mil. Congressional Research Service; Catholic Relief Services; Chairman's readiness system; coastal radio station; coastal riverine squadron; community relations service; container recovery system; Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization
abbr., mil., avia. centralized referral system
abbr., O&G, sakh. CRS-Evans Pipeline International, Inc.
abbr., oil cash by return stream; caustic regeneration system; Center for Resource Studies; central record station; channel raster system; coarsely; completion riser system; composite reference section; constant rate of strain; constant rate of supply; controlled random search; corrosion-resistant steel; cut and retrieve swivel
abbr., oncol. cytoreductive surgery (хирургическая циторедукция doc090)
abbr., ophtalm. cherry-red spot (симптом вишнёвой косточки doc090); chorioretinal scar (хориоретинальный рубец doc090)
abbr., org.name. Catholic Relief Service
abbr., pharm. chemical reference substance (paseal)
abbr., polym. cold rolled steel; critical resolved stress
abbr., post Catalog Request Service (2005); Congressional Reporting Service
abbr., scottish Component Repair Squadron; Computer/Radio Set; Container Release System
abbr., shipb. corrosion resistance steel
abbr., space Canadian Rocket Society; cosmic ray subsystem
abbr., st.exch. Carpenter Technology Corporation
abbr., tax. Common Reporting Standard (Стандарт автоматического обмена информацией о финансовых счетах Ying)
abbr., tech. CAT Regeneration System (двигатели Caterpillar sega_tarasov); Comment Review Sheet (S. Manyakin); Comment resolution sheet (Procyon_lotor)
abbr., tradem. Consumer Recreation Services
abbr., transp. Carrier Routing System; Computer Reservations System
comp., abbr. computerized reservation system
energ.ind. confirmatory random sampling
mil. control and reporting system; countermeasures receiving set
mil., abbr. career reserve status; chain radar system; coastal radar station; combat ready status; contractor relations specialist; corps rest station; crew reserve status
tech. cold-rolled steel
tech., abbr. coherent Raman scattering; conductivity recording switch; containment recirculation spray
crs abbr.
abbr. course; cross-section
abbr., earth.sc. continuous reactor system
cartogr. coarse
insur. Cars
polym. cross section
crs. abbr.
abbr., commer. course; creditors
abbr., econ. credit; credits
abbr., tech. cross-section
Crs abbr.
abbr. cristobalite
abbr., mech.eng. centers
pulm. compliance of the respiratory system (iwona)
CRs abbr.
abbr., med. conditional reflexes
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects