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AE [eɪ] nstresses
construct. инженер-архитектор
Gruzovik, econ. компания "Америкен экспресс" (American Express Company); нарастающие расходы (accrued expenditure)
Makarov. выполнение приложения (сокр от application execution)
ae [eɪ] n
gen. двугласный звук, в котором a едва слышно
agric. кислотный эквивалент (acid equivalent julievo)
scottish один
Ae [eɪ] n
gen. равновесные температуры фазовых превращений в железных сплавах
ae. n
lat. в таком-то возрасте (aetatis = of age Углов)
AE [eɪ] abbr.
gen. выполнение приложения; американский английский (American English q3mi4); ответственный исполнитель, контактор (от) account executive, advertising executive Углов); НЯ (нежелательные явления (Adverse Events/Effects) sunirk)
AI. искусственная эмоция (сокр. от "artificial emotion" Alex_Odeychuk)
bank. зарегистрированный представитель брокерской фирмы (account executive)
clin.trial. нежелательное явление (MichaelBurov)
comp., MS асимметричное шифрование (A method of encryption that uses a pair of mathematically related keys: a public key and a corresponding private key. Either key can be used to encrypt data, but the corresponding key must be used to decrypt it)
econ. развитая экономика (advanced economy TransUz)
math. абсолютная ошибка (absolute error); абсолютный экстенсор (absolute extensor); арифметическое выражение (arithmetic expression); асимптотическая эффективность (asymptotic efficiency); почти всюду (almost everywhere)
med. неблагоприятная реакция на применение лекарства (Tolsty); нежелательное явление (adverse event dimcuslongus)
nucl.pow. ПЭЛ (MichaelBurov); поглощающий элемент (MichaelBurov); поглощающий стержень (MichaelBurov)
O&G инженер по подбору (Application Engineer I.Jaya)
product. АИ (Yeldar Azanbayev)
progr. логический объект прикладного уровня (сокр. от application entity ssn); прикладной логический объект (сокр. от application entity ssn); ЛОП (ssn)
shipb. площадь спрямлённой поверхности лопастей гребного винта (expanded blade area of a screw propeller Углов)
tech. вспомогательное оборудование (встречается в технической документации: auxiliary equipment Voxvit)
tel. прикладной объект (Application Entity I. Havkin)
Ae [eɪ] abbr.
clim. радиальная глубина резания (vlad-and-slav)
ae. abbr.
lat. стольких-то лет (Углов)
 English thesaurus
AE [eɪ] abbr.
abbr., adv. angled end
abbr., auto. automotive engineering
abbr., avia. accumulative error; aerodynamic efficiency; aeronautical air engineer; aeronautic engineering; Airbus Espana; Association of European Airlines; atmospheric explorer
abbr., cryptogr. authenticated encryption
abbr., el. abrupt emitter (transistor); acoustoelectric; action entity; active element; adaptive equalization; address enable (input); alignment error; animation editor; assembly error; attenuation error; audit entry; Auger effect
abbr., expl. agent air entraining agent
abbr., med. acrodermatitis enteropathica; adult erythrocyte; alveolar echinococcosis; aminoethyl group; Antitoxineinheit
abbr., med., germ. Avena Einheit
abbr., mil. Army in Europe
abbr., mil., air.def. array element
ae [eɪ] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. aegirine
abbr., oil aeolian
UK aerial
Ae [eɪ] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. achondrite of enstatite
abbr., met. arrest point on equilibrium
ae. abbr.
abbr., med., lat. aetatis
Ae. abbr.
abbr. aerial
AE [eɪ] abbr.
abbr. Account Executive; USN Rating Aviation Electrician's Mate (Alex Lilo); Above Elbow (amputation Alex Lilo); above or equal (Lena Nolte); Academic Edition (Microsoft Alex Lilo); Access Enforcer (SAP GRC Access Control Product Alex Lilo); Acela Express (Amtrak train service Alex Lilo); Activity End Invocation (ITU-T Alex Lilo); Adaptive Enterprise (HP Alex Lilo); Additional Entry (USPS Alex Lilo); Address Extension (Sprint Alex Lilo); adult education (обучение взрослых; сокр. Углов); Aero Postale (clothing manufacturer Alex Lilo); Aggregate Expenditures (economics Alex Lilo); Ahorristas Estafados (Paraguay Alex Lilo); Air Efficiency Award (RAF Alex Lilo); Akademia Economiczna (Polish Alex Lilo); Allegheny & Eastern (railroad Alex Lilo); Alpha Elites (gaming Alex Lilo); Also Eligible (horse racing Alex Lilo); Amplifier Extender (FS-1037c Alex Lilo); air escape; armament and electronics; Aerosol (Alex Lilo); Angstro"meinheit (Alex Lilo); Arbeitseinheit (Alex Lilo); Autechre band (Alex Lilo); action evolution; adaptive equalizer; accept-sequence-error indicator; Apple Events (Apple); AppleEvent (inter-application communications for Macintosh OS Alex Lilo); Application Entity / Environment / Execution / Engineering (APE); Arcane Explosion (gaming, World of Warcraft Alex Lilo); Arch Enemy (band Alex Lilo); Argument from Evil (philosophy Alex Lilo); Armed Forces Africa (used with APO/FPO Alex Lilo); Articles Editor (law review Alex Lilo); Associated Electrics, Inc (radio controlled cars Alex Lilo); Associated Equipment (EMC testing Alex Lilo); Auto Estrada (Motorway Alex Lilo); Automotive Extrication (emergency & rescue services Alex Lilo); Auxiliary Explosive (US Navy ammunition ship designation Alex Lilo); Avian Encephalomalacia (Vitamin E Deficiency Alex Lilo); Mandarin Airlines (IATA airline code Alex Lilo); aerospace engineering; air engineering; air entraining
