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At [æt] nstresses
tech. астат
at [æt] n
gen. близость места; совпадение времени; положение
at omic % [æt] n
goldmin. ат.% (атОмный процент; User Bema)
Atё n
myth., gr.-rom. Ата (Ате, богиня обмана, безрассудной страсти, слепого заблуждения, неистовства и разорения collegia)
AT [æt] abbr.
abbr. внимание
at.% n
mater.sc. атомный процент (MichaelBurov)
ATS abbr.
gen. ПСС (противостолбнячная сыворотка; anti-tetanus serum sarid.net Tanya Gesse)
abbr. исполнительная терминальная система (Administrative Terminal System Lena Nolte)
avia. СВД (grafleonov; УВД = Управление воздушным движением или даже скорее ОрВД = Организация воздушного движения Cranberry); службы воздушного движения (grafleonov); условия приёмки
bank. темпокасса (automatic teller safe masizonenko); австрийский шиллинг (ISO 4217 code for: Austrian schilling wikipedia.org); система автоматического перевода денежных средств (automatic transfer system)
bank., hist. счёт услуг по автоматическому переводу средств (СУАП Пахно Е.А.)
comp., net. автоматическая система диагностики; автоматический передаточный ключ (Automatic Transfer Switch Dmitry)
el. автоматическая система испытаний; автоматическая система проверки; автоматическая система контроля; автоматическая система тестирования
electr.eng. система автоматического переключения (от внешнего электроснабжения на дизель-генератор Alex_Odeychuk); автоматическое переключение резерва (wandervoegel)
empl. Автоматизированная система подбора персонала (Applicant Tracking System (ATS) playback)
Gruzovik, econ. система автоматического перевода денег (automatic transfer system)
Gruzovik, mil. акустический обнаружитель цели (acoustic target sensor)
Gruzovik, polit. зона от Атлантики до Урала (Atlantic to the Urals Area)
Gruzovik, scient. автоматическая установка для испытаний (automatic test system); автоматизированная терминальная станция (automated terminal station)
IT система автоматического перевода
logging бревнопильный станок для работы в полевых условиях (SvyatoslavKam)
O&G, karach. система отслеживания мероприятий (Action Tracking System Aiduza)
O&G. tech. автоматическая телеметрическая система (automated telemetry system; источник: словарь Извекова); автоматическая телеметрическая система (automated telemetry system; источник: словарь Извекова)
product. АТС (Yeldar Azanbayev); система автопереключения (Yeldar Azanbayev)
progr. комплект абстрактных тестов (сокр. от abstract test suite ssn); КАТ (ssn)
sl., drug. стимуляторы амфетаминового ряда (Amphetamine type stimulants Divina); САР (стимуляторы амфетаминового ряда; amphetamine type stimulators лика с.)
telecom. АСП (Лена55); аналоговая система передачи (Лена55)
ats abbr.
abbr. по иску
tech. АБП
ATs abbr.
O&G автоцистерна (MichaelBurov); АЦ (MichaelBurov)
 English thesaurus
At [æt] abbr.
abbr. ampere turns
abbr., earth.sc. actinote; actinolite; ataxite; atoll
abbr., oil Atlantic; atmospheric; Atoka
At [æt] abbr.
abbr., inet. at - - My email address is davi (собака, в электронном адресе MihayloConSveta)
At. abbr.
abbr., phys. attenuation
ATS abbr.
