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CFO abbr.stresses
gen. главный финансовый администратор; руководитель финансовой службы (Chief Financial Officer Lavrov); КИО (ABelonogov)
Игорь Миг начфин; завфинчастью; финдиректор
account. главный сотрудник по финансовым вопросам (chief financial officer); старшее должностное лицо по финансовым вопросам (chief financial officer)
bank. вице-президент компании по финансам (chief financial officer); финансовый директор (chief financial officer)
comp. вызов мнения (in Usenet)
fin. денежный поток от операционной деятельности ("cash flow from operations"; англ. термин взят на сайте Инвестиционной энциклопедии – Investopedia.com Alex_Odeychuk); операционный денежный поток ("cash flow from operations"; англ. термин взят на сайте Инвестиционной энциклопедии – Investopedia.com Alex_Odeychuk)
law финансовый директор (Chief Financial Officer ROGER YOUNG)
cfo abbr.
abbr. операционный денежный поток (Cash from operations GRIffit)
 English thesaurus
CFO abbr.
abbr. Cancel Former Order; Career is Finally Over; Cash From Operations; Central Franchise Organization; Chief Financial Officer; Chief Fraud Officer; Chief Fun Officer; Chief Logistics Officer; Comprehensive Financial Optimizer; Chicken Fat Operator; code of foreign organization (ABelonogov)
abbr., busin. call for orders; cancelling former order
abbr., electr.eng. critical flashover voltage
abbr., inet. Cardinal Flyers Online
abbr., IT C Form Object file; Cash For Operations; Central Filing Object; Core Funded Organization; Chief financial officer
abbr., mil., air.def. communication facility office
abbr., oil cash flow from operations (serz); calling for order; chief financial officers; consolidated functions ordinary
abbr., railw. chief translation officer
abbr., tradem. Cash Funded Organization
abbr., UN Chief Finance Officer (Nu Zdravstvuy)
el. Critical Flashover
invest. chief financial officer
mil. canceling former order; complex facility operator
tech. carrier frequency oscillator
cfo abbr.
abbr. calling for orders; Court Funds Office (Assiana)
Cfo abbr.
abbr. cooled in open furnace (Vosoni)
: 5 phrases in 5 subjects
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