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CPC abbr.stresses
gen. КОП (ABelonogov); Комитет по публикациям и коммуникациям (при ILAE Jasmine_Hopeford); вычислительная машина с программой на картах
adv. Cost Per Click – цена за клик (Trifonov); цена за щелчок (Teodorrrro); цена за конверсию (Alex_Odeychuk); cумма, которую платит рекламодатель за размещённую на сайте издателя рекламу (Interex); цена за переход по ссылке на сайт рекламодателя (cost per click Alex_Odeychuk); стоимость каждого клика по рекламному объявлению вместе с последующим переходом пользователя на сайт рекламодателя (cost per click Alex_Odeychuk); модель расчёта стоимости рекламы "цена за каждый переход по рекламной ссылке" (cost per click financial-engineer)
agric. центр климатических прогнозов (olga don)
dril. автоматизированная система управления добычей (computer production control)
econ. Классификация основных продуктов
inet. цена за переход по ссылке (cost per click Alex_Odeychuk); цена за нажатие на ссылку (Alex_Odeychuk)
law УПК – Уголовно-процессуальный кодекс (Criminal procedure code scherfas); Уголовный кодекс штата Калифорния (California Penal Code www.perevod.kursk.ru)
med. Цетилпиридиний хлорид (WiseSnake)
mil. ЦПК; Центр по предотвращению конфликтов
nano конденсационный счётчик частиц (MichaelBurov); счётчик конденсированных частиц (MichaelBurov)
O&G КТК (MichaelBurov); Каспийский трубопроводный консорциум (MichaelBurov); ЦППН (Central Processing Centre; Каражанбасмунай / пос.старый Жетыбай Yeldar Azanbayev)
oil давление в обсадной колонне при закрытом устье (casing pressure- closed); автоматизированная нефтепромысловая система (computerized production control); система автоматического контроля эксплуатации
oil.proc. прокалённый нефтяной кокс (MichaelBurov); ПНК (MichaelBurov)
patents. Класс по Канадской патентной классификации (Canadian Patent Code khorychev); Совместная патентная классификация (a_wilkshire)
polit. Страны, вызывающие особую озабоченность (U.S. State Department designate as a country of particular concern (CPC) under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (IRFA). khodjaev); КПК Коммунистическая партия Китая (mikhailbushin)
relig. ХМК; Христианская Мирная Конференция
st.exch. компания объединённого капитала (investopedia.com YMedentsii)
 English thesaurus
CPC abbr.
abbr. Casas Por Cristo; Certificate Of Professional Competence; Civil Protection Committee; Central Product Classification (ABelonogov); City Police Commissioner; central processing computer; clock pulsed control; Constant Power Crossover; card programmed electronic calculator; concrete-plastics composite (combination); concrete-polymer combination (composite); Conflict Prevention Centre (Brücke)
abbr., adv. cost-per-click
abbr., anim.husb. coconut press cake
abbr., auto. Canister Purge Control (chudo_74); clutch pressure control; coil-per-cylinder
abbr., automat. computerized part changer; continuous path control
abbr., avia. cabin pressure controller (Interex); Conflict Prevention Center; call processing control; computer program components; collaborative product commerce; controller pilot communication; cursor position control; cabin pressure control; committee for programs and coordination; common platform computer; component part corrected; corrosion preventive compound; cost probability charts; collaborative product commerce platform
abbr., busin. Civil Property Custodian; computer program control; concrete plastics composite; convertible paper currency
abbr., chem. cyclopropyl-carbinol
abbr., commer. Corrosion Prevention and Control; Commonwealth Preference Certificate
abbr., comp., net. cognitive pilot channel
abbr., comp., net., IT Computer Print Control
abbr., comp.name. Ceylon Petroleum Corporation
abbr., cust. Customs Procedure Code (Inchionette)
abbr., dril. cement pump console
abbr., earth.sc. Ceylon Petroleum Co.; Chinese Petroleum Company; Circum-Pacific Council; city planning commission; coast plutonic complex; combined precipitative and convective mechanism; complex principal component; contact mode of polarization curve; contact polarization curve; contact polarization curve method; control potential coulometry; Corporate Program Center; cost planning and control; critical phosphorus concentration
