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CCL abbr.stresses
commer. перечень товаров и услуг, подлежащих экспортному контролю (Commerce Control List T_Elkhina)
comp., net. язык управления передачей данных; язык управления передачей сообщений
construct. обделка из уплотнённой глины (MichaelBurov); обделка тоннеля уплотнённой глиной (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, econ. таможенная очистка (customs clearance)
met. Агрегат полимерных покрытий (Color coating line Mia Angelina)
O&G локатор муфт (MichaelBurov); локатор муфтовых соединений обсадных труб (MichaelBurov); ЛМ (MichaelBurov); Магнитный локатор муфт обсадной колонны (Johnny Bravo); МЛМ (Johnny Bravo); муфтовый локатор (MichaelBurov)
O&G. tech. диаграмма локатора муфт обсадной колонны; диаграмма локации муфтовых соединений обсадных труб (casing-collar log; источник: словарь Извекова); диаграмма локации муфтовых соединений обсадных труб (casing-collar log; источник: словарь Извекова)
oil локатор муфтовых соединений обсадной колонны (casing collar locator)
pharm. ККЛ (Control and Coordination Laboratory/контрольно-координационная лаборатория CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
polym. фольгированный медью ламинат (Cooper Clad Laminate acdolly)
 English thesaurus
CCL abbr.
abbr. Closed Circuit Loop; Cloud Capiche Land; Commerce Control List; Commodity Control List; Couple to Couple League; Cerberus Central Limited (Hersteller); closed CMOS logic; Communications Change Log; Compliance Check List (Godzyumakha Vitaliy); Concise Command Language (Vosoni); Core Current Layer; Council for Civil Liberties; custom clearance (Vosoni); commerce control list; center clock; Consolidated Computer Ltd.; convective condensation level
abbr., avia. cids caution light (Interex); critical crack length; cargo control logic; certification check list; configuration control logic
abbr., busin. cancel
abbr., chem., scient. Computational Chemistry List; Contaminant Candidate List
abbr., commer. Chamber of Commerce of London
abbr., comp., net. communication control language
abbr., comp., net., IT Connection Control Language
abbr., construct. compacted clay liner (MichaelBurov); compacted clay lining (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. China's Continental Lithosphere; Cobb Chemical Laboratory; Commission for ClimatologyWMO; Commission on Climatology (IAMAP)
abbr., EBRD critical consumption level
abbr., ecol. Climate Change Levy (Ася Кудрявцева)
abbr., ed., scient. Cross Campus Library
abbr., el. capacitor coupled logic; catalytic chain length; central control layer; Chinese character library; Chinese common processing language; color center laser; command and control line; composite cell logic (process); computer control language; copper foil-coated laminate
abbr., el., scient. Copper Clad Layer
abbr., electr.eng. contact clock; critical compensation level
abbr., file.ext. Connection/Cursor Control Language
abbr., fin. Contingent Credit Line
abbr., inet. Certified Chat Leader; Couldn't Care Less
abbr., insur. Customs clearance
abbr., IT Cgi Creation Library; Code Conversion Language; Common Command Language; Communication Command Language file
abbr., law Concealed Carry License; Conforms To Copyright Law
abbr., meteorol. Carcinoma Cell Line; Certified Cell Line; Continuous Cell Line; Couple To Couple League For Natural Family Planning
abbr., mil. Close Combat Light; Combat Configured Load; Communication Control Language; Concentric Canister Launcher; communications/computer link
abbr., mil., avia. cabled communication line
abbr., mil., WMD chemical control limit
abbr., O&G Casing Collar Locator (MichaelBurov); CCL tool (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil casing collar locator (andrushin); casing-collar log; Magnetic Collar Locator (glenfoo); casing collar location; casing collar log; casing coupling log; clock control logic; continuous collar log
abbr., opt. controlled commodities list
abbr., physiol. Cranial Cruciate Ligament
abbr., progr., IT Command Control Language
abbr., relig. Conference Of Christianity And Literature
abbr., shipb. light cruiser
abbr., space circuit calculating language; closed cable loop; computer control loading
abbr., telecom. common communication layer (annvoron)
abbr., tradem. Connecticut Chemicals Limited
mil. coating and chemical laboratory; communications circular letter; consolidated classification list; contamination control line; critical components list
NYSE., st.exch. Carnival Corporation
ocean., nautic., scient. Commission for Climatology
tech. charge-coupled logic; communications control link
Ccl abbr.
abbr. chrysocolla; clay conductivity
: 8 phrases in 7 subjects
Oil and gas2
Weapons of mass destruction1