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PMF abbr.stresses
biochem. Метод идентификации белков по "отпечаткам пептидных масс" (Peptide mass fingerprinting Alexx B)
biophys. протондвижущая сила (серёга)
comp., net. фрейм управления параметрами
hydroel.st. максимально возможный расчётный паводок (HelenDZ)
manag. функции управления проектами (сокр от project management function Dashout)
mil. перспективный многоцелевой истребитель (Perspective Multi-role Fighter yevsey)
МPMF abbr.
gas.proc. МФСД (medium pressure methane fraction smol)
 English thesaurus
PMF abbr.
abbr. Pere Marquette Fund; Project Management File; phenylmercury dinaphthyl-methanedisulfonate; product-market fit (Ремедиос_П)
abbr., appl.math. probability mass function (BFRZ)
abbr., chem. phenyl mercuric fixtan
abbr., comp., net. Parameter management frames
abbr., earth.sc. pebble matrix filter; permanent magnetic field
abbr., el. performance measurement facility; performance module framework; polarization maintaining fiber; programmable matched filter; probable maximum flooding
abbr., IT parameter management frame
abbr., manag. Project Management Fundamentals (ochernen)
abbr., math., scient. Probability Mass Function
abbr., meteorol. primary myelofibrosis (Гера)
abbr., mil. Program Management, Facilities; Published Map File; Political-Military Framework
abbr., mil., avia. political military framework
abbr., nautic., scient. Probable Maximum Flood
abbr., oil phase-matched filters; porous metal fibre
abbr., opt. polarization-maintaining fiber
abbr., pharma. Pharmaceutical Microbiology Forum (ochernen)
abbr., physiol. Progressive Massive Fibrosis
abbr., scottish Political Military Framework; Processeur Militaire Francais (Military computer (France))
abbr., space perigee motor firing; probability of mission failure
abbr., sport. Premier Management Football
abbr., steam. Plasma Master File (ochernen)
abbr., tradem. Peninsula Metal Fabrication
airports, avia. Parma, Italy
mil. personnel master file
tech. performance monitoring function; periodic magnetic focusing; program management facility; pumping magnetic field
Игорь Миг, abbr. private military firm
pmf abbr.
abbr., med. proton motive force
Pmf abbr.
abbr. mud-filtrate salinity
: 15 phrases in 3 subjects
Medical appliances1
Occupational health & safety1