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CN abbr.stresses
gen. контрольное число
bank. кредитовое авизо (credit note)
chem. карбонитрид (MichaelBurov); карбо-нитрид (MichaelBurov); координационное число (coordination number olga garkovik)
comp., net. информационная вычислительная сеть
dril. цетановое число (cetane number)
electr.eng. Конт. (сокращение для обозначения контакта – CoNtact – на эл. схеме, напр., CNA1 – Конт. А1 nikolkor)
Gruzovik, econ. временное свидетельство о страховании (cover note); ковернот (cover note; документ, выдаваемый страховым брокером страхователю в подтверждение того, что договор страхования по его поручению заключён и содержащий, в частности, список страховщиков по этому договору); договорная записка (contract note); договор (contract note)
law ТН ВЭД (The Combined Nomenclature (CN) is the EU's eight-digit coding system, comprising the HS codes with further EU subdivisions. It both serves the EU's common customs tariff and provides statistics for trade inside the EU and between the EU and the rest of the world. europa.eu Alexander Demidov)
mil. Си-Эн, хлорацетофенон (ОВ раздражающего действия)
NATO слезоточивый газ Си-Эн (Yeldar Azanbayev)
oil.proc. цетановое число смеси (MichaelBurov); характеристика воспламеняемости дизельного топлива, определяющая период задержки воспламенения смеси (MichaelBurov); характеристика воспламеняемости топлива, определяющая промежуток времени от впрыска топлива в цилиндр до начала его горения (MichaelBurov)
textile нитрат целлюлозы (Yuriy83)
Cn abbr.
chem. эка-ртуть (Cn – принятый символ 112-го элемента таблицы Менделеева MichaelBurov)
tech. центурий
cn abbr.
tech. ЧК
cN abbr.
mech. сН (MichaelBurov); сантиньютон (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
Cn abbr.
abbr. cumulo-nimbus
abbr., avia. yawing moment coefficient
abbr., earth.sc. celsian
abbr., oil cancrinite
Cns abbr.
abbr., oil cans
CN abbr.
abbr. Colts Neck; Control The Name; Corporation Network; Canadas Neatest; Care Net; carrier to noise; Cascade Nozzle; Caudate Nucleus; Circuit Net; Cock Nibblers; Cock Nose; communications and navigation; Communications Network; Company Name; Connection Management (Mobile-Systems); compensators; Commonwealth of Nations; Context Node; Coordination Message (ISO 9646-3, TTCN); Copper Nickle coin; Copy Network; Customers Name
abbr., agric., chem. calcium nitrate
abbr., auto. canister purge; combustion noise
abbr., automat. control net
abbr., avia. cap nut; castle nut; communication and navigation; correlated noise; crown nut; Grand China Air Co., Ltd
abbr., avia., med. congenital nystagmus
abbr., busin. cinder; coco a nut; contract note; country note
abbr., chem. carbonitride (MichaelBurov); carbo-nitride (MichaelBurov); chloracetophenone; crotononitrile; CNx (MichaelBurov)
abbr., commer. case number; Credit Nationale; credit notice
abbr., comp., net. common name; computer network
abbr., comp., net., IT Canonical Name; Container Name
abbr., earth.sc. condensate; condensation nuclei; conventional tillage; curve number; cyanide; cyanogen
abbr., ed., scient. Class Notes; Course Notes
abbr., el. campus network; carrier noise; commerce network; commutated network; compensation network; conferencing network; crosstalk noise; cyanic radical; cyano group
abbr., electric. common network
abbr., exhib. connector
abbr., expl. ratio carbon nitro ratio
abbr., insur. Cover note
abbr., IT Corporate Network; core network
abbr., law Common Name
abbr., med. Cellulose Nitrate; Child Nutrition; Congenital Nystagmus; Contemporary Nurse (periodical); Cranial Nerve; Crigler-Najjar (syndrome); clinical nursing; cochlear nucleus; congenital nephrosis; 50 median narcotic concentration; 2 nitrogen concentration; Charge Nurse
abbr., media. Cartoon Network
abbr., meteorol. cinder notch
abbr., mil. Code Name; Combined Nomenclature; Command Network
abbr., mil., air.def. carrier-to-noise ratio
abbr., mil., avia. absolute coefficient of yawing moments
abbr., mil., WMD chloroacetophenone riot agent
abbr., nautic., scient. Condensation Nucleus
abbr., O&G, karach. Compensated Neutron Log (Baker Atlas tool Aiman Sagatova)
abbr., oil compensated neutron log; normality concentration; cetane number; capillary number; carbon-nitrogen; cargo number; center notch tension; center nozzle; cholesteryl nonanoate; compass north; compensated neutron (porosity); connectivity number; construction man; contract number; conventional neutron log; cumulative number
abbr., oil.proc. cetane number (MichaelBurov); cetane number of blend (MichaelBurov); cetane number of the blend (MichaelBurov); measure of a fuel's ignition delay (MichaelBurov); the time period between the start of injection and the first identifiable pressure increase during combustion of the fuel (MichaelBurov)
abbr., pharma. Compendial Notice (USP Wakeful dormouse)
abbr., physiol., med. Clinical Nutrition
abbr., polit. China; Comoros
abbr., polym. cellulose nitrate; coordinate number; coordination number
abbr., psychol. crisis negotiations (4uzhoj)
abbr., railw. Canadian National; Canadian National Railway; Coach Number
abbr., scottish Chloroacetophenone (Chemical warfare tear agent); Civil aircraft marking (Morocco)
abbr., space celestial navigation
abbr., st.exch. Calton, Inc.
abbr., telecom. comfort noise (vlad-and-slav)
ecol. condensation nucleus
energ.ind. cold neutron; compound nucleus; consignment note
invest. credit note
law consols
mil. change notice; circular note; code name; Chloroacetophenone, а lacrimator that causes irritation to the upper respiratory passages and may cause irritations to the skin; control number; correction notice; Counternarcotics
tech. combinatorial network; construction department
tradem. Corning
unit.meas. Can; Carton
CN 2-12 abbr.
abbr., med. Cranial Nerves (2 To 12)
Cn abbr.
abbr. corundum; ununbium (временное название 112-го элемента таблицы Менделеева MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem. copernicium (Cn - принятый символ для 112-го элемента таблицы Менделеева MichaelBurov); eka-mercury (MichaelBurov)
chem. Cp (Cp - отклоненный символ 112-го элемента таблицы Менделеева MichaelBurov)
tech. centurium
cn abbr.
abbr. cannon; compensator
abbr., earth.sc. cosine of the amplitude
abbr., med., lat. cras nocte
abbr., oil crinkled
cartogr. cinders
O&G clean
Cn. abbr.
lat. Cnaeus (a common Roman forename)
cn. abbr.
abbr., met. cinder
: 27 phrases in 17 subjects
Automated equipment1
Foreign trade1
Mass media1
Security systems1