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CCBS abbr.stresses
gen. Центр трансграничных исследований (Johnny Bravo)
 English thesaurus
CCBS abbr.
abbr. behav. abbr Center for Computer Based Behavioral Studies; The Centre for Cross Border Studies (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., auto. cruise control brake switch
abbr., commun. completion of calls to busy subscriber; completion of call to busy
abbr., el. Center for Computer Based Behavior Studies
abbr., IT completion of call to busy subscribers
abbr., media. Clear Channel Broadcasting Service
abbr., oil closed circuit breathing system
abbr., railw. Completion of Calls to Busy Subscribers
abbr., sec.sys. cereal country balance sheets
abbr., telecom. completion of call to busy subscriber; completion of calls on no reply
mil. change control board summary
CCBs abbr.
abbr. continuing calibration blanks (igisheva)
CCBS request
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