abbr. acid test solution ( ); Alternative Trading Systems; Australian Technology Showcase; American Technion Society (sankozh); Air Transport Service; American Television Society (Vosoni); Approved Teacher Status (Anglophile); Automatic Telephone System (Station Vosoni); automatic transfer service (oVoD); administrative terminal system; Air Tactical School; air technical service; applied technical satellite; Associated Technical Services; Atlantic Test Site; automated trade system; alternative trading system; automated trading service
abbr., auto. air temperature sensor (Chrysler); air-temperature sensor; ambient temperature sensor; anthropomorphic test devices; anti-theft system; automatic antenna system; automatic transmission sensor
abbr., automat. automatic terminal station
abbr., avia. Administrative Tehminal System (Interex); aerodrome traffic service; Air Traffic Service (службы воздушного движения elena.kazan); auto throttle system (Interex); air traffic services; auto transfer switch; Automatic Transfer Switchgear; advanced tactical support; air traffic sector (Interex); auto thrust system (Interex); autothrottle system; access test systems; ACESS test system; advanced targeting system; advanced technology spacecraft; advanced tracking system; air transport support; Airbus technical specification; aircraft trouble shooting system; AOG tracking system; assembly time standard; astronomical time switch; automatic automated telemetry system; automatic throttle system; autothrottle servo
abbr., bank. air transport (MichaelBurov)
abbr., busin. Advanced Technological Satellite; automatic telephone set; Salvage Tug
abbr., commer. American Technical Society
abbr., commun. Automatic Train Supervision
abbr., comp., net. automated troubleshooting system; automatic transfer system
abbr., comp., net., IT Asynchronous Time Sharing
abbr., corp.gov. Advisory Technical Service
abbr., earth.sc. amplitude time series; Antarctic Treaty System; Automation and Technical Services (UK)
abbr., ed., scient. Applicant Tracking System
abbr., el. acoustic transmission system; air traffic system; arrival-time spectrum; atomic tunneling state; automated telemetry system; automatic logic thresholding; automatic terminal server; automatic test station; automatic trading system; automatic translation system; automatic transportation system; automatic trim system; automatic trunk synchronizer
abbr., el., scient. Absolute Time Sequence
abbr., electr.eng. automatic transfer switch
abbr., energ.ind. automatic turbine start
abbr., file.ext. Apple Terminal Services
abbr., fin. Austrian Schilling
abbr., hack. Automatic Transfer System (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., hist. Army Transport Service
abbr., immunol. antitetanic serum; antithymocyte serum
abbr., law Analytic Trouble Shooting
abbr., logist. all time saved
abbr., meteorol. Alpha-D-tocopherol acid succinate; Acid Test Solution; American Thoracic Society; Academy of Toxicological Sciences (ННатальЯ); American Temperance Society; autotransfusion system
abbr., mil. Air Traffic Services; Advanced Tactical Surveillance (aircraft); air traffic service; assign terminal service
abbr., mil., avia. academic trainer system
abbr., nautic., scient. Application Technology Satellite
abbr., oil automated test system; acoustic television scanner; advance technology series (bit); alkyl toluene sulfonate; annual trade survey; automatic trade system; automatic tuning system; auxiliary thermostat switch
abbr., physiol. ArTerioSclerosis
abbr., physiol., med. Arteriosclerosis
abbr., post Automatic Tray Sleever
abbr., progr. alternating transitions system (ssn); abstract test suite (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Apple Type Services
abbr., railw. Automatic Train Stop
abbr., scottish Acoustic Tracking System; Advanced Technology Satellite; Air Transport Service / Support; Aircrew Training System (USA); Atelier de Construction de Tarbes (France); Aviation Training Ship (UK Royal Navy); Salvage & rescue ship (USA)
abbr., securit. adjustable tender security
abbr., shipb. rescue tug
abbr., space action tracking system; advanced teleprocessing system; applications technology satellites; autopower management system
abbr., sport. Against The Spread
abbr., st.exch. A P T Satellite Holdings, LTD.
abbr., textile absorbed twisting spinning; automatic transfer service accounts
abbr., transp. American Travel Survey; Aviation Technical Services
abbr., UN, AIDS. amphetamine-type stimulants
abbr., vet.med., med. American Tarantula Society
energ.ind., abbr. air turbine starter; allowance tracking system
invest., abbr. Austrian schilling
meteorol., abbr. airdrome traffic service
mil. acoustic target sensor; advanced target system
mil., abbr. Army topographic station; accelerator test stand; acceptance test specification; acoustic telemetry subsystem; acquisition and tracking system; active television system; advanced training school; advanced training squadron; air traffic section; air training scheme; air training school; air transport squadron; air-to-surface; aircraft trouble-shooting system; aircraft turnaround supervisor; aircrew training system; angle tracking subsystem; antenna test station; applications technology satellite; armament training station; automatic tactical switchboard; automatic telemetry system; automatic terminal system; automatic test system
O&G auto transfer system
physiol., abbr. Anxiety tension state
tech., abbr. acoustic telescanner; acquisition target and search; advanced technology satellite program; advanced text system; advanced tubesheet sleeve; advanced turbine systems; agency training system; air transportable sonar; air-to-ship; airport traffic service; ampere-turns; analog television system; angle tracking system; automated telegraph system; automated terminal station; automatic transmission system
ats abbr.
abbr. absolute temperature scale; ampere turns (Vosoni)
law at the suit
: 205 phrases in 45 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Automated equipment4
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development4
Firefighting and fire-control systems1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Information technology3
International Monetary Fund2
Mass media3
Mechanic engineering1
Medical appliances1
Obsolete / dated1
Rail transport1