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CRES abbr.stresses
Gruzovik, scient. коррозийно-стойкий (corrosion-resistant)
cres. abbr.
gen. дома, стоящие полукругом; усиление звука (в музыке)
Cres abbr.
geogr. о. Црес (Адриатическое м. Югославия)
myth., gr.-rom. Крес (критский царь collegia)
 English thesaurus
CRES abbr.
abbr. Commercial Real Estate Salesman; Competitive Retail Electric Service; Credit Repair Education Services; Customized Real Estate Services; cut-rolled expanded stems (tobacco processing, cigarette manufacturing sardanapal)
abbr., avia. corrosion resistance steel; corrosion-resistant steel
abbr., busin. crates
abbr., earth.sc. Center for Research in Engineering Sciences; Center for Resource and Environmental Studies
abbr., ed., scient. Center for Real Estate Studies; Center for Reproductive of Endangered Species; Center for Robotics and Embedded Systems; Centre For Renewable Energy Sources; Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies; Conservation and Research for Endangered Species
abbr., el. Center for Electronic Research in Sicily; computer readability editing system
abbr., el., scient. Corrosion Resistant Engineered Solutions
abbr., electr.eng. corrosion-resistant
abbr., environ. Center for Renewable Energy Sources
abbr., med. Comités Régionaux D'Éducation Pour La Santé
abbr., mil., WMD Canadian Defense Research and Engineering Establishment, Suffield
abbr., monk. Cheshire Reptile Enthusiasts Society
abbr., oil casing resistance computed
abbr., radio, scient. Columbus Radio Enthusiasts Society
abbr., space corrosion resistant steel
abbr., tech. corrosion resistance
abbr., tradem. Commercial Real Estate Sales; Corporate Real Estate Solutions
mil. command readiness exercise system
tech. comprehensive radar effects simulator
cres. abbr.
gen. crescendo
cres abbr.
abbr. corrosion resistant stainless steel
biol. crescent
Cres. abbr.
abbr. crescent (в адресах Tiny Tony)
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects