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CCB abbr.stresses
bank. Строительный банк Китая (China Construction Bank Alex_Odeychuk)
beekeep. слёт пчёл (MichaelBurov); осенний слёт пчёл (MichaelBurov); осенний слёт (MichaelBurov); синдром разрушения пчелиных семей (MichaelBurov); синдром гибели пчелиных семей (MichaelBurov); синдром разрушения семей (MichaelBurov); синдром краха колоний пчёл (MichaelBurov); синдром краха колонии пчёл (MichaelBurov); КПС (MichaelBurov); коллапс пчелиных колоний (MichaelBurov); синдром разрушения пчелиных колоний (MichaelBurov)
build.mat. ЦСП (cement chipboard, древесно-стружечная плита; И.М.Буров & MichaelBurov)
comp. циклический контрольный байт
comp., MS блок управления командами (A specifically formatted information set used in the IBM Token Ring environment that is transmitted from the application program to the adapter support software to request an operation); блок управления контекстом (An internal file system structure in which a file system maintains the per-file object state for an open instance of a file)
comp., net. блок управления каналом; блок управления командой
Gruzovik, mil. бомбометание с использованием наземной РЛС ближнего наведения (Close Control Bombing); Объединённый комитет по связи США (Combined Communications Board)
IT байт циклического контроля
med. блокатор кальциевых каналов (calcium channel blocker Adrax); антагонист кальция (Adrax); БКК (MichaelBurov)
met. НЛЗ (continuous cast billet stein_vik)
O&G центральный пункт управления (Bauirjan)
qual.cont. Комитет органов по сертификации (Committee of Certification Bodies XnuttyX)
tech. центральный пункт управления дроном (Central Control Building Johnny Bravo)
 English thesaurus
CCB abbr.
abbr. Cape Cod Bay; Construction Contractors Board; central control building; countercyclical capital buffer (ННатальЯ); continuing calibration blank (igisheva)
abbr., avia. Change Control Board; configuration change control board; converter circuit breaker; change commitment board; China Citic Bank; configuration change board; coordination control board; customer cost benefit
abbr., beekeep. colony collapse disorder (MichaelBurov); bee colony collapse disorder (MichaelBurov); honey bee colony collapse disorder (MichaelBurov)
abbr., build.mat. cement clipboard (И.М.Буров & MichaelBurov); cement clip board (И.М.Буров & MichaelBurov)
abbr., busin. cubic capacity of bunkers
abbr., cardiol. Cardioangiological Center Bethanien (iwona)
abbr., comp. Channel Control Block (Vosoni); Communications Control Block (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., net. cyclic check byte
abbr., el. call control block; capacitance-coupled bit line cell; chip carrier bind (IC); circuit concentration bay; communication control block; connection control block; console-to-computer buffer; content count buffer; context control block; controlled collapse bonding; customer care and billing
abbr., file.ext. Command Control Block; Animated Button configuration (Visual Basic)
abbr., fin. collection on clean bill
abbr., int.rel. Committee of Certification Bodies (igisheva)
abbr., IT Animated Button configuration; Copy Control Block; character control block
abbr., mar.law Contract Completion Bonus (Ying)
abbr., med. Calcium Channel Blocker; calcium antagonist (MichaelBurov); calcium channel blocker (MichaelBurov); calcium channel inhibitor (MichaelBurov); calcium channel-blocking agent (MichaelBurov); calcium entry blocker (MichaelBurov); calcium channel- blocking agent (MichaelBurov); Centre for Cancer Biomedicine (ННатальЯ)
abbr., met. continuous cast billet (stein_vik)
abbr., mil. Configuration Control Board; Community Counterterrorism Board
abbr., mil., air.def. channel control module
abbr., mil., WMD central control board
abbr., oil calculated commercial bentonite; carbonate-clay boundary; combination cone bit; coring cone bit
abbr., progr., IT The Change Control Board
abbr., scottish Communications & Control Board, SHAPE (NATO)
abbr., space control center building
abbr., st.exch. C C B Financial Corporation
abbr., tech. Carbon Circuit Breaker (Vosoni)
abbr., tradem. China Construction Bank
energ.ind. coal combustion byproducts; combined-circulation boiler; continuous cover blade; controlled circulation boiler; country-by-country basis
mil. change control board; combined communications board; command and control boat; command/communications boat; company conduct book; configuration control board; contract change board
tech. chemical cleaning building; close control bombing; command and communications boat; configuration control block; convertible circuit breaker
CCb abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. coefficient of contrast for background
CCB: 1 phrase in 1 subject