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WP abbr.
expl. 不规则楔形
 English thesaurus
wp abbr.
abbr., med. weakly positive
WP abbr.
abbr. water soluble powder
abbr., adv. work print
abbr., anim.husb. watery pork
abbr., auto. water proof; whole-sale price
abbr., avia. warning panel; waster paper; web plate; weighing point; weight of propellants; wide pulse; will proceed; wing platform; wobble pump; wooden plate; work paper
abbr., mil., avia. area navigation way point
abbr., polygr. word-processing
Wp adj.
eng. watt-peak (Lauris)
sol.pow. watt-peak (watt-peak: фотоэлектрическая мощность wikipedia.org Lauris)
WP. abbr.
abbr., auto. washing pan
wp abbr.
abbr., sport. wild pitch; winning pitche
chat. well played (online games Shabe)
wp. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. waterproof
WP abbr.
abbr. The Washington Post; Union Pacific Railroad Company; Wafer Process; waste pipe; water packed; Water Pik; Water Polo; waterproof; Wave Processor; weapon; weatherproof; Wedding Peach; Wedding Photographer; Wedding Planner; Week Of Prayer; West Plains, Missouri; West Point; Western Pacific; Western Pennsylvania; Wet Pack; wet process; Wetland Professional; Whey Protein; WhirlPool; White Paper; White Phosphorous; White Pine; White Pinstripes; Whitefish Point; Winter Park, Florida; With Permission; With Probability; Witness Protection; Wolf Princess; wood pattern; Woodland Park, Colorado; work package (MishaSveta); water power; Word Perfect; word processing; working point; World Parks; Worth Playing; Writ Petition; Word Processing; Working Paper; warning picket
abbr., agrochem. wettable powder (ALAB)
abbr., automat. work piece
abbr., avia. way point (waypoint); work product
abbr., avia., avia., ICAO waypoint
abbr., busin. Water Pump
abbr., comp. white peace (Мир на условиях статус-кво (игровой термин) А.Черковский)
abbr., comp., net. wavelength path
abbr., earth.sc. water potential; water propeller; wavepoint
abbr., el. Warsaw Pact; peak watt; wave pattern; waveplate; Wollaston prism; write protection; writing parameter
abbr., energ.ind. welding point (Malexey)
abbr., file.ext. WordPerfect; WordPerfect Text document; Write Protected
abbr., fin. IMF Working Paper
abbr., law without prejudice
abbr., logist. wooden pallet (Atenza)
abbr., Makarov. waterplane; workpiece
abbr., mil. Wattenberg Plow (land-mine clearing); Word Processor; white phosphorous; Working Party (NATO)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. process water
abbr., O&G, sakh. waste products; Work permit (Процесс оформления и использования Разрешений на производство работ SAKHstasia); Work Permit Process (SAKHstasia); works procedures
abbr., oil wash pipe; Work Plans; new pool wildcat, dry; water production; watt plug; wave equation phase (inversion); weather-protected enclosure; weld point; welding pipe; well pad; well protector; windfall profit; wire payment
abbr., polym. wash primer; water-proof; weather-proof; working pressure
abbr., progr. write-protect (ssn)
abbr., textile water-proofing
insur. waiver of premium
mil. war plan; water point; way-point; weapons power; weapons practice; weather patrol; weather permitting; white phosphorus; witness point; work package; work program; working paper; working party
tech. warm pipe; water plane; weather proof; welding procedure; welding project; wettable powder; wilting point; wireless post; work procedure; writing power
Wp abbr.
abbr. wide platform implant (MichaelBurov); Wp implant (MichaelBurov); cumulative water produced; watt peak; worship; wide platform (MichaelBurov)
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects