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SE abbr.stresses
bank. акционерный капитал (shareholders' equity); собственный капитал (shareholders' equity); фондовая биржа (stock exchange)
comp., net. сервисная аппаратура; сервисное оборудование
dril. вторичный эмульгатор (secondary emulsifier)
ed. социология и экономика (Sociology and Economics (Lebanese education system): Sociology and Economics, both, make up only 30% of the overall average. 45% of the overall average is on Arabic language, foreign language, Philosophy, History, Geography, and Civic Education. Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics make up 25% of the overall average. You can apply to majors such as Business, Political Science, Psychology, Translation, Languages, Communication, Philosophy, Nutrition, Interior Design etc. OstrichReal1979)
el. паразитная эмиссия; паразитное излучение
IT эффективность системы; системное проектирование; системотехника
law Societas Europaea лат. – европейская публичная компания (vim6); Европейское акционерное общество (Societas Europaea – лат. Форма собственности юридического лица, действующего в соответствии с европейским правом. Например, с июля 2008 года немецкий концерн WILO AG преобразован в WILO SE. ValeryKaribzhanov); МП (малое предприятие – small enterprise Morning93); ЕК CAP113 (Andrew052)
Makarov. вторичные электроны
math. система уравнений (simultaneous equations)
med.appl. энтропия состояния (GE HealthCare: The signals are processed into two entropy parameters, state entropy (SE) and response entropy (RE) Ying)
metrol. систематическая погрешность (carp)
nautic. азимут 135,00° (MichaelBurov); зюйд-ост (MichaelBurov); обедник (-поморское название MichaelBurov); румб 12 (MichaelBurov)
oil оборудование для технического обслуживания (service equipment)
ophtalm. сферический эквивалент (Тантра)
progr. поисковая машина-Searching Engine (см. Results engine ssn)
stat. стандартная погрешность (standard error); среднеквадратическая ошибка (standard error)
textile шёлк (silk Yuriy83)
se abbr.
gen. сэ (1. транскрипции по системе Палладия, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков китайского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе ханьюй пиньинь; 2. транскрипции по системе Поливанова, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков японского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе Хэпбёрна Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr. Швеция (mar95952)
arch. таким образом; так, таким образом (Middle English Halfofthesky)
tech. самовозбуждающий
Se abbr.
chem. селен
 English thesaurus
SE abbr.
abbr. sanitary engineer; sanitary engineering; semi-enclosed; single-ended; Self Employment; Self Esteem; Somewhere Else; South East; Sud Est; Systematic Error; Safe Enclosure; Sales Engineer; Sales Expert; Scalar Enhanced; Scientific And Engineering; Scouting Experimental; Second Epoch; Security Enhanced; Select Edition; Self Emulsifying; Self Enforced; Self Erecting; Semo Port Railroad Incorporated; Server Environment; Service / Systems Engineer; Service Engineer; Sexual Exploration; Shane Endicott; Super Expensive; Sheep Everywhere; Shift Enhancing; Shitty Edition; Shity Edition; Shotty Equipment; Sides And Ends; Silent Edition; Simple Edition; Simple Electronics; Simplicial Exact; Simplified Edition; Simplified Electronics; Simultaneous Engineering; single-end; Sled Edition; Slightly Enhanced; Slip End; Slow Edition; Slower Edition; Small End; Sniper Edition; Solar Empire; Soldered Edition; Somewhat Erratic; Sorry Excuse; Soul Emergence; south-east; south-eastern; space efforts; space exploration; Spandex Erection; Speech Enhancement; Spend Extra; Spirit Energy; Spiritual Expressions; Splinter Edition; Split End; Sport Edition; Sports Edition; Sports Entertainer; Sports Entertainment; Sports Extra; Stalking Evil; Standard / Special Edition (IBM, OS/2); Standard Elite; Standard Engine; Standard English; Stark Enterprises; Start End; Stat Editor; Status Enquiry (FR); Sterling Communications, Inc.; Stimulated Emission; Structured Expression; Student Edition; Student Exercises; Studio Edition; Substandard Edition; Substantially Equal; Sucker Edition; Sucky Edition; Sugar Enhanced; Supervisory Edition; Surface Effect; Surveillance Enhanced; Sweat Equity; Switching Element; Symmetry Equivalent; Synthetic Environment; System Engineer; System Expansion; System Extension; The Successor Of E
abbr., agric. starch equivalent
abbr., anim.husb. sterilizing effect; Society of Entomology (China)
abbr., auto. scavenging efficiency; sensor; super edition
abbr., avia. service engineering; shared environment; spares engineering; section; signal engineer; simplified english; special equipment (tool); starter electrode; static electricity; stored equipment; strain energy; Dairo Air Service Ltd (Cargo)
abbr., bank. service establishment (aht)
abbr., busin. Safety Engineering; shore excursion; single entry
abbr., chem. electrophilic substitution; sulfoethyl; servicing installation
abbr., chem., scient. Selenium
abbr., commer. Societas Europeas
abbr., comp., net. service equipment; software engineering; standard edition; system engineering
abbr., construct. stopped end; straight edge
