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PCI abbr.stresses
gen. Проект общего интереса (Projects of common interest ARyaposov); ИДН (Population Confidence Index; Индекс доверия населения Divina)
abbr. КИПиА (Process Control Instrumentation Arivle)
bank. Индустрия платёжных карточек (Alik-angel); Индустрия платёжных карт (slitely_mad)
coal. распыляемый для инжекции уголь (MichaelBurov); пульверизуемый для инжекции уголь (MichaelBurov)
comp., net. взаимное соединение периферийных компонентов; интерфейс периферийных устройств; стандарт PCI
econ. доход на душу населения (Per Capita Income eugeene1979)
el. архитектура подключения периферийных компонентов; архитектура PCI; локальная шина для подключения периферийных компонентов; локальная шина стандарта PCI
Gruzovik, comp. межсоединение периферийных компонентов (peripheral component interconnect)
Gruzovik, scient. изоляция поликристаллическим кремнием (polycrystal isolation)
IT системный интерфейс (Alex_Odeychuk)
med. чрескожное коронарное вмешательство (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Vladimir Shevchuk); чрескожная коронарная ангиопластика (pryhazhunia); ПЧКА (первичная чрескожная коронарная ангиопластика mazurov); чрескожное коронарное вмешательство (Helna); ЧКВ (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Гера); ЧКА (percutaneous coronary intervention; чрескожная коронарная ангиопластика Elena Novski)
met. пылеугольное вдувание (pulverized coal injection algim)
mil. предбоевой осмотр (jamesbond); precombat inspection предбоевая проверка (инспекция ytur)
mining. уголь для пылеугольного вдувания (Sergey Old Soldier)
oncol. Перитонеальный опухолевый индекс (Peritoneal Cancer Index Ying); профилактическое облучение черепа (prophylactic cranial irradiation; Применяется, в частности, при мелкоклеточном раке лёгких для профилактики метастазирования в головной мозг: With prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) the risk of brain metastases can be reduced from 59% to 33% at 3 years and is accompanied by a survival benefit (21% versus 15%) BB50)
progr. протокольная управляющая информация (сокр. от protocol control information ssn); ПУИ (ssn)
pCi abbr.
abbr. пКи (picocurie – пикокюри shergilov)
 English thesaurus
PCI abbr.
abbr. Payment Card Industry; Per Capita Income; Potential Criminal Informant; Pre Connection Inspection; Packet Communications Incorporated; Panel Call Indicator; Patterson Candy International; Percutaneous Cardiology Intervention; Peripheral Component Interconnect bus (Vosoni); physical configuration identification; Plant Control Interface; Political Correct Indifference; Population Council, Inc.; Prestressed Concrete Institute; Programmable Automation Controller (GE Fanuc Alexander Demidov); pulverised coal injection (Jespa); Pure Custom Imports; patentee citation index; program-controlled interruption; Petroleum Chemicals Inc.; fenson
abbr., anat. precentral inferior sulcus (Игорь_2006)
abbr., auto. programmable communications interface; prechamber injection; program comparison and indentification
abbr., avia. passenger clearance information; peripheral component interconnection; product cost information; production configuration identification; program control input; programming communication interface
abbr., bank. Payment Card Industry (slitely_mad)
abbr., cardiol. Percutaneous coronary intervention (Игорь_2006)
abbr., coal. pulverized coal for injection (MichaelBurov)
abbr., commun. packet/circuit interface
abbr., commun., amer. PBX-to-Computer Interface
abbr., comp. Peripheral Component Interconnect
abbr., comp., net., IT Personal Computer Instrumentation
abbr., comp.name. Petroleum Chemicals, Inc.
abbr., earth.sc. Pacific Consultants International, Inc.
abbr., ed., scient. Pre College Initiative; Pre College Initiatives
abbr., el. parallel communications interface; peripheral computer interconnect; peripheral connect interface; peripheral controller interface; personal communications interface; planning card index; plotter communication interface; process capability index; process control interface; protocol control indicator; peripheral connect interface/extended driver array interface
abbr., file.ext. Peripheral Component Interconnect/Interface; Programmed Control Interrupt
abbr., IT Peripheral Component Interface; Program Controlled Interruption; Protocol Control Information; process control information; program check interruption; program controlled interruption; protocol control information; presentation control information; program check interrupt; Programmable Communication s Interface
abbr., med. Periodontal Clinical Investigations (periodical); Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinales; Protein C Inhibitor; patient contact indicator (harser); percutaneous cardiac catheter intervention (ННатальЯ); percutaneous coronary intervention; percutaneous intervention; Paddick Conformity Index (harser); prothrombin consumption index
abbr., mil. Physical Configuration Item; Product Configuration Identification; Pressure Contact Interface (chip connector)
abbr., mil., avia. panel call indicator
abbr., multimed. programming communications interface
abbr., nucl.pow. pellet-cladding interaction (Boris54)
abbr., numism. Photo-Certified Coin Institute
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. project change inquiry
abbr., oil Pacific Islands; pollution control index; pounds per cubic inch; product cost index; pulse count input
abbr., physiol. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
abbr., physiol., med. Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation
abbr., polym. post-cure inflation
abbr., progr. protocol control information (ssn)
abbr., scottish Peripheral Command Indicator; Personal Computer Interface
abbr., space pattern correspondence index; physical configuration inspection; programmable communication interface
abbr., tradem. PC Zone; Prosound Communications, Inc.; Prunuske Chatham, Inc.
comp. protocol control channel
energ.ind. pulverized coal injection
mil. physical configuration item; portable compass indicator; procurement control identifier; product configuration identification
tech. pellet clad interaction; personnel contamination incident; photon-coupled isolator; polycrystal isolation; primary containment isolation; production control information; program control interruption
pCi abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. picocuries
abbr., med. picocurie
energ.ind. procurie
Pci abbr.
abbr., oil pico-curie; Procellarum
PCIs abbr.
abbr., med. percutaneous cardiac interventions
pci abbr.
tech. pound per cubic inch (xltr)
: 67 phrases in 16 subjects
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