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noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
cit [sɪt] nstresses
gen. горожанин; горожанка
abbr. цитата (citation Yuriy83)
mil., inf. гражданская одежда
obs., contempt. городской житель; белоручка
rel., budd. чит (всеобщее, чистое сознание)
slang гражданин
cit [sɪt] adj.
gen. гр (гражданин Johnny Bravo)
mil., inf. гражданский
CIT [sɪt] abbr.
gen. Калифорнийский институт по технологии; практикант-вожатый (counsellor in training; в детском или молодёжном лагере Alex Lilo)
avia. "вблизи или над крупными городами" (код связи)
combust. температура на входе в компрессор (compressor inlet temperature Харламов)
econ. подоходный налог корпорации (Corporate Income Tax Redrum-wt)
fin. инкассаторский (сокр. от "cash-in-transit" Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik, econ. налог на доходы корпораций (corporate income tax)
Gruzovik, tel. компьютерная телефония (computer-integrated telephony)
med. ИТРР (WiseSnake); иммунотерапия рака (cancer immunotherapy WiseSnake)
mil., avia. Тренажёр истребителя-перехватчика с подвижной кабиной (Controller Interceptor Trainer DoctorD)
O&G сканер по определению состояния обсадной колонны (casing imaging tool tat-konovalova)
tax. КПН (корпоративный подоходный налог; Corporate Income Tax derex); налог на доходы юридических лиц (corporate income tax marina_aid)
weld. Крэнфилдский технологический институт (Yeldar Azanbayev)
 English thesaurus
CIT [sɪt] abbr.
abbr., mil. Conflict Intelligence Team (Yeldar Azanbayev)
CIT [sɪt] abbr.
abbr. Camper In Training; Campus Instructional Technologist; Canadian Income Tax; Center for Information Technology; Coach In Training; Communications And Information Technology; Community Impact Team; Counselor In Training; Court of International Trade; California Institute of Technology; Carnegie Institute of Technology; Case Institute of Technology (part of CWRU, Cleveland, OH); Central Independent Television; Central Institute of Technology; certification, inspection and testing (ВВладимир); Certifications In Transit; CIT Group, Inc. (now FDD); Coot In Training; Council for Industrial Technology; Cranfield Institute of Technology (UK)
abbr., anim.husb. cow index for type
abbr., astronaut. Circumstellar Imaging Telescope
abbr., auto. CRDI tester
abbr., avia. Shimkent, Kazakstan; Compressor Internal Temperature (Температура внутри компрессора ГТД - показатель его работы Zealot2002); Component Integration Testing; Continuous Improvement Team; Cranfield Institute of Technology; critical item tag
abbr., busin. charter inclusive tour; capital transfer tax
abbr., commer. Container International Transport
abbr., comp., net. communication and information; computer-integrated telephony
abbr., earth.sc. Center for Irrigation Technology; Committee for Invisible Transaction; credible interval temperature
abbr., ed. Campers In Transition
abbr., ed., scient. California Institute Of Technology; Center For Innovative Teaching; Center For Innovative Thinking; Center For Instructional Technologies; College Of Information Technology
abbr., el. call-in-time; Cambridge information technology certificate; coherent-incoherent transfer; Comite Internationale de Television; computer integrated telephony technology
abbr., electr.eng. coolant in temperature (на чертеже Julchonok)
abbr., fin. circular flow
abbr., IT Cobol Intermediate Temporary; Computer Information Technology; Computer Integrated Telephony; communication and information technology
abbr., law Crisis Intervention Team; cash-in-transit (Cash-in-transit (CIT) or Cash/valuables-in-transit (CVIT) are terms used to refer to the physical transfer of banknotes, coins and items of value from one location to another. wiki Alexander Demidov)
abbr., med. cold ischaemia time
abbr., mil. Coherent Integration Time
abbr., nautic. Chimkent Kazakhstan; Shymkent Kazakhstan
abbr., oil casing inspection tool; Compton interaction tomography; computer information technique; computer interface terminal; conformance improvement treatments; crack initiation temperature
abbr., pharma. Continuous Integrated Testing (Игорь_2006)
abbr., physiol., med. Collagen Induction Therapy
abbr., railw. International Rail Transport Committee (фр. Maximoose)
abbr., relig. Christians In Training
abbr., scient. Corporate Income Tax
abbr., scottish Center for Innovative Technology (USA); Combined Interrogator-Transponder; Compressor Inlet Temperature
abbr., space computerized industrial tomography
abbr., telecom. Commonwealth of Independent States
abbr., textile comprehensive income tax; Canadian Textiles Institute
abbr., tradem. Cambridge Information Technology; Compagnia Italiana Turismo; Cornell Information Technologies
comp. communications and information technology
energ.ind. compact ignition tokamak; corium interaction and thermochemistry
meteorol. near or over large towns
mil. command interface test; configuration identification tables; counterintelligence team
tech. call in time; conductivity indicator transmitter; corporate investigation team; critical incident technique
cit [sɪt] abbr.
abbr. cited
agric. citric acid
contempt. citizen
USA citation
cit. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. citation; cited
Cit [sɪt] abbr.
abbr., med. citrate
: 27 phrases in 13 subjects
Mobile and cellular communications1
Oil and gas1