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CAFS abbr.stresses
gen. ассоциативная файловая память
avia. ЦЗС (MichaelBurov); централизованная заправка самолётов (MichaelBurov); централизованная заправка самолётов авиатопливом (MichaelBurov); система централизованной заправки самолётов (MichaelBurov)
fire. ПССВ – пенная система сжатого воздуха (Compressed Air Foam System – widely used in the US fire departments Aibek)
 English thesaurus
CAF ['kæfeɪ] abbr.
abbr. Common Assessment Framework; Computer Assisted Feedback; Create A Family; Credit Application Format; Currency Adjustment Factor; Combined Assault Force; Component Ascii File; Continental Air Forces; Corrupt African Federation; Crisis Augmentation Facility; change authorization form ([email protected])
abbr., agric. corporate agriculture
abbr., avia. cancel and file; calibration flight; casting and forging; Chinese Air Force (Rep. of China)
abbr., chem., scient. Crude Aqueous Filtrate
abbr., comp. Content Addressable File store (Vosoni)
abbr., econ. Cost and Freight (Vosoni)
abbr., el. call access function; compact audio file; computer-aided fabrication; computer-aided facility; computer-assisted fraud; continuous analog filter; crystalline anisotropy field
abbr., el., scient. Conductive Anodic Filamentation
abbr., expl. cut-and-fill mining
abbr., fire. compressed air foam (Boris54)
abbr., goldmin. cost adjustment factor (MichaelBurov)
abbr., insur. costand freight
abbr., interntl.trade. Currency Adjustment Fee (Надбавка к морскому фрахту, покрывающая разницу в курсе валют Yuriy83)
abbr., IT Common Assembly Format; Convert ASCII to Farsii; Crunched Article File; content addressable filestore
abbr., law, ADR cost and freight
abbr., med. Canadian Abilities Foundation; Cell Adhesion Factor; Citric Acid Fermentation; Cooley's Anemia Foundation; Cyclophosphanum, Adriamycinum, Phtoruracilum; Cyclophosphanum, Adriamycinum, Fluorouracil
abbr., met. controlled atmosphere furnace
abbr., mil. Chemically Assisted Fragmentation; Consider All Factors; Combat Air Forces; Canadian Air Force; combat air forces; commander, airborne/air assault force; commander, amphibious force
abbr., org.name. Capital Asset Fund
abbr., physiol. Caucasian Adult Female
abbr., physiol., med. Caucasian adult female; Cold Aseptic Filling
abbr., pipes. compressed asbestos fiber (паронит ZNOLP)
abbr., progr. Common Application Framework (raptor-22)
abbr., scottish Canadian Armed Forces (Canadian Forces); Changhe Aircraft Factory (China); Citizens Air Force (South Africa); Counter-Air Fighter
abbr., sport. Club Alpin Français; Confederation Of African Football; Confederation of African Football
abbr., st.exch. Muniholdings California Insured Fund V
abbr., tax. cartage fee (Yuriy83)
abbr., tradem. Confederate Air Force
abbr., transpl. chronic allograft failure (Игорь_2006)
abbr., UN Central African Federation
invest. currency adjustment factor
mil. completely assembled for ferry; contract administration functions
tech. chemical analysis facility
caf ['kæfeɪ] abbr.
abbr., busin. cafe; caffeine
inf. cafeteria (Pickman)
CaF ['kæfeɪ] abbr.
abbr. Calcium Free
CAFS abbr.
abbr. Content-Addressable File (Vosoni)
abbr., anim.husb. Chinese Academy of Forestry Science
abbr., avia. Centralized Aircraft Refuelling System (MichaelBurov); checkout and firing subsystem
abbr., el. content addressable file system
abbr., fire. Compressed air foam system (MariaWilliams)
abbr., IT content addressable file store
mil. cartridge-actuated flame system; checkout and firing subsystem
CAFS: 18 phrases in 7 subjects
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