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CBA abbr.stresses
gen. коллективный трудовой договор (Кунделев); колдоговор (collective bargaining agreement Кунделев)
avia. международная зона (MichaelBurov); зарезервированная зона над государственной границей (MichaelBurov)
busin. межотраслевой анализ (cost-benefit analysis); анализ затрат и результатов
data.prot. аутентификация на основе сертификатов (сокр. от "certificate-based authentication" Alex_Odeychuk)
gas.proc. анализ коммерческих предложений (Aiduza)
Makarov. анализ "затраты-выгоды"; анализ эффективности затрат
oil анализ затрат и выгод
SAP.tech. бизнес-сфера консолидации
slang "лень" (задницу поднять Anglophile)
 English thesaurus
CBA abbr.
abbr. Centrally Billed Accounts; Certifiable Balloon Addict; Collective Bargaining Agreement; Controlled Business Arrangement; Can't Be Arsed; College of Business Administration; component board assembly; Council for British Archaeology; Chemical Bond Approach; cyanogen-bromide-activated
abbr., AI. Center-Based Assignment
abbr., avia. cross border area (MichaelBurov); cross-border area (MichaelBurov); change board action
abbr., bank. Commonwealth Bank of Australia (предложено пользователем Mumma http://www.gmcabs.com.au/docs/Instructions_CBA.pdf http://www.commbank.com.au/business/merchant-services/eftpos-options/mobile-payments.html Karabas)
abbr., biochem. Cytometric Bead Array (тест-система для определения цитокинов и других аналитов в биологических жидкостях с использованием мультиплексных технологий анализа Alexx B)
abbr., BrE combat body armour
abbr., busin. Common battery apparatus
abbr., chem. carboxybenzaldehyde (Jespa)
abbr., clim. community-based adaptation
abbr., commer. Capabilities-Based Assessment
abbr., earth.sc. California Bankers Association; Canadian Bankers Association; Canadian British Aluminium Company, Ltd.
abbr., ed. Chancellor Beacon Academies; Conceive Believe And Achieve; Curriculum- Basic Assessment
abbr., ed., scient. College Of Business Administration
abbr., el. callback apparatus; cast-based animation; cell-based array architecture; central battery apparatus; computer-based automation; current balancing approach; current buffer address
abbr., el., scient. Cell- Based Architecture
abbr., exhib. cost and benefit analysis
abbr., fin. currency board arrangement; China Banking Association; Commonwealth Bank of Australia
abbr., fish.farm. capture-based aquaculture
abbr., health. cost-benefit analysis
abbr., IT Computer Based Assessment; Cost/Benefit Analysis
abbr., karate. changeback acknowledgement
abbr., lab.eq. Collagen-Binding Assay; Competitive Binding Assay
abbr., law Carry Bodies Around
abbr., logist. cargo booking advice
abbr., med. Chronic Bronchitis And Asthma; Columbia Blood Agar (test); Cost-benefit Analysis; chronic bronchitis with asthma
abbr., media. Catholic Broadcasters Association; Certified Balloon Artist; Commonwealth Broadcasting Association
abbr., mil. Chinese Blowing Agency; Communication Burden Assessment; Cost Benefit Analysis; combat body armor (slitely_mad); capability-based assessment
abbr., mil., air.def. capacity based appraisal
abbr., mil., WMD Clinical Business Area; Commercial bid analysis
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. cold bed adsorption (sulfur recovery)
abbr., oil chemical blowing agent; cost benefit assessment
abbr., physiol. Chocolate Blood Agar; Chronic Bronchitis and Asthma; Congenital Biliary Atresia; Cutting Balloon Angioplasty
abbr., progr. Component Based Automation (ssn)
abbr., proj.manag. costs benefit analysis
abbr., relig. Christian Booksellers Association
abbr., securit. capital builder account
abbr., semicond. cell-based architecture
abbr., sport, bask. China Basketball Association
abbr., sport. Code Breaker Advance; Chinese Basketball Association; Chinese Badminton Association; China Bridge Association
abbr., st.exch. Brilliance China Automotive
abbr., telecom. call-back apparatus; central common battery apparatus
abbr., tradem. Chateau Billings Agency; Chef Boy Ardee
tech. C-band transponder antenna; chroma band pass amplifier
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects
Oil and gas2
Trade unions3