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ESDI abbr.stresses
el. усовершенствованный интерфейс дисковода для малых дисков; интерфейс стандарта ESDI; стандарт ESDI
IT улучшенный интерфейс малых устройств
 English thesaurus
ESDI abbr.
abbr. Enhanced Standard Device Interface; electron impact ion desorption
abbr., comp., net. Enhanced Small Disk Interface
abbr., el. electron stimulated desorption of ions; enhanced small driver interface; enhanced system device interface; extended small disk interface
abbr., file.ext. Enhanced Small/System Device Interface
abbr., IT Enhanced Small Device Interface; Enhanced Small Drive Interface; Enhanced Systems Drive Interface
abbr., mil. European Security and Defense Identity; European Security and Defence Identity
abbr., NATO European Security and Defenсe Identity
abbr., telecom. enhancement small device interface
tech. extended small device interface