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CCT abbr.stresses
brew. ЦКТ (цилиндро-конический танк ElenaVolnova)
busin. общий таможенный тариф (common customs tariff)
cust. единый таможенный тариф (common customs tariff)
Gruzovik, econ. тариф ЕЭС (common community tariff)
IT СВиКТ (средства вычислительной и коммуникационной техники; computer and communication tools MichaelBurov)
med. краниоцеребральная травма (Andrey Truhachev); черепно-мозговая травма (Andrey Truhachev); КТ-контроль (4uzhoj)
med.appl. реанимобиль (Critical Care Transport Artjaazz)
mil. терминал управления и связи (ТУС; Communication and Control Terminal WiseSnake); пульт управления и связи (ПУС WiseSnake); терминал управления и контроля (ТУК; Command & Control Terminal WiseSnake)
mil., navy проверка боевых возможностей (Combat Capability Test VickyD)
ophtalm. ЦТР (центральная толщина роговицы OstrichReal1979); Центральная толщина роговицы (ЦТР; Central Corneal Thickness Инесса Шляк Абидор)
opt. Corellated Color Temperature, цветовая температура (Archie)
polit. обязательные конкурсные торги (grafleonov)
tech. технология с контролируемым охлаждением (Controlled Cooling Technology Yuriy Sokha)
cct abbr.
Gruzovik, econ. верно (correct); правильно (correct)
 English thesaurus
CCT abbr.
abbr. Cam Chain Tensioner; Certificato di Credito del Tesoro; China Coast Time; Crystal City Talkers Toastmasters Club; China Coast Time-8:00; Combat Coordination Team; Common Community Tariff; Continuous Cooling Transformation; Coordinating Committee for Telecommunications
abbr., astronaut. Computer-compatible tape
abbr., auto. computer controlled timing
abbr., avia. Colonia Catriel, Rn, Argentina; configuration change team; customer core team; circle cutting; cockpit control transducer; comparator chart-tooling; cumulative cycle time; cut coil and tie system; comparator
abbr., BrE command cadet team; covered carriage truck
abbr., busin. Certificate of Authenticity Tabacco; coated compressed tablet; Common Customs Tariff (EEC); cubic capacity tonnage
abbr., clin.trial. Comparative Clinical Trial (Фьялар)
abbr., dat.proc. computer-compatible tape
abbr., earth.sc. common customs tariff of the common market; Consultative Committee for Thermometry
abbr., econ. GZT
abbr., ed. Certificate of Completion of Training (iwona)
abbr., el. call circuit tester; capacitively coupled transistor; capacitor coupling technology; C-band communications transponder; central computer and telecommunications; channel-collector transistor; character class table; clock cycle time; cold cathode transistor; common-collector transistor; computer confidence timer; computer controlled teletext; computerized color thermograph; conductivity controlled transistor; constant chip temperature; control center tracking; continuity check transceiver; crystal cutting technique; current-to-current transformer
abbr., electr.eng. capacitively coupled transducer; constant current transformer
abbr., environ. Clean Coal Technologies
abbr., file.ext. Shockwave cast (Macromedia Director)
abbr., fin. conditional cash transfer; common customs tariff
abbr., geol., scient. Critical Crevice Temperature
abbr., immunol. Comparative Cervical Test (Alexander Oshis)
abbr., IT Shockwave cast; Cognitive Complexity Theory
abbr., market. customer central team (Метран)
abbr., med. Congenital Cardiology Today (Previously: PCT: Pediatric Cardiology Today); critical care transport (alex); central corneal thickness; chest computed tomography; circuit class therapy (ННатальЯ); craniocerebral trauma (Andrey Truhachev); cerebral computed tomography; chocolate-covered tablet; composite cyclic therapy; compressed-coated tablet
abbr., media. Clearfield Community Theatre
abbr., met. critical crack-corrosion temperature; controlled cooling technology; controlled cooling temperature
abbr., mil. Combat Challenge Team; Consolidated Change Tables; Combat Crew Tactical (e.g., laser aimer); collaborative contingency targeting
abbr., mil., avia. channel check test
abbr., oil cable cabinet tray; calibration coefficients temperature; chartless custody transfer; center cracked tension; Clear Coal Technology (programme); closed chamber test; complex coordination test; composite coiled tubing; computer compatible tape; concentric-coiled tubing; contact charge-transfer; contract controlled time; current to current transformer
abbr., ophtalm. central corneal thickness (iwona)
abbr., org.name. Culture Change Team
abbr., phys., scient. Convergent Clock Trace; Correlated Color Temperature
abbr., railw. Central California Traction Company
abbr., scottish Cargo Compartment Trainer; Combat Crew Trainer
abbr., semicond. constant current topographic
abbr., space control central tracking
abbr., st.exch. Compulsory Competitive Tendering
abbr., tradem. Chicago Community Trust
abbr., transp. Covered Car Transporter; Covered Carriage Truck
energ.ind. clean coal technology
mil. combat capability test; combat control team; combat crew training; communications control team
tech. chief communications technician; crystal-controlled transmitter
cct abbr.
abbr. circuit; computer compatible table
abbr., tech. constant-current transformer
med. Central Corneal Thickness (центральная толщина роговицы VladimirFlake)
polym. correct
cct. abbr.
abbr., tech. circuit
: 12 phrases in 5 subjects
Energy industry6
Medical appliances1
Oil and gas2