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ALD abbr.stresses
avia. фактическая посадочная дистанция (actual landing distance draugwath)
med. АБП (alcoholic liver disease; алкогольная болезнь печени baloff); адренолейкодистрофия (adrenoleukodystrophy ludvi); альдолаза (aksolotle)
surg. средняя летальная доза (mazurov); алкогольная болезнь печени (alcoholic liver disease mazurov)
ald- abbr.
Makarov. альдо- (aldehyde) (prefix)
 English thesaurus
ALD abbr.
abbr. at a later date; atomic layer deposition (agb); Automatic Louver Dumper; appointment of limited duration; Assistive listening device (Artjaazz); aldolase
abbr., auto. auto locking differential
abbr., avia. arbitrary landing distance; airworthiness liaison division; auto let down
abbr., busin. a later date; average least dimension
abbr., comp. automatic logic diagram
abbr., ecol. approximate lethal dose (Алвико)
abbr., el. alarm display; asynchronous line driver; atomic layer doping; automatic logic design
abbr., el., scient. Assistive Listening Device; Atomic Layer Deposition
abbr., environ. Anoxic Limestone Drain; Arid Lands Development
abbr., IT analog line driver; automated logic diagram
abbr., law Animal Legal Defense
abbr., Makarov. acoustic leak detection; airborne laser designator
abbr., med. Academy Of Laser Dentistry; Alcoholic Liver Disease; Average lethal dose (Julchonok); adrenoleukodystrophy
abbr., mil. Aircraft Landing Dynamics; Available to Load Date; available-to-load date
abbr., oil Aligned List of Description (OECD); alluvial-drift deposition; array laterolog deep
abbr., scottish Acquisition Logistics Division (USAF); Advanced Launch Development; Air Launched Decoy; Airlift Division (USAF)
abbr., space advanced laser designator
abbr., st.exch. Allied Capital Corporation
abbr., tech. air lift dredger
abbr., textile American Laundry Digest
mil. acceptable limit for dispersion; acquisition logistics division; airlift division
tech. acoustic locating device
ald abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. aldehyde; alluvial-drift deposit
ald. abbr.
abbr. alderman
Ald abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. aldosterone
abbr., oil Aldanian
ald. abbr.
polym. aldehyde
Ald. abbr.
abbr. alderman (Vosoni)
Aldo. abbr.
abbr. aldosterone
: 37 phrases in 2 subjects