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ATC abbr.stresses
airports УВД (управление воздушным движением – air-traffic control Leonid Dzhepko)
avia. ОрВД (air-traffic control – организация воздушного движения tina.uchevatkina); АТЦ (MichaelBurov); КДП (air-traffic control tower – командно-диспетчерский пункт)
busin. КУЦ (advisory training center – консультационно-учебный центр Divina)
oncol. АРЩЖ (iwona)
pharm. АТХ (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System – анатомо-терапевтическо-химическая система классификации лекарственных средств rechnik)
 English thesaurus
ATC abbr.
abbr. Air Traffic Controller; About The Creators; Acoustic Tile Ceiling; Advanced Thermo Concept (Cooler-Master); aerial tuning condenser (Vosoni); automatic tone correction (Vosoni); acoustical tile ceiling; adaptive transform coding; air traffic controllers (Anglophile); American TV and Communications; Authority to Construct permit (Yeldar Azanbayev); Authorized Testing Center (MS); Automatic Temperature Compensation (автоматическая компенсация температуры shpak_07); Mini-Armored Troop Carrier (Riverine Warfare Craft); Application Transaction Counter (SAKHstasia); Aircraft Technical Committee; air training camp; Air' Transport Committee; American Turbine Corp.; amalgamated territorial community (sleepymuse)
abbr., austral. Australian Tourist Commission
abbr., auto. automatic temperature control; automatic traction control (Andreyka); adiabatic-turbo compounding; aligning torque coefficient; all terrain cycle; automatic temperature control system; automatic toe-in control; automatic tone control; automatic traffic control system; automatic transfer case
abbr., automat. automatic tool changer
abbr., avia. Aviation Technical Center (MichaelBurov); air travel card; controller; Air Training Command; Air Training Corps; Air Transport Conference; accelerometer test complete; active control technology; aerodrome traffic control; aerodynamic torque converter; air technical command; air tight test; air transport committee; airborne test conductor; Airbus training center; air traffic service communication; alloy-tin couple; amended type certificates; Atlantic Test Center; auto throttle control; automatic technical control; automation training center; avionics team communication
abbr., avia., med. air traffic controller
abbr., bank. application transaction counter (Ying)
abbr., busin. Technical Committee of Petroleum Additive Manufacturers in Europe (october); advisory training center (Divina); airport traffic control; automatic telephone call; automatic temperature controller; automatic timing corrector
abbr., comp., net. authorized training center
abbr., earth.sc. African Trade Center; Arctic Test Center; automatic train control system
abbr., ecol. anionic trash catcher (Anna Zagorulko)
abbr., econ. average total cost
abbr., el. air traffic control (system); address translation cache; address translation controller; accelerated thermal cycling; active transfer command; adaptive transform coder; additional trunk capacity; advanced temperature control (system); amplitude of transmission coefficient; area traffic control; assembly test chip; asynchronous terminal controller; attribute controller; automatic telecommunications center; automatic temperature controller; automatic temporal control; automatic tension control; automatic threshold-level control; automatic time correct; automatic timing control; automatic tint control; automatic traffic control; analog trip comparator; advanced transfer cache; air-traffic control; automatic tape calibration
abbr., electr.eng. automatic tap changing; automatic temperature compensation
abbr., energ.ind. available transfer capacity (MichaelBurov); available transmission capacity (MichaelBurov); after top dead centre
abbr., energ.syst. available transit capacity (MichaelBurov); Trading System Administrator (MichaelBurov); TSA (MichaelBurov); available transfer capability (MichaelBurov)
abbr., exhib., org.name. Air Traffic Conference of America
abbr., foreig.aff. armoured troop carrie (бронетранспортер (БТР)); armoured troop carrier
abbr., IT All Things Considered; address translation cache
abbr., law, copyr. authorization to copy
abbr., Makarov. air-traffic control tower
abbr., med. Activated Thymus Cell; around the clock (Vosoni); Certified Athletic Trainer (tania_mouse); antithyroid compound; approved type sertificate
abbr., meteorol. automatic tube compensation (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., microel. address translation chip
abbr., mil. Air Temperature Control; Air Threat Conference; air transportable clinic (USAF); armoured troop carrier (бронетранспортер - БТР Val_Ships); automatic temperature compensator; Advanced Training Command; Army Tactical Command; Army Terminal Command; Army Training Command; Army Transportation Corps
abbr., mil., air.def. automatic test control
abbr., mil., avia. active thermal control
abbr., mil., WMD Aberdeen Test Center
abbr., monk. Artist Trading Card
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. automatic tool change
abbr., oil after top center; average total costs; acetylene tetrachloride; actual time of completion; adaptive threshold control; Analytical Technology Committee; antimony tricarboxylate; automatic temperature correction; automatic threshold control; automatic timing controller; automatic tuning control
abbr., oncol. Anaplastic thyroid cancer
abbr., org.chem. alkoxy titanium chelate (igisheva); alkyl titanium chelate (igisheva)
abbr., physiol., med. Around The Clock
abbr., polym. tricarbonilate derivatives of amylose
abbr., post Airport Transfer Center (60 or 70 expected after END implemented and transition from AMC)
abbr., progr. asynchronous transfer of control (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., railw. automatic train control (system); automatic train control (system)
abbr., scottish Acoustic Torpedo Countermeasures; Air Training Command (USAF); Amended / Approved Type Certificate; Armored Troop Carrier Ship (USA); Army Training Center (US Army)
abbr., space adaptive transfer code; advanced technology component; advanced terminal controller; Aerospace Technical council; ancillary terrestrial component; asset threat category; Associate Technology Center/ Laboratory; Astronomy Technology Centre; automatic target cueing; automatic threat countering
abbr., tax. air waybill transfer charge (авиаперевозка Yuriy83)
abbr., tech. aircraft tower control clearance; Air Transport Command; assigned airspace; acceptance test certificate (Шандор); after top centre (Yan)
abbr., textile Agreement on Textile and Clothing
abbr., tradem. Authorized Training Center
abbr., traf. area wide signal control; areawide signal control; network signal control
energ.ind., abbr. advanced technical ceramics; advanced technology center; anion trap column; annual total cost
mil., abbr. Army Topographic command; Army training circular; advanced technical course; advanced technology components; adventurous training centre; air target chart; air transportable clinic; airtight container; approved type certificate; armament test center; armament training camp; armored troop carrier; assistant test chief; assistant trial counsel; automated technical control; automatic target counting; automatic tracking control
mil., UN air traffic control
tech. advanced telerobotic control
tech., abbr. adiabatic toroidal compressor; aerial tuning capacitor; air to close; airborne test equipment computer; alert transmit console; automatic target caller; automatic threshold circuit; automatic turbine control; chief aviation electronics technician
atc abbr.
med. athletic trainer certified (tothestarlight); around-the-clock (atc opioid - введение круглосуточных опиоидов AndreiKitsei)
AtC abbr.
abbr. Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical
ATc abbr.
abbr., soil. cumulic anthrosol
: 92 phrases in 16 subjects
Automated equipment7
Aviation medicine9
Power system protection1