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CAS abbr.stresses
gen. Академия наук Китая (China Academy of Sciences Serge1985); строб адреса столбца
amer. индикаторная земная воздушная скорость
avia. индикаторная воздушная скорость (Callibrated airspeed (по В.П. Марсанову) Emilia M); Система оповещения экипажа (Crew Alerting System Emilia M); система предупреждения столкновений (collision avoidance system Emilia M)
bank. надбавка за счёт пересмотра валютных паритетов (currency adjustment surcharge)
chem. реферативный журнал "Кемикал Абстрактс" (4uzhoj); Служба подготовки аналитических обзоров по химии (Официальный перевод ООН CrazySnail)
comp. хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому (content-addressable storage А.Черковский)
comp., net. спецификация приложений связи
ed. Подтверждение о зачислении на курс обучения (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies, обычно не переводится Sergey_Ka)
forex дополнительный сбор за корректировку валютного курса (currency adjustment surcharge)
Gruzovik, IT стандарт CAS (communications application specification)
int.transport. сurrеncy adjustment surcharge (Yuriy83)
IT Чистый сервер доступа (swatimathur4); автоматизированная система
Makarov. полное активное пространство
math. система компьютерной алгебры (Система компьютерной алгебры (СКА,)– это приложение, помогающее выполнять символьные вычисления.СКА – это работа с математическими выражениями в аналитической (символьной) форме. Sasndra); СКА (Sasndra)
med. КБА (carotid arterial system; каротидный бассейн артерий Nadezhda_S); стентирование сонных артерий (carotid artery stenting vdengin); шкала клинической активности (iwona)
met. Американское Химическое Общество (ikgureeva)
mil. непосредственная авиационная поддержка (Close Air Support; НАП WiseSnake)
NATO непосредственная поддержка с воздуха (Yeldar Azanbayev); система предотвращения столкновений (Yeldar Azanbayev)
nautic. схема оценки состояния (Condition Assessment Scheme Lidia P.)
O&G Высокочастотное акустическое сканирование ствола скважины по периферии (Johnny Bravo)
poultr. Глушение газом (Controlled Atmosphere Stunning Anastasiya Lyaskovets)
progr. безопасность доступа к коду (сокр. от "Code Access Security" Alex_Odeychuk); безопасность на уровне кода (сокр. от "Code Access Security" Alex_Odeychuk); защита по правам доступа кода (сокр. от "Code Access Security" Alex_Odeychuk); разграничение доступа кода (сокр. от "Code Access Security" Alex_Odeychuk)
R&D. АНК (China Academy of Sciences; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Академия наук Китая MichaelBurov); КАН (China Academy of Sciences; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Китайская академия наук MichaelBurov)
sec.sys. центральный пункт сигнализации (Central Alarm Station OlgaRCl); пульт управления аварийной сигнализации (MichaelBurov); управление аварийной сигнализацией (MichaelBurov)
sport. Спортивный арбитражный суд (Alex_Odeychuk)
CAS # abbr.
pharm. уникальный численный идентификатор химических соединений, полимеров, биологических последовательностей нуклеотидов или аминокислот, смесей и сплавов, внесённых в реестр Chemical Abstracts Service. (Анна Ф)
Cas abbr.
mol.gen. CRISPR-ассоциированный (MichaelBurov)
cas abbr.
mining. обсаживать
CAS Centrallized Air Supply system abbr.
gen. ЦВС (система Централизованного Воздухоснабжения allp1ne)
 English thesaurus
CAS abbr.
