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Anastasius nstresses
rel., christ. Анастасий (имя browser)
Anastasius n
names Анастасий
relig. Анастасий I (Pope from November 27, 399, to 401, who earned the praise of St. Jerome -Letter 127 - for censuring the works of Origen, one of the most influential theologians of the early Greek church); Анастасий II (Pope from November 24, 496, to 498. A confused tradition blamed Anastasius II for being led by Photinus into heretical opinions concerning the divinity of Jesus Christ); Анастасий HI (Pope from April or June 911 to 913. Because his pontificate came during a period when Rome was under the control of the house of Theophylactus, he had little authority or freedom of action); Анастасий IV (Pope from July 1153 to December 1154. He was a peacemaker noted especially for settling two long-standing problems; one regarding Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa and the see of Magdeburg, the other regarding St. William of York and his see)
: 14 phrases in 3 subjects