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BSD abbr.stresses
gen. программное изделие Калифорнийского университета
auto. система контроля слепых зон (Sagoto)
el. бутстрепный диод (bootstrap diode Racooness); семейство версий операционной системы UNIX, распространяемых Университетом Беркли; фирма Berkeley Software Distribution, разрабатывающая операционные системы UNIX BSD
Gruzovik, comp.sl. чёрный экран смерти (black screen of death wikipedia.org)
IT Программная лицензия университета Беркли (Berkeley Software Distribution dimock)
logist. базовый продовольственный склад
O&G. tech. баррелей в сутки (чистое время эксплуатации, barrels per stream day; источник: словарь Извекова); баррелей в сутки (чистое время эксплуатации, barrels per stream day; источник: словарь Извекова)
tech. block-schematic diagram блок-схема (anadyakov)
bsd abbr.
O&G, sakh. баррелей за эксплуатационные сутки
 English thesaurus
BSD abbr.
abbr. Bahamian dollar (4uzhoj); Ballistic Systems Division; Battlefield Surveillance Display; Berkeley Software/Standard Distribution; Berkeley System / Software Distribution (Hersteller, Unix, OS); Big Stinking Dickhead; Bull Shit Designs; Bureau of Standards
abbr., avia. Baoshan, Mainland China; baseline data; Boeing services division; Boeing support division
abbr., busin. based
abbr., commer. British Standard Dimensions
abbr., comp., IT Backwards Strict Deletion; Berkeley Source Distribution
abbr., comp., MS BSD UNIX (A UNIX version developed at the University of California at Berkeley, providing additional capabilities such as networking, extra peripheral support, and use of extended filenames. BSD UNIX was instrumental in gaining widespread acceptance of UNIX and in getting academic institutions connected to the Internet. BSD UNIX is now being developed by Berkeley Software Design, Inc)
abbr., comp., net., IT Blood Soaked Dragons
abbr., desert. below sea level
abbr., earth.sc. Burma Survey Department
abbr., ed. Bad School Day
abbr., el. backscattered electron detector; back side damage; base station demodulator; Berkeley system distribution; binary synchronous device
abbr., el., scient. Bad System Design
abbr., IT Berkeley Software Distribution; Blue Screen Of Death; Berkely software distribution; Business System Design
abbr., mil. Battery Status Display; Brief Study Debrief; blood supply detachment
abbr., monk. Black Spiral Dancer
abbr., nautic. burst slug detector; Biosecurity Status Document (Свидетельство о соответствии требованиям биобезопасности (Австралия) key4mate.com Ying)
abbr., oil batch steam distillation; beam steering device; bit size depth; borehole service department; British Society of Dowsers; bubble size distribution; bulk storage device
abbr., polym. barrels per stream day; British Standard Dimension
abbr., progr., IT Berkeley Software Daq
abbr., relig. B'Siyata D'shmaya
abbr., scottish Ballistic System Division
abbr., st.exch. Blackrock Strategic Municipal Trust
abbr., tax., Hong.Kong. Buyer's Stamp Duty ('More)
abbr., tech. British Standard
abbr., tradem. Berkeley Systems Design
abbr., vet.med., med. Belgian Shepherd Dog
mil. base supply depot; basic service date; battlefield surveillance device
tech. bit storage density; burst slug detection
BSD A UNIX version developed at the University of California at Berkeley, providing additional capabilities such as networking, extra peripheral support, and use of extended filenames. BSD UNIX was instrumental in gaining widespread acceptance of UNIX and in getting academic institutions connected to the Internet. BSD UNIX is now being developed by Berkeley Software Design, Inc abbr.
abbr., comp., MS BSD UNIX
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
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