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BOF adj.stresses
gen. метка начала файла
Gruzovik, ASCII. начало файла (beginning of file); конец файла (bottom of file)
Gruzovik, jarg. коллеги (birds of a feather); люди одного склада (birds of a feather); птицы одного полёта (birds of a feather)
IT встреча единомышленников (сокр. от "birds of a feather" Alex_Odeychuk)
logist. непосредственно морской фрахт (basic ocean freight Krutov Andrew)
met. кислородный конвертер; ККЦ (кислородно-конвертерный цех; basic oxygen furnace shop Aelirenn)
mil. Огневая группа (Artsz)
progr. встреча коллег с общими интересами (сокр. от "birds of a feather" Alex_Odeychuk)
 English thesaurus
BOF abbr.
abbr. Band Of Friends; Balding Old Fart; Birds Of a Feather; Boring Old Fart; Bottom of footing (Yakov); bought out finished item (алешаBG); beginning-of-file
abbr., auto. body over frame
abbr., avia. boring fixture
abbr., busin. bought-out finished (item)
abbr., earth.sc. barium oxide ferrite; basic oxygen steel furnaces
abbr., ed., scient. Board Of Founders
abbr., el. beginning of frame
abbr., IT Beginning Of File; birds of feather (Bricker)
abbr., logist. basic ocean freight (Yuriy83)
abbr., med. Branchio-oculofacial (syndrome)
abbr., met. basic oxygen furnace
abbr., mil. base of fire (Artsz)
abbr., securit. buyout fund
abbr., telecom. bird of a feather
mil. beginning of file
st.exch. Bank of France (dimock)
tech. beat oscillator frequency; bias oscillator frequency
wood. best-opening-face
bof abbr.
abbr. Bottom of Fitting (Yakov); Bottom of Fixture (Yakov)
BOF gas cooling
: 8 phrases in 5 subjects
Silicate industry1
Steel production1