abbr. complete active space; Calibrated Ancillary System (Alex Lilo); California Academy of Sciences (Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California Alex Lilo); Cam Actuated Switch (Alex Lilo); Case Assignment (Alex Lilo); Consenting Adults (Alex Lilo); Certification Authorities (Alex Lilo); Content Adaptors (Alex Lilo); Canards Actuator System (Army, artillery Alex Lilo); Cardinal Air Services Inc (Fullerton Airport, Orange County California Alex Lilo); Career Advancement Scheme (Indian universities Alex Lilo); Carrier Accounting System (Sprint Alex Lilo); Casablanca, Anfa Morocco (airport code Alex Lilo); Casablanca, Morocco ANFA Airport (city/airport code Alex Lilo); Casine (cell plating Alex Lilo); Cast Alloy Steel (Vosoni); Catch Assessment System (fisheries Alex Lilo); Center for Advanced Studies in Telecommunications (Ohio State University Alex Lilo); Centre of Excellence for Autonomous Systems (Australia Alex Lilo); Certificate of Applied Science (degree Alex Lilo); Channel Assigned Signaling (Hekimian Alex Lilo); Circuits and Systems Society (IEEE Alex Lilo); Citizen Auto Stage Company (Nogales, AZ Alex Lilo); civil aviation security (US DoD Alex Lilo); Clark Ashton Smith (American author Alex Lilo); Client Access Service (Microsoft Alex Lilo); Coconino Astronomical Society (Flagstaff, AZ Alex Lilo); Code Access Security (Microsoft .NET Framework Alex Lilo); Collaboration At Sea (US Navy SPAWAR Alex Lilo); compare accumulator with storage; College of Analytical Studies (US Federal Bureau of Investigation Alex Lilo); College of Arts and Sciences (various colleges and universities Alex Lilo); Columbia Audubon Society (South Carolina Alex Lilo); Column Address Signal (computer memory Alex Lilo); Combat Arms School (Canadian Forces; now defunct Alex Lilo); Command Augmentation System (NASA Alex Lilo); Communicating Applications Specification (FAX, Intel, DCA); Communications Accounting System (Highland Lakes Alex Lilo); Community Action Service (International Baccalaureate high school program requirement Alex Lilo); Companion Animal Society (New Zealand); Complete Active Space (quantum chemistry Alex Lilo); compliance assurance service (Vadim Rouminsky); Computational AeroSciences (NASA project Alex Lilo); Condition Assessment Scheme (ships Alex Lilo); Configuration Assurance Solution (Cisco Alex Lilo); Consejo Asesor de Seguridad (Guatemala Alex Lilo); Corporate Administrative System (Canada Alex Lilo); CPE Alerting Signal (caller ID with call waiting Alex Lilo); Cranial Abscessation Syndrome (deer disease Alex Lilo); Crash Analysis System (Land Transport New Zealand Alex Lilo); Create-A-Sim (EA Games; The Sims Alex Lilo); Creativity, Action and Service (International Baccalaureate Diploma Alex Lilo); Credit Approval Sheet (banking Alex Lilo); Customer Analysis and Solutions (Sterling Wentworth Alex Lilo); Spotted Wolffish (FAO fish species code Alex Lilo); combination ambiguous segmentation; Common Assessment Scale (Johnny Bravo); ceric ammonium sulfate; Chicago Academy of Science; Chinese Academy of Science; Civil Air Service; Committee on Atmospheric Sciences
abbr., amer. calibrated air speed
abbr., anim.husb. the Chinese Academy of Sciences
abbr., astronaut. Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (WMO)
abbr., auto. clean air system; creep aid system (automatic transmissions); collision avoidance system; crank angle sensor; car access system; car alarm system; car audio system; Center for Auto Safety; cleaner air system; collision against system; computer-aidedassisted styling; crank angle selector; crank shaft speed
abbr., automat. computer-aided service planning; continuous analog scanning
abbr., avia. Crew Alerting System (4uzhoj); Caldwell Aircraft Trading Company; Cambrian Airways, Ltd.; center for acoustical studies; change analysis sheet; CNI application software; combat ammunition system; commercial air service; commercial airplane support; computed air speed; computer aided system; continental air services; contract administrative services; control augmentation system; controlled air space; corrected air speed; corrective action statement; cost accounting standard; current active switch; customer airline schedule; customer airplane schedule; customer assembled spare; calibrated airspeed (Skiripich); cockpit avionics system; commercial aviation services; commercial avionics system; Canadian Standard Association
abbr., avia., med. Coriolis acceleration susceptibility
abbr., BrE Chief of the Air Staff
abbr., busin. cases; continuous automatic spinning; cost accounting standards
abbr., cardiol. carotid angioplasty and stenting (iwona)
abbr., checkers. close air-support mission (Val_Ships)
abbr., chem. Chemical Abstracts Service (spanishru); calcium aluminium silicate
abbr., chem., scient. Chemical Abstract Service
abbr., cinema Cinema Audio Society
abbr., comp. content-addressable storage (хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому А.Черковский)
abbr., comp., net. Communication Application Software
abbr., comp.name. China Aviation Supplies Holding Company
abbr., cosmet. Cervicomental Angle Scale (ННатальЯ)
abbr., disast. continuous availability services (Georgy Moiseenko)
