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water endangering Can be caused by a variety of means, e.g. farm pollution from animal wastes and silage liquor (liquors from green leaf cattle food which has had molasses added to promote fermentation and preservation; they are highly polluting and can be a seasonal cause of fish deaths in small streams), leachate from landfill sites, and spoil heaps, solvent discharge to sewers or to land and inadequate sewage treatment works
environ. 水危害 (可能由各种方式造成,如各种动物废弃物和青贮酒(出自家畜食用绿叶的酒,已加入糖蜜促进发酵和保护,它们是高度污染,也可能是在小溪内鱼类死亡的季节性原因)引起的农场污染、垃圾填埋场的渗滤液,和煤矸石的堆积,溶剂排放到下水道或土地以及污水处理厂处理能力的不足。)