abbr., ed. Continuing Professional Competency
abbr., el. calling party,s category; card programmed computer; Center for Particulate Control in Process Equipment; central processor chip; characters per column; column parity check; common peripheral channel; computer power center; computer programming control; critical pigment concentration; customer parameter control; cyclic program counter
abbr., file.ext. Cartesian Perceptual Compression Compressed image; Constant Point Calculation
abbr., horticult. Commonwealth Potato Collection (А. Кильчевский, ‎Л. Хотылева - 2014 - ‎Science typist)
abbr., inet. Cost Per Click
abbr., IT Calling Party Control; card-programmed computer; card-programmed calculator; ceramic-wafer printed circuit; computer process control; cyclic permuted code; Card Programmed Calculator
abbr., jarg. Currently Perceived Choice
abbr., lab.eq. Cells Per Colony
abbr., med. Cerebellar Purkinje Cell; chronic passive congestion; clinicopathological conference
abbr., media. Celebrity Picture Community
abbr., meteorol. NOAA Climate Prediction Center
abbr., mil. Computer Program Component; container packing certificate; Canadian Postal Corps; Chief of Planning and Control
abbr., mil., avia. cabin pressure controller
abbr., mil., WMD Commercial Protective Clothing
abbr., nano condensation particle counter (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic., scient. Climate Prediction Center
abbr., O&G Caspian Pipeline Consortium (MichaelBurov); condensate processing complex (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sakh. chemical protective clothing
abbr., oil casing pressure closed; Caspian Pipeline Construction (Yeldar Azanbayev); computerized production control; computer production control; capillary pressure curve; card programmed electronic calculator; card programming calculator; card programming control; Cartesian to polar converter; cetyl pyridinium chloride; chemical paraffin control; choke performance curve; cloud-point curve; coated powdered cathode; cogenerated power cost; community patent convention; Computer Petroleum Corp.; concrete-plastics composite; concrete-polymer composite; constant pressure chart; constant pressure cylinders; contact polarization curve (method); controlled pore ceramic; converted paper currency; core preservation container; corrosion prevention compound; cost plus profit contract; cyclopropyl carbinol
abbr., oil.proc. calcined petroleum coke (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oncol. Choroid Plexus Carcinoma
abbr., opt. compound parabolic concentrator
abbr., org.name. Classification centrale des produits
abbr., pharm. cetylpyridinium chloride
abbr., physiol. Carotid Pulse Curve; Cerebral-Performance Category
abbr., physiol., med. Choroid Plexus Cyst; Crisis Pregnancy Center
abbr., polit. Communist Party Of Canada
abbr., polit., China Communist Party of China (  Ying)
abbr., relig. Church- Planting Coordinator
abbr., scottish Conflict Prevention Centre
abbr., sec.sys., IT Cyberarmy Privacy Commission
abbr., securit. capital pool company
abbr., shipb. coast patrol boat
abbr., space cargo processing contractor; central processing complex; clock-program control; coated powder cathode; compact port cord; cooperation product commerce; cycle program control; cycle program counter
abbr., tradem. Consumers Power Company
abbr., UN, account. Committee for Programme and Coordination
abbr., vet.med., med. Canadian Pork Council
energ.ind., abbr. chemical process cell; cold precharger; controlled potential coulometer; onsumers Power Company
mil., abbr. central planning center; civilian personnel circular; combined policy committee; command post carrier; communications processing center
tech. Cartesian-to-polar converter
tech., abbr. ceramic printed circuit; charge pump circuit; coated paper copier; computerized parts changer; contact process cell; controlled-potential coulometer; copper phthalocyanine; core protection calculator; core protection computer; cross-pit conveyor; cyclic permutation code
: 46 phrases in 21 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Oil and gas11
Sakhalin S2
United Nations1