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Boniface ['bɔnɪfeɪs] nstresses
names Бонифаций (в пьесе Дж. Фаркера "Хитроумный план щёголей" (1707) трактирщик)
rel., christ. Бонифаций (христианский святой, "апостол всех немцев" browser); Вонифатий (browser)
relig. Бонифаций II (Pope from 530 to 532. Of Gothic descent, he was the first Germanic pontiff. He solemnly approved the conciliar decrees of the second Council of Orange, France, which condemned Semi-Pelagianism); Бонифаций III (Pope from February 19 to November 12, 607. In 603, as a deacon of the Roman Church and a legate to Constantinople, he obtained from the Byzantine emperor Phocas an edict recognizing the see of Rome as the head of all the churches); Бонифаций IV (Pope from 608 to 615. His pontificate was plagued, politically and ecclesiastically, by the Monophysites, whose heretical bishops cooperated with invaders of the Byzantine Empire); Бонифаций V (Pope from 619 to 625 who greatly helped the spread of Christianity in England, especially in Northumbria, by encouraging, through letters, the saintly missionaries evangelizing the Britons); Бонифаций VI (Pope in April 896. A central figure during a dark period in papal history, 896-898, revolving around the death of Pope Formosus, Boniface was denounced at a Roman council held by Pope John IX in 898); Бонифаций VIII (Pope from 1294 to 1303, the extent of whose authority was vigorously challenged by the emergent powerful monarchies of western Europe, especially France); Бонифаций IX (Pope from 1389 to 1404; he was the second pontiff to rule in Rome during the Western Schism)
Boniface Pope, or antipope, from June to July 974 and from August 984 to July 985; he owed his rule to the support of the Crescentii, a powerful and unscrupulous Roman family ['bɔnɪfeɪs] n
relig. Бонифаций VII
boniface ['bɔnɪfeɪs] n
gen. трактирщик (особ. весёлый, добродушный)
Boniface Pope from 418 to 422, whose reign was markedly disrupted by the faction of the antipope Eulalius ['bɔnɪfeɪs] n
relig. Бонифаций I
Boniface: 10 phrases in 5 subjects
Names and surnames1