abbr., account. annual exemption
abbr., affect., geophys. acoustic emission (MichaelBurov)
abbr., agric. agricultural engineer (Yakov); avian encephalomyelitis
abbr., avia. airborne equipment; aero-electronics; aviation electronics technician; airport elevation
abbr., biol. aminoethyl
abbr., busin. Aeronautical Engineer
abbr., cem. air entraining (добавка bajituka)
abbr., chem., scient. Atomic Emission
abbr., cinema assistant editor (Common_Ground)
abbr., clin.trial. adverse event (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net. application entity
abbr., earth.sc. absolute elevation; acoustic emissions; acoustic emission system; actual evapotranspiration; added edition; algebraic equation; alkylethoxylate; aminoethylamino; anion-exchange; atmosphere explorer
abbr., econ. accrued expenditure (нарастающие расходы, затраты нарастающим итогом; сокр. Углов); Alaska Economic Report (наименование американского периодического издания по экономическим вопросам; сокр. Углов); All England (всеанглийский; сокр. Углов); American Express Company (компания "Америкен Экспресс"; сокр. Углов)
abbr., ed. Alternative Education
abbr., ed., scient. Agricultural Engineering
abbr., electr.eng. accidental error; admissible error
abbr., fant./sci-fi. After Earth
abbr., IT Application Entity; arithmetic element; arithmetic expression
abbr., karate. Air Electrical Working Party
abbr., Makarov. application execution
abbr., math., scient. Almost Everywhere
abbr., med. adverse event; Above-elbow (amputation); Antitoxic Unit (Ger. Antitoxineinheit); Atrial Ectopic (heart Beat); aspergillus endophthalmitis (ННатальЯ); atopic eczema (Millie)
abbr., media. Abstract Expressionism
abbr., mil. Aeromedical Evacuation; air electrical (авиационно-электротехнический (НАТО); сокр. Углов); air engineering (1. авиаинженерный 2. авиационно-технической службы (специализация офицера) (Великобритания); сокр. Углов); auxiliary engineering (инженерно-вспомогательный; сокр. Углов); availability of equipment (наличие оборудования; сокр. Углов); aeromedical evacuation; assault echelon; attenuation equalizer; ammunition ship
abbr., mil., avia. effective area
abbr., mil., WMD acid ester of methyl-phosphonic acid; Architect engineer; Area engineer; methyl-phosphonic acid ester
abbr., monk. Anniversary Edition
abbr., nautic. Æ third class (третий класс (по классификации Английского Ллойда); сокр. Углов)
abbr., oil anode effect; absorbed energy; accuracy error; acetone extract; acid equivalent; acousto-electric; acrylic ester; address effective; administrative engineering; aeon; aeronautical engineering; after end; air entrained cement; amplitude estimate; anterior embayment; application engineering; audio equipment; automatic exposure; auxiliary engine; auxiliary equation
abbr., pest.contr. aerosol dispenser
abbr., phys. activation energy (энергия активации; сокр. Углов); actual envelope (фактическая огибающая; сокр. Углов)
abbr., physiol. Above the Elbow
abbr., polit. United Arab Emirates
abbr., polym. absolute error
abbr., post Armed Forces Europe, Canada, Middle East (Префикс военной почты для Европы, Канады и Ближнего Востока Yakov)
abbr., progr. aggregating element (ssn); application entity (ssn); application-entity (ssn)
abbr., qual.cont. asymptotic efficiency
abbr., scottish type abbreviation Ammunition ship (small; L); Aircraft Establishment; Armada Espanola (Spanish Navy)
abbr., space address-enable; aerospace environment; astronomical ephemeris; atmosphere explorers; automatic emplacement
abbr., sport., psychol. after effect
abbr., st.exch. Adams Resources & Energy, Inc.
abbr., tech. Alarms & Events (Lesya1986); authorized examiner (AlexanderGerasimov); aft end
abbr., tradem. Acoustic Electric
energ.ind., abbr. acoustic enclosure; adiabatic exponent; aging evaluation; air emissions; all-electric; anion exchange; architect-engineer; available energy; average emissions
invest., abbr. account executive
mil., abbr. Army education; acoustic emission; acquisition executive; added entry; aerospace education; air engineer; angle of elevation; armor, artillery, and engineers aptitude area; assistant engineer; atomic energy; auxiliary equipment; aviation engineer
physiol., abbr. Above the elbow
tech., abbr. activation energy; actual efficiency; air ejector; air-electrical; airborne electronics; aircraft equipment; alkyl polyethoxylate; appliance electronics; atmospheric emission; aviation electrician
tech., mil., avia. abort electronics
TV, abbr. audio erase
AE. abbr.
abbr. auxiliary engine
ae [eɪ] abbr.
abbr. appropriation and expense
.ae abbr.
file.ext. United Arab Emirates
: 105 phrases in 33 subjects
Aluminium industry1
Automated equipment9
Building materials1
Cliche / convention4
Energy industry1
Figure of speech3
Greek and Roman mythology1
Hotel industry1
Medical appliances2
Nuclear and fusion power6
Office equipment1
Public transportation1
Quotes and aphorisms1