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cir ['sɪreɪ] nstresses
gen. окружность; цирк
dril. круг (circle); круговой (circular); циркулярный (circular); схема (circuit; рад.); цепь (circuit)
media. сокращение слов circuit, circulate, circulation
cir. abbr.
abbr. приблизительно (лат. circa Yuriy83)
CIR ['sɪreɪ] abbr.
comp., net. согласованная скорость передачи информации
dent.impl. соотношение коронка-имплантат (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, econ. Комиссия по вопросам отношений между администрацией и рабочими в промышленности Великобритания (Commission on Industrial Relations); статистика отраслей промышленности США (current industrial report)
int.rel. координатор международных связей (Coordinator for International Relations Alex_Odeychuk); координатор международного обмена (Coordinator for International Relations Alex_Odeychuk); координатор международного сотрудничества (Coordinator for International Relations Alex_Odeychuk)
IT регистр текущей команды
med. соотношение углеводы/инсулин (carbohydrate-to-insulin ratio (показывает сколько грамм углеводов покрывает 1 ЕД инсулина) Guts Tonya)
O&G, tengiz. обзор осуществления программы по стране (Yeldar Azanbayev)
tech. импульсная характеристика канала (carp); объёмная разведка внутреннего пространства (сокр. Comprehensive Interior Reconnaissance Pimenov)
telecom. Гарантированная скорость передачи данных (Georgy Moiseenko)
transp. Акт о неисправностях при перевозке груза (Cargo Irregularity Report)
 English thesaurus
CIR ['sɪreɪ] abbr.
abbr. Citizens Initiated Referendum; Commissioner Of Internal Revenue; Computer Investment Research; Continuous Improvement Review; Coordinator For International Relations; Coordinator Of International Relations; Canada-India Reactor; Characteristic Instants of Restitution; Commissioners on Inland Revenue; Commited Information Rate; Committee on Industrial Relations; Corporate Integrated Risk management department (Helga Tarasova); Council on Industrial Relations; Current Industrial Report; converter instruction register
abbr., auto. Consumer Information Regulation
abbr., automat. Center for Information Research
abbr., avia. cargo integration review; change impact report; cleaning inspection and repair manual; completed inspection record; configuration inspection report; conformity inspection report; customer initiated release; customer inspection report; customer inspection requirements
abbr., bank. cost to income ratio (Merc); cost income ratio (efficiency ratio Millie)
abbr., commun. Cab Integrated Radio communication equipment; Cab Integrated Radio
abbr., comp., IT Current Instruction Register
abbr., comp., net., IT Communications Initiation Request
abbr., dent.impl. C/I ratio (MichaelBurov); C/IR (MichaelBurov); crown-to-implant ratio (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed., scient. Center For Incubation And Research
abbr., el. calling-line identity request (signal); carrier-to-intermodulation ratio; characteristic impedance ratio; continuous infrared; CROM instruction register
abbr., food.ind. Cosmetic Ingredient Review
abbr., IT Committed Information Rate; Configuration In Run; current instruction register
abbr., logist. container inspection report
abbr., med. Committee of Interns and Residents (США - Committee of Interns & Residents Евгений Челядник); Clone Information Received; Committee of Interns and Residents (New York State)
abbr., media. Capital Investments Review
abbr., mil. Central Intelligence Report; Continuing Intelligence Requirement; Critical Information Requirements; continuing intelligence requirement
abbr., mil., air.def. collection intelligence requirements
abbr., mil., avia. carrier to interference ratio
abbr., O&G, sakh. Critical Issue Review (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., pharma. controlled ileal release (Фьялар)
abbr., polit. Common Implementing Regulation (Millie)
abbr., polym. crystallization-induced reactions
abbr., progr. class instance record (ssn)
abbr., railw. City of Rochelle Illinois
abbr., scottish Computer Integrated Repair; Continuous Infra-Red
abbr., st.exch. Circor International, Inc.
abbr., water.suppl. Consumptive Irrigation Requirement/Crop Irrigation Requirement
law crime of Indian reservations
mil. coherent imaging radar; color infrared; consignment item request; constant infrared; cost information reports
tech. carrier-to-interference ratio
CIR. abbr.
abbr., ed. Curriculum And Instruction Resource Center Linking Educators
cir ['sɪreɪ] abbr.
abbr. circle; circuit; circular; circulating; circumference
abbr., avia. completed inspection records (box)
agric. circulation
automat. cubic inches per revolution
cir. abbr.
abbr. circular
abbr., commer. circulate
abbr., dril. circle; circuit; circulatance; circulation; circulating; circumstance
econ. circa (Seregaboss)
Cir ['sɪreɪ] n
file.ext. Circulate
lat. Circinus (the Compasses, Циркуль Vosoni)
CIR ['sɪreɪ] abbr.
abbr. country implementation review (oVoD)
abbr., avia. change incorporation request; configuration identification records; conformity inspection record; customer inspection requirement
abbr., earth.sc. colour infrared; comprehensive inspections and reviews; constant impulse response; cost of irreversibility; customer inspection record; cylindrical internal reflectance
abbr., med. Committee for Interns and Residents (Евгений Челядник); Complaint Incident Report (peuplier_8)
abbr., oil clay instability rating; closed invaded regime; constant injection rate; cost information report
abbr., space cargo integrated review; cell insertion ratio; channel impulse response; control and interrupt register
: 7 phrases in 5 subjects
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