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ACR abbr.stresses
gen. ПРД (Access Control Rules rechnik); акрил (gosha780)
abbr. Американская коллегия ревматологии (American College of Rheumatology – исследовательская и учебная организация профессионалов от ревматологии в США. shergilov)
avia. пункт УВД (MichaelBurov); пункт управления воздушным движением (MichaelBurov)
cables соотношение затухания и перекрёстной наводки (MichaelBurov); отношение затухания к уровню перекрёстных помех (MichaelBurov)
dril. приставка для непрерывной записи (attachment for continuous recording)
energ.ind. АПВ (автоматическое устройство повторного включения; Automatic Circuit Recloser aeolis); конструкция, расположенная над активной зоной ядерного реактора (MichaelBurov); усовершенствованный ядерный реактор-конвертер (MichaelBurov)
energ.syst. автоматическое устройство повторного включения (MichaelBurov); реклоузер (MichaelBurov); схема АПВ (MichaelBurov); схема автоматического повторного включения (MichaelBurov); устройство АПВ (MichaelBurov); автореклоузер (редк. MichaelBurov); АПВ (MichaelBurov)
formal свидетельство о регистрации иностранца (alien certificate of registration pelipejchenko)
IT кассетный магнитофон
law Ассоциация разрешения конфликтов (Association for Conflict Resolution Ying)
med. соотношение альбумин-креатинин (albumin-to-creatinine ratio George Debugger)
product. АУС (Yeldar Azanbayev); автоматическое устройство считывания (Yeldar Azanbayev)
progr. автоматическое распознавание символов (сокр. от automatic character recognition ssn)
radiobiol. Американский колледж радиологии (American College of Radiology OlCher)
railw. Австрало-азиатский центр железнодорожных инноваций (Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation miss_jena)
surg. Отношения между крыльями носа и колумеллой (alar-columellar relationship mazurov)
 English thesaurus
ACR abbr.
abbr. Adjusted Community Rate; Advanced Communications Riser; African Crisis Response; Alley Cat Rescue; Ambulance Call Report; Annual Confidential Report; Apollo Cosmetic Reconstruction; A Crappy Ride; Acceptance Communication And Relationships; across; Alabama Central Railroad Company (наименование американской железнодорожной компании Углов); Alfa Core Rules; audio cassette recorder (кассетный магнитофон Lena Nolte); access control register; Alabama Central Railroad Co.; asdic control room; Alvah C. Roebuck (of Sears, Roebuck, and Company); Animated Computer Rendering; Anonymous Call Rejection; Assistant Chief for Research; Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio (Kabel); Automated Change Recognition; Automatic Call Recording; Average Classification Rate; Average Crappy Racecar
abbr., agric., econ. gestion alternative des conflits
abbr., auto. air conditioning relay; A/C refrigerant, recovery, recycling,recharging; A/C relay
abbr., avia. aircraft control room (MichaelBurov); antenna coupling regulator; avionics communication router; address compare register; airfield control plan; airfield aerodrome control radar; airplane cost reporting; antenna coupling receiver
abbr., BrE Admiral Commanding Reserves
abbr., busin. abandon call and retry
abbr., cables attenuation to crosstalk ratio (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. alkali-carbonate reaction; anticlockwise rotation
abbr., el. advanced communication riser (card); acceptance code register; access control rule; accounting registration; adapter character reader; address comparison register; address control register; airdrome control radar; American Chemical & Refining Company, Inc.; analog component recording; arithmetic constant ROM; auto clear register; automatic carrier routing; automatic compression regulation; avalanche controlled rectifier; average cell rate
abbr., electr.eng. automatic circuit restoration; automatic current control; automatic current regulator
abbr., energ.ind. above-core structure (MichaelBurov); above core structure (MichaelBurov); advanced converter reactor (MichaelBurov)
abbr., energ.syst. automatic autoreclose relay (MichaelBurov); automatic circuit recloser (MichaelBurov); automatic recloser (MichaelBurov); automatic reclosing control equipment (MichaelBurov); automatic reclosing relay (MichaelBurov); automatic reclosing switch (MichaelBurov); autorecloser (MichaelBurov); recloser (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. ACR-NEMA medical image file Bitmap graphics
abbr., hist. Allied Commission on Reparations (Союзная комиссия по репарациям; сокр. Углов)
abbr., house. automatic content recognition (xumepuk)
abbr., IT Advanced Code Reconstruction; Attenuation Crosstalk Ratio; accumulator register (накапливающий регистр; сокр. Углов); Attenuation-to-Crosstalk Ratio; audio cassette recorder; alternate CPU recovery
abbr., karate. alternating current relay
abbr., med. American College Of Radiology; American College Of Rheumatology; American College of Radiology; Apyrase Conserved Region; anti-constipation regimen (противозапорный режим; сокр. Углов); acute rejection (Natalya Rovina); absolute catabolic rate; anticonstipation regimen; American College of Rheumatology
abbr., microbiol. Albumin Creatinine Ratio (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., microel. advanced carbothermic reduction (улучшенный карботермический метод восстановления SiO2 (получение Si солнечного качества) Углов)
abbr., mil. ACCS Capability Requirements; Advanced Concepts Requirements; Aerial Combat Reconnaissance; Air Crew Rescue; Armored Cavalry Regiment; Army Capability Requirement; assign channel reassignment
abbr., mil., air.def. advanced capability radar; airborne communication reconnaissance
abbr., mil., avia. acrobatics
abbr., mil., navy armored cruiser (броненосный крейсер; исорич.; сокр. Углов); asdic control room (гидроакустическая рубка (Великобритания); сокр. Углов); aircraft control room (пост управления полётами самолётов (на авианосце) Углов)
abbr., oil acceptable contrast ratio; advanced cracking reactor; Alberta Chamber of Resources; Alberta Council of Resources; all-commodity rates; automatic compression regulator; auxiliary computer room; azimuth change rate
abbr., oncol. Alaska Cancer Registry
abbr., oncol., med. Allowed Cell Rate
abbr., opt. active-cavity radiometer
abbr., pharm. aclarubicin
abbr., phys., scient. Advanced Candu Reactor
abbr., physiol. Asthma Clinical Research
abbr., polym. automatic capillary rheometer
abbr., post Annual Compliance Report
abbr., progr. automatic character recognition (автоматическое распознавание символов (сокр.) Углов); automatic character recognition (автоматическое распознавание символов ssn)
abbr., scottish Active Cockpit Rig; Air Control Radar; Approach Control Radar; Army of the Czech Republic
abbr., space anomalous cosmic ray; available cell rate
abbr., sport. American Club Racer; American Club Racing
abbr., st.exch. American Retirement Corporation
abbr., transp. Automatic Compression Release
comp. automatic call return
ecol. Antarctic climate research
energ.ind. air cooler room; anechoic room; annual capacity report; atmosphere of confidence and respect; automatic control rod
mil. abstracts of classified reports; actual cost report; adjacent channel rejection; advanced capabilities radar; advanced combat rifle; advanced confidential report; aerial combat reconnaissance; air cavalry regiment; air combat report; aircrew recovery; airlift control radar; Alaskan communications region; allowance change request; ammunition condition report; armored cavalry regiment; associate contractor; automatic card reader
tech. acoustic control room; active cavity radiometer; advanced converter reactor; aerodrome control radar; airfield control radar; Alaska communications region; all-channel receiver; alternating current rejection; antenna coupler receiver
acr. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. acrylics
Acr abbr.
abbr., oil acreage; acrylics
ACr abbr.
abbr., oil automatic controller
: 21 phrases in 5 subjects
Cables and cable production10
Computer networks1
SAP finance1