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CLO nstresses
busin. Менеджер / Специалист по связям с общественностью / населением (Community Liaison Officer)
clo n
construct. кло (внесистемная единица термического сопротивления одежды, 1 кло = 0,155 м2 К/Вт)
Makarov. кло (единица теплоизоляционной характеристики одежды, 1 кло = 42,7 Бте на 1 кв. фут в час при 21 град. C и 60% влажности)
sol.pow. кло единица теплоизоляционной характеристики одежды
tech. кло (единица теплоизоляции одежды)
CLo n
tech. единица теплоизоляции одежды
CLO abbr.
fin. кредит корпоративному заёмщику ("corporate loan"; контекстуальный перевод; агентства Fitch Alex_Odeychuk)
PR директор мониторинга (chief listening officer vogeler)
 English thesaurus
CLO abbr.
abbr. Community Liaison Officer; Coroner's Liaison Officer; Chief Logistics Officer; collateralised loan obligation (Alexander Matytsin); collateralized loan obligation (Alexander Matytsin); Counterdrug Liaison Officer
abbr., avia. concept layout
abbr., el. cellular logic operation; coherent longitudinal optical phonon; concentric line oscillator; confined longitudinal-optical mode; continuation line output
abbr., med. Cod Liver Oil; Campylobacter-like Organism; Campylobacter Like Organism; Chaphlobacter Like Organism; campylobacter-like organism (harser)
abbr., mil. Counter-Low Observables
abbr., scottish Counter Low Observables; Country Liaison Officer; Logistics & Training Command (RNLAF)
abbr., tech. Chief Learning Officer (Yakov)
airports, avia. Cali, Colombia
mil. chief liaison officer; civil liaison office; civil liaison officer; command liaison officer
tech. closet; cod-liver oil
CLO. abbr.
abbr. Close (Describes pipe nipple length. A Hun)
clo abbr.
abbr. closed; clothing; cod liver oil
nonstand. clothes
CLO abbr.
abbr. chief legal officer (A chief legal officer (CLO) is the highest-ranking corporate officer concerning legal affairs of a corporation or agency. Chief legal officers typically hold the title of general counsel. wiki Alexander Demidov)
abbr., busin. cloth
abbr., earth.sc. causal loop diagram
abbr., oil clarified oil; computer lock-on; cracking light oil; low cut off values
abbr., space computer look-on
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Aviation medicine1
Solar power2