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area of responsibilitystresses
gen. участок ответственности (bookworm); сфера задач (rechnik); круг обязанностей (если относится, напр., к описанию должности и т.п. Oksie); сектор ответственности (The geographical area associated with a combatant command within which a combatant commander has authority to plan and conduct operations. Also called AOR. See also combatant command. Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005. thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov); вверенный участок работы (Alexander Demidov)
adv. область ответственности
avia. зона ответственности (за диспетчерское обслуживание воздушного движения)
busin. сфера ответственности (Alexander Demidov)
Gruzovik, mil. полоса действия
mil. район охранения; полоса охранения; зона огневой поддержки; зона ответственности (Area of Responsibility (AOR) is a pre-defined geographic region assigned to Combatant commanders of the Unified Command Plan (UCP), that are used to define an area with specific geographic boundaries where they have the authority to plan and conduct operations; for which a force, or component commander bears a certain responsibility. The term may also be used in other countries worldwide but it originated within the United States armed forces. This system is designed to allow a single commander to exercise command and control of all military forces in the AOR, regardless of their branch of service. WK. Alexander Demidov); полоса действий (соединения)
product. зона обслуживания (Yeldar Azanbayev)
SAP. функциональная единица
SAP.fin. область деятельности
Area of Responsibility
mil. район ответственности (AOR)
NATO район ответственности
areas of responsibility
gen. функциональные обязанности (Alexander Demidov)
 English thesaurus
area of responsibility
avia., Canada A geographical area within which alerting service is provided by an ATS unit designated as the responsible unit; In the world area forecast system, a geographical area for which a regional area forecast centre prepares significant weather forecasts
mil. The geographical area assigned to each NATO strategic command and to each regional command of Strategic Command Europe. 2. In naval usage, a predefined area of enemy terrain for which supporting ships are responsible for covering by fire on known targets or targets of opportunity and observation
mil., logist. A designated area in a region of armed conflict, where the entire responsibility for achieving objectives of peace support operations lies with the commander of the force stationed in the said area. (UKR/NATO); Geographical area of ground, sea or air under the command of a commander who has the necessary authority and power to exercise it. This responsibility is normally extended to intelligence collection, conduct of operations, control of movements and possibly the maintenance and protection of facilities, but it can also be limited to a specific domain. The geographical area associated with a combatant command within a combatant commander has authority to plan and conduct operations. (FRA)
USA The geographical area associated with a combatant command within which a geographic combatant commander has authority to plan and conduct operations (JP 1) see also combatant command
area of responsibility
: 21 phrases in 7 subjects
Military aviation1