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ASSA abbr.stresses
avia. After Sale Support Agreement-соглашение на оказание услуг по послепродажной поддержке (geseb)
assa abbr.
gen. росной ладан
 English thesaurus
ASSA abbr.
abbr. Army Signal Supply Agency; Alloy Steel Stockholders' Association; Astronomical Society of South Africa
abbr., afr. Association for Sociology in South Africa
abbr., astr. Astronomical Society of South Australia (Vosoni)
abbr., astronaut. Austrian Solar and Space Agency
abbr., austral. Academy of the Social Sciences of Australia
abbr., auto. Automotive Safety Standards Advisory Committee
abbr., avia. Aeronautical Society of South Africa
abbr., earth.sc. American Soil Survey Association
abbr., med. Alabama State Society Of Anesthesiologists; Aminopterin-like Syndrome Sine Aminopterin
abbr., scottish Army Signal Corps' Signal Supply Agency
abbr., space Astronomical Society of Southern Africa; Austrian Space and Solar Agency
mil. area supply support activity; assembly area
tech. automated station selection algorithm
ASSA: 4 phrases in 2 subjects