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CCP abbr.stresses
gen. Carbon Capture Project, улавливание и утилизация диоксида углеродa (Lagarta); диплом программиста
comp. протокол подтверждения вызовов
comp., net. пакет для управления передачей сообщений; программа управления передачей сообщений; программа настройки конфигурации; Common communications protocol единый протокол обмена данными (Бриз)
construct. ПИК (Предложение об изменении контракта – Contract Change Proposal Kate Alieva); предложение подрядчика о предоставлении услуг (Contractor Call-off proposal Madi Azimuratov)
energ.ind. парогазовая установка (ПГУ; combined cycle plant Peter Cantrop); электростанция с парогазовым циклом (разг. Peter Cantrop)
fin. ЦК (центральный контрагент 'More)
geophys. общая точка обмена
Gruzovik, IT протокол управления компрессией (compression control protocol); протокол CCP (compression control protocol)
med. критическая контрольная точка (Critical Control Point WiseSnake); план медико-социальной помощи населению (Community Care Plan WiseSnake); план комплексного медицинского обслуживания (comprehensive care plan WiseSnake); скоординированный план медицинского обслуживания (co-ordinated care plan WiseSnake); план скоординированного медицинского обслуживания (WiseSnake); комиссия по взаимодействию и конкуренции (Cooperation and Competition Panel WiseSnake); общий компенсаторный динамический стереотип (common compensatory pattern WiseSnake); центр клинической практики (Centre for Clinical Practice; Center for Clinical Practice WiseSnake)
polit. КПК Коммунистическая партия Китая (mikhailbushin); Единая торговая политика (ЕС gulnara11)
st.exch. центральный контрагент (central counterparty 'More)
ccp abbr.
med. цитруллин-содержащие белки (A_P_C)
 English thesaurus
CCP abbr.
abbr. Certified Childcare Professional; Certified Compensation Professional; Certified Computing Professional; Certified Culinary Professional; Critical Control Point; PPP Compression Control Protocol (PPP, RFC 1962); Can't Code Programs; Canadian Climate Program; Cash And Collateral Pool; CBT Course Project; Central Counterparty (центральный контрагент 'More); certificate in computer programming; Certificate Of Cycling Proficiency; Change Control Plan; Chief Commissioner of Police; Christian Concert Planning; Clinical Career Pathway; Co Curricular Programs; Command Console Processor (CP/M); Committee on Commodity Problems; Common Conversion Point; Communications Control Program (OS, IBM); Compact Communication Products (TPS); Computer Career Program; Connective Component Programming; Current Catalog Price (KPbICMAH); configuration control program; console command processor; Constant Current Power; Container Consolidation Point; Correct Control Practices; credit card purchase; Cryptography Centralized Policy; Crystalline Caverns Pack
abbr., astronaut. Commercial Crew Program (semfromshire)
abbr., auto. climate control panel; controlled canister purge (GM); charcoal canister purge; command control program; coupled cam phasing
abbr., avia. certification compliance plan; configuration change processing; center console panel; closed cherry picker; commercial change proposal; common change process; communication control panel; comparator chart-production; configuration change point; configuration change proposal; configuration control phase; conformity coordination procedure; consolidated cryptology program; control configured propulsion; cursor control panel; customer change proposal; comparator; Communications Control Panel; Crisis Communications Plan; Certified Cost Professional (Elena-LS)
abbr., avia., transp. currency of the country of payment
abbr., bank. corporate card payments (MichaelBurov)
abbr., biol. critical closing pressure
abbr., biotechn. Clathrin-coated pit (Altuntash)
abbr., busin. common commercial policy
abbr., commer. Chambre de Commerce de Paris; counter-cyclical payment
abbr., commun. Capability Configuration Parameters; cross connection point
abbr., comp., net. certified computing professional; communication control package; communication control program
abbr., comp., net., IT Collaborative Computational Project
abbr., construct. chemical churning pile (MichaelBurov)
abbr., corp.gov. change control policy
abbr., earth.sc. Canadian Climatological Program (CCC); chalcopyrite; classopollis-cyathidites-pinuspollenites; Commission on Comparative Planetology; Consultative Committee for Photometry; pseudo-cubic close packed
abbr., el. call circuit processor; call confirmation protocol; call control procedure; call control processor; central convergence perspective; certified computer programmer; channel change protocol; character count protocol; chrome circuit pattern; circuit change-over panel; communications configuration program; conformal contact photolithography; consumer control processor; contingency command post; cost control package; cross-connecting point; current crowding parameter
abbr., el., scient. Critical Control Points
abbr., electr.eng. Converter Commutation Protector (Siemens annvoron)
abbr., fin. central counterparty clearing house (www.investopedia.com/terms/c/ccph.asp kotechek); central counterparty (zambezi)
abbr., food.ind. Controlled Condensation Process system (valambir)
abbr., food.ind., sec.sys. critical control point
abbr., IT channel control processor; crisis communication plan
abbr., law Code of Civil Procedure; Code of Criminal Procedure
abbr., manag. current contract price
abbr., med. Columnar Cell Papilloma; Comprehensive Clinical Psychology; Cooperative Cardiovascular Project; Council For Cardiology Practice; Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (ННатальЯ); cystocolpoproctography (doktortranslator); Cancer Cure Program; complement regulatory protein
abbr., mil. Consolidated Cryptologic Program; Contract Change Proposal; Central Command Post; casualty collection point
abbr., mil., avia. center console panel
abbr., O&G, sakh. change control procedure
abbr., oil Composite Correction Plan; casing circulating packer; central compressor plant; compiler control program; computer controlled polisher; computer controlled pumping; conventional casing program; Cretaceous-Cenozoic Basin Studies Program; critical compression pressure; cubic closest packing
abbr., opt. computer-controlled polisher
abbr., org.name. Codex Contact Point
abbr., polit. Chinese Communist Party
abbr., progr. chance-constrained programming (ssn)
abbr., qual.cont. contract change proposal
abbr., scottish Casualty Collecting Post; Central Control Point; Coherent Countermeasures Processor; Combat Command Post; Combined Command Post; Computer Control Panel; Consolidated Containerisation Point; Contingency Communications Package; Control & Correlation Processor
abbr., securit. central counter party
abbr., space call control port; closed cherry-picker; communication control processor; cost control program; crop classification performance
abbr., st.exch. central counterparty group (http://www.lchclearnet.com/ aht)
abbr., stat. corporate communication plan
abbr., tel. cross-connection point
abbr., textile customs clearance permit
airports, avia. Concepcion, Chile
comp. central collection point
energ.ind. coal cracking process; combined cycle plant; credit card payments; critical channel power
mil. casualty clearing point; casualty collecting point; circulation control point; command control panel; command control post; Communications Checkpoint; communications control package; communications control panel; configuration change plan; configuration control panel; console control package; consolidated cryptologic program; consolidation and containerization point; container control point; contamination control point; cross-check procedure
tech. cable connector panel; centrifugal charging pump; chemical control procedure; command and control panel; compression control protocol; continuous correlation processing; core component pot
tech., abbr. chance-constrained programming
ccp abbr.
med. citrulline-containing proteins (белки, содержащие цитруллин A_P_C)
Ccp. abbr.
abbr. chalcopyrite
: 19 phrases in 5 subjects