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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
upstart ['ʌpstɑ:t] n
gen. 新贵; 傲慢的人 暴发的; 突然出现的
econ. 自命不凡的家伙
fin. 暴发户
gymn. 屈伸上
sport. 崛起者
tech. 窗台
upstart ['ʌpstɑ:t] v
gen. 使突然跳起
econ. 使突然跳起; 突然跳起
upstart ['ʌpstɑ:t] adj.
econ. 暴发的
 English thesaurus
UPSTART ['ʌpstɑ:t] abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. universal parachute support tactical and research target
upstart from upper arm
: 35 phrases in 1 subject