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Adrian ['eɪdrɪən] nstresses
gen. Эйдриен; Адриан (мужское имя)
Makarov. Эдриен (мужское имя)
names Адриан (имя; м, традиц., английский, ударение на последний слог ABelonogov); Эйдриан (имя, м, 100%, английский, ударение на первый слог ABelonogov); Эдриан (распространённый вариант транслитерации Abysslooker)
relig. Адриан (The 11th Russian Orthodox patriarch of Moscow, 1690-1700; Патриарх Московский и Всея Руси); Адриан I (Pope from 772 to 795 whose relationship with the emperor Charlemagne symbolized the medieval ideal of union of church and state in a united Christendom); Адриан II (Pope from 867 to 872. He approved the use of the Slavic language in liturgy by Saints Cyril and Methodius. Bulgaria was lost to the Roman Catholic church during Adrian's pontificate); Адриан III (Pope from 884 to 885 whose brief pontificate came during troubled times. The motives for his veneration are practically unknown, but he was noted for having aided the Romans during a famine); Адриан V (Pope for about five weeks in 1276 who revoked, however, the stern conclave regulations of Pope Gregory X); Адриан VI (The only Dutch Pope, elected in 1522. He was the last non-Italian Pope until the election of John Paul II in 1978)
Adrian Pope from 1154 to 1159. The only Englishman to occupy the papal throne ['eɪdrɪən] n
relig. Адриан IV
: 16 phrases in 7 subjects
Names and surnames1