abbr., earth.sc. Capitol Air Surveys (US); cassiterite; cavern area study; Commission for Atmospheric Sciences; Current Australian Serials
abbr., ed. Certificate Of Advanced Studies; certificate of acceptance of studies (4uzhoj); Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (в Великобритании STV); Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (Johnny Bravo); creativity-action-service (Volk2401)
abbr., ed., scient. Centre Of African Studies
abbr., el. card operating system; cascade; channel aided signaling; channel-associated signaling; Chinese Academy of Sciences; circuit aging simulator; client accounting system; customer accounting system; column address select; communication automation system; communications application specification; competitive assessment services; completely absorbed state; computer acquisition system; computer-aided support; computerized accounting system; conditional access subsystem; content addressable storage; communication application specification
abbr., el., scient. Column Address Strobe
abbr., file.ext. C + ASM language source (Turbo C Vosoni); Column Address Select/Strobe
abbr., fin. Country Assistance Strategy (May_Jasmine); country assistance strategy; China Audit Society
abbr., glac. WMO Commission for Atmospheric Sciences
abbr., insur. Casualty Actuarial Society
abbr., IT Channel Associated Signaling; computer-aided system; compare and swap (Alex_Odeychuk); code activated switch; common analysis structure; current awareness service; Computer Aided Simulation; Computer Aided Selling; Computer Aided Strategy and Sales Controlling; Communication Access System
abbr., lab.eq. American Chemical Society Abstracts Service substance number
abbr., law Court of Arbitration for Sport
abbr., life.sc. computer assisted surgery
abbr., math., scient. Computer Algebra System
abbr., med. Cancer Attitude Survey; Cold Agglutinin Syndrome; clinical application specialist (harser); Commission for Atmospheric Science; сarotid artery stenting (ННатальЯ)
abbr., met. computer-assisted steelmaking; composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling
abbr., mil. Central Authentication Service; casualty; close air support; Church Army Society; Contract Administration Service; Coordinator of Army Studies; courier air service cas
abbr., mil., WMD corrective action study
abbr., multimed. communications applications specification
abbr., NATO Close Air Support
abbr., O&G Chemical Abstracts System
abbr., oil Circumferential Acoustic Scanning (glenfoo); calc-alkali syenite; California Academy of Science; certificate of advanced study; cetyl alcohol sulfate; Chemical Abstracts Search; circuit and system; coincidence adjusting scale; computer-aided assisted system; computerized acquisition system; continuous automated spinning; control assembly set; control automatic system; customer application summary
abbr., physiol. Childhood Apraxia of Speech
abbr., post Case Analysis System
abbr., R&D. China Academy of Sciences (MichaelBurov)
abbr., rel., jud. Cowboy action shooting (стрельба по-ковбойски Val_Ships)
abbr., scottish Casualty Assessment System; Crisis Action System (USA)
abbr., sec.sys. control alarm system (MichaelBurov)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Conditional Access System
abbr., securit. China Accounting Standard
abbr., space Canadian applications satellite; Canadian Astronautical Society; Canadian cooperative applications satellite; China Academy of Sciences; complex adaptive system; control actuation section; control automation system; controlled access service; cooperative application satellite; Council on Atmospheric Studies
abbr., st.exch. A. M. Castle & Company
abbr., stat. catch-at-size
abbr., tech. collision-avoidance system; common antenna system; computer aided solving
abbr., telecom. cordless access service
abbr., transp. Calibrated Airspeed
airports, avia. Casablanca, Morocco
comp., abbr. centralized attendant service
energ.ind., abbr. coal handling system
invest., abbr. currency adjustment surcharge
mil., abbr. calculated air speed; children's Army school; citizens alarm system; civil affairs section; coast artillery school; coded armaments system; combat alert status; command aviation section; communications analysis section; compensating air supply; complete assembly for strike; controlled airspace; courier air service
O&G, abbr. cascade mode
progr. code access security (Alex_Odeychuk)
tech., abbr. aircraft collision avoidance system; chemical addition system; circuits and systems; command active sonobuoy; command augmentation system; common access space; communicat-ing applications specification; communications antenna sleeve; compressed air system; containment annunciator subpanel
Игорь Миг, abbr. the court of arbitration for sport
Cas abbr.
abbr. castle
abbr., avia. Cassiopeia
abbr., expl. casualties
abbr., oil Caracas
lat. Cassiopeja (Кассиопея Vosoni)
mol.gen. CRISPR-associated (MichaelBurov)
cas abbr.
abbr. casing
abbr., el. cosine plus sine
agric. casual
slang can (Interex)
cas. abbr.
abbr. casual; casualty
abbr., mech.eng. casing
mining. casualties
Cas. abbr.
abbr. Caracas
abbr., earth.sc. castle
CAs abbr.
abbr. channel adapters
: 82 phrases in 22 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Chemical industry3
Computer networks1
Information technology4
Material safety data sheet1