abbr., dril. society of engineers
abbr., earth.sc. electromagnetic system; secondary effluent; secondary electrode; secondary electron; Seismic Engineering Company; seriate; serpentine; slow equations; soil extract; Soxhlet Extraction; spectral efficiency; square of the errors; standard Earth; state estimator; stochastic-empirical; surface equipment; synoptic eddies
abbr., ed. Sex Education; Special Education; Standard Error
abbr., el. SAN enabler; schematic editor; Schrodinger equation; selective etching; self-energy; sequential encoding; shared everything; shielding effectiveness; signal enhancer; sign extended; single exit; soft error; solvent evaporation; sonar equipment; sounding equipment; space equivalent; spectroellipsometry; spectroscopic ellipsometer; spontaneous emission; sputter etching; standard electrolyte; standard encoder; static eliminator; storage error; structuring element; supervisor equivalent; support entity; surface emitting; surface exciton; switching element; synchronous Ethernet; system equalizer
abbr., electr.eng. secondary electrons
abbr., energ.ind. Sustainable Energy (O_Lya)
abbr., exc.supp. sleep efficiency (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., expl. shock energy
abbr., fin. stockholders' equity; standard error of estimate
abbr., food.serv. surface energy
abbr., geogr. Southeast
abbr., inet. Search Engine; Simple And Easy
abbr., IT Software Entwicklung; Something Else; Starter Edition; System Error; system efficiency
abbr., lab.eq. Solvent Extraction; Sub-clinical Encephalopathy
abbr., law ЕК CAP113 (Andrew052)
abbr., Makarov. slurry explosive
abbr., math., scient. Single Ended
abbr., mech.eng. screwed end
abbr., med. Spurway-Eddowes (syndrome); side effects (побочные эффекты Dimpassy); systemic embolism (Desdichado); saline enema; self-explanatory; short-ear; sphenoethomoidal suture; sterol ester; substratum-enzyme; staphylococcal enterotoxin; spin-echo (Wakeful dormouse)
abbr., media. Second Edition; Sound Effects; Special Edition; Special Effects
abbr., mil. site exploitation; spherical error
abbr., mil., avia. service entrance
abbr., mil., WMD systems engineering
abbr., nautic. southeast (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic., obs. SO (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Sakhalin Energy (Sakhalin Energy Investment Company); Sakhalin Energy Investment Company; site evaluation study
abbr., oil saponification equivalent; seal effective; secondary emission; sedimentation event; senior engineer; shear-wave exploration; simple elastic expansion; single end; skin effect; southeastern; special energy; stand-by engine; steam emulsion; structural exploration; stub end; student engineer; sugar ester; sustainer engine; NF screw end American National fine thread; safety earth; Sakhalin Energy SEIC; seals effective; secondary emulsifier; specific energy; successful efforts
abbr., perf. Self-emulsifying (Procyon_lotor)
abbr., pest.contr. suspo-emulsion
abbr., physiol. Spongiform Encephalopathy; Squamous Epithelium; Status Epilepticus; Sub-Epidermal
abbr., physiol., med. Safe And Effective
abbr., plast. sound emission
abbr., polit. Sweden; Seychelles
abbr., polym. secondary esterification; self-extinguishing
abbr., progr. Storage Element (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Standard Edition
abbr., scient. Software Engineering
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Sweden); Sanitary Evacuation; Signal Excess
abbr., semicond. selective epitaxy
abbr., softw. software environment (igisheva)
abbr., soil. saturation extract
abbr., space servicing echelon; space element
abbr., sport. standard error
abbr., stat. Standard Error (iwona)
abbr., tech. equipment
abbr., typogr. sprinkled edge
energ.ind. significant events; simulation experiment; sinergistical effect; stack effect; stationary engine; supplied electricity
invest. shareholders' equity; stock exchange
meteorol. single-engined
mil. safety; safety evaluation; service echelon; Southeastern; special equipment; spherical eyeball; staff engineer; standardization and evaluation; support equipment; system effectiveness; system element
O&G state enterprise
phys. spectroscopic ellipsometry
tech. set; shift engineer; ship eliminator; significant event; sound effect; space electronics; spurious emission; subcritical experiment
SE. abbr.
abbr., econ. standard error
se abbr.
abbr. semiannual; single engine
abbr., earth.sc. selsyn
abbr., med. select
avia. south-cast
stat. standard error
Se abbr.
abbr. selection; Selenium; secretor gene
abbr., earth.sc. sellaite
abbr., med. selenium; secretor
abbr., oil securities; sericite
se. abbr.
abbr., econ. securities
SEIC abbr.
abbr., O&G, sakh. Sakhalin Energy (Investment Co. Sakhalin Energy)
μsec abbr.
abbr. microsecond
: 127 phrases in 48 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Court law3
Criminal law1
Economic law1
Gold mining2
Information technology1
Mass media3
Material safety data sheet1
Notarial practice5
Nuclear and fusion power1
Oceanography & oceanology1
Oil / petroleum2
Philately / stamp collecting2
Power system protection3
Quantum electronics1
Sakhalin R1
Textile industry1
United Nations1