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CDO adj.stresses
avia. полёт в режиме непрерывного снижения (MichaelBurov)
fin. долговое обязательство, обеспеченное ипотекой (по В.Я.Факову MichaelBurov)
CDO abbr.
avia. заход на посадку с непрерывным снижением (MichaelBurov); заход на посадку с постоянным снижением (MichaelBurov); бесступенчатое снижение (MichaelBurov); бесступенчатый заход на посадку (MichaelBurov)
busin. директор по цифровым технологиям (Chief Digital Officer financial-engineer)
comp., MS объект CDO (A device object that represents the filter driver to the system and to user-mode application and which allows applications to communicate with the filter driver directly, even before the filter is attached to a file system or volume device object)
fin. обеспеченное долговое обязательство (credit derivatives made up of mortgage-backed bonds; "collateralized debt obligation"; Financial Times Alex_Odeychuk); инвестиционный портфель, доходность которого обеспечена ипотекой (MichaelBurov)
cdo abbr.
Gruzovik, mil. подразделения "командос" (commando; commandos)
 English thesaurus
CDO abbr.
abbr. Chief Dreaming Officer; Collateral Debt Obligation; Collateralized Debt Obligations; Credit Default Option; Civil Defense Office; Civil Defense Organization; collateralised debt obligation (Alexander Matytsin); Collateralized Debt Obligation (Leonid Dzhepko); Common Data Objects (MS, ASP); Chief Digital Officer (Anstice); Central Distribution Office
abbr., avia. continuous descent approach (MichaelBurov); continuous descent operation (MichaelBurov); CDA (MichaelBurov); Central Dial Office; clearance delivery officer; continuous descent operations
abbr., bank. collateralized debt obligation (Mag A)
abbr., BrE commando
abbr., busin. Chief Data Officer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_data_officer masizonenko)
abbr., comp., net., IT Collaboration Data Objects; Communication Data Objects
abbr., ed. Collaborative Data Object
abbr., el. combustion decomposition and oxidation (system); contiguous-domain oscillator; controlled decomposition and oxidation
abbr., el., scient. Controlled Decomposition/Oxidation
abbr., fin. collateralised debt obligation (MichaelBurov); collateralized debt obligation (MichaelBurov)
abbr., IT Community Dial Office; collaboration data object
abbr., meteorol. Centre De Documentation En Ophtalomologie; Congenital Duodenal Obstruction
abbr., mil. Classified Delta Operations; Command Duty Officer; command duty officer; commander, detainee operations
abbr., oil certified drawing outline
abbr., police Civilian Detention Officer
abbr., post Counter District Office (UK, was HPO before 1986)
abbr., scient. Central Dense Overcast
abbr., st.exch. Comdisco, Inc.
el. Controlled decomposition/oxidation
el., abbr. Controlled decomposition/oxidation
fin. collateralized debt obligations (Alex_Odeychuk)
mil. change design order; combat developments office; communications duty officer
mil., abbr. change design order; combat developments office; communications duty officer
: 17 phrases in 7 subjects
International Monetary Fund1