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ALV abbr.stresses
med. искусственная вентиляция лёгких (mazurov); ИВЛ (artificial lung ventilation: The most important part of weaning from artificial lung ventilation (ALV) is the last four hours before patient disconnection from ventilator. 'More)
surg. искусственное дыхание (mazurov)
 English thesaurus
ALV abbr.
abbr., avia. autoland validity
abbr., biol. avian leukosis virus
abbr., food.serv. available lysine value
abbr., med. Abelson Leukemia Virus; Adeno-like Virus; American Latent Virus; Arracacha Latent Virus; Avian Leukosis Virus; artificial lung ventilation; avian leukosia retrovirus
abbr., mil. Autonomous Land Vehicle
abbr., mil., avia. advanced launch vehicle
abbr., nautic. Andorra, Andorra
abbr., progr., IT SAP List Viewer
abbr., space air launched vehicle
abbr., st.exch. Autoliv, Inc.
mil. air-launched vehicle
tech. avian leucosis virus
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
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SAP tech.1