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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
cep [sep] nstresses
gen. белый гриб (Boletus edulis)
chem. бисульфит калия
CEPS abbr.
busin. денежный доход в расчёте на акцию (cash earnings per share)
fr. Европейская конфедерация производителей спиртных напитков (Confédération Européenne des Producteurs de Spiritueux or European Confederation of Spirits Producers bookworm)
Gruzovik, mil. система трубопроводов на Центрально-европейском ТВД НАТО (Central Europe pipeline system)
NATO система трубопроводов в Центральной Европе (Yeldar Azanbayev)
st.exch. доход наличными в расчёте на акцию (cash earnings per share)
 English thesaurus
CEP [sep] abbr.
abbr. Certified Education Planner; Cultural Exchange Party; circular error probable/probability
abbr., agric. central experimental farm; chicken embryo fibroblast
abbr., auto. Clean Energy Partnership
abbr., avia. computerized evaluation program
abbr., chem., scient. Chemical Engineering Progress
abbr., commer. Contract Estimating and Pricing
abbr., el. call set-up error probability; certificate enrollment protocol; command executive procedure; compression-expansion processor; connection establishment protocol; continuous estimation program; counterelectrophoresis
abbr., electr.eng. Central Energy Plant (Millie)
abbr., environ. Community Environmental Project
abbr., IT Communication End Point; Count Enable Parallel; channel end point; Corporate Electronic Publishing
abbr., life.sc. clinical exercise physiologist (iwona)
abbr., manag. contractors execution plan
abbr., med. Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria; Cadmium Exposure Panel (harser); cortical evoked potential (EEG); counterimmunoelectrophoresis
abbr., mil. Circular Error Probable; Circular Error Probability; cable entrance panel; Chairman's Exercise Program; call-out procedure
abbr., mil., air.def. cooperative engagement processor
abbr., mil., avia. Central East Pacific
abbr., mil., WMD catalytic extraction processing
abbr., nautic., scient. Caribbean Environment Program
abbr., O&G, casp. competent electrical person (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. contract execution plan
abbr., O&G, sakh. Current Estimated Potential
abbr., O&G, tengiz. crude export project (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil construction execution plan
abbr., pharm. Certificate of suitability of Monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia (Chameleon)
abbr., pharma. Certificate of European Pharmacopeia (Игорь_2006)
abbr., phys.chem. Collision Cell Entrance Potential (в масс-спектроскопии Elmitera)
abbr., progr. cycle elimination principle (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Core Enterprise Php
abbr., scottish Circular Error, Probable; Common Engine Program (US Army); Contextual Enhancement Processor
abbr., tech. Condensate Extraction Pump (Метран)
abbr., transp. Courier Express And Parcel
airports, avia. Concepcion, Bolivia
energ.ind. comprehensive energy plan
energ.ind., abbr. clean energy plan; condensate electric pump; corrosion evolutionary path
meteorol., abbr. climatological expectancy of persistence
mil. Construction Electrician (Power)
mil., abbr. capability evaluation plan; civil emergency planning; command executive procedures; common electronic parts; concept evaluation program; current evaluation phase; custodian of enemy property
tech., abbr. common electronics parts
cep [sep] n
agric. boletus edulis var.edulis (Boletus edulis var. edulis)
Cep [sep] abbr.
abbr., oil Cephalopoda
lat. Cepheus (Цефей Vosoni)
CEPS abbr.
abbr. Center for Earth and Planetary Studies; Center for European Policy Studies (Lavrov); Central Europe Pipeline System; convertible exchangeable preferred Stock
abbr., AI. Computer-Integrated Process System
abbr., avia. central integrated test system; command module electrical power system
abbr., comp., net., IT Cisco Enterprise Print System
abbr., el. common electronic purse specification
abbr., mil. Central European Pipeline System
abbr., mil., avia. central integrated test system/ expert parameter system
abbr., multimed. color elec tronic prepress system; color electronic prepress system
abbr., O&G, casp. cost engineering and project services (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil civil engineering problems
abbr., scottish CITS Expert Parameters System
abbr., securit. cash earnings per share
tech. command-module electrical power system; cost of the electric propulsion system
CEPs: 5 phrases in 4 subjects