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anim.husb. 毛条; 茎叶; 菜叶; 茎叶
auto. ; ; ; 车顶
| of
| formation
sport. 形成
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noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
top [tɔp] n
gen. 部,上,端,面,层; 部,端,面,边,层; ; 车顶; ; 脉冲顶部; 脉冲水平部分; 极点〔度〕; 最高度,点,级; 第一; 陀螺; 回转仪; 顶〔最初〕馏分; 精华; 开端; ; 天头; 纸的正面; 茎叶
archit. 部,点,端上部; 表面; ; ; 尖端; 最前面; 最高级; 石油的轻馏分
tops [tɔps] n
gen. 杰出人〔物〕
box. 背心
dart. 40分; 20的双倍区
top [tɔp] v
gen. 盖上; 给…加盖〔顶〕; 装顶部; …的顶上; 上升到…的顶点; 居于…的最高位; 火箭补充加注燃料; 高〔超,越,胜〕过; 高于; 达,多少; 拉平; 截去顶端; 去梢〔头〕; 脱顶〔轻〕; 拔顶; 撇去浮质; 初馏; 用才馏法提炼; 蒸去轻油; 高耸; 优秀; 卓越; 胜过
archit. 给……加顶; 到…… 顶上; 给……涂保护层; 去梢; 截顶; 使平坦; 超过; 完成; 用分馏法提炼
bridge. 顶分
golf. 剃头球打在球顶部的失误球; 陀螺转
mount. 峰顶
row. 1号桨手
sport. 击球的上部; 击上旋球
top [tɔp] adj.
gen. 最重要的职位; 最高的级别; ; ; 顶部; ; 高,大,高级; 上面〔部〕的
adv. 100美国前100大都市区
archit. 部的; 最重要的
chem. 上部; 陀螺
econ. 最高级的
polym. 顶馏分; 化纤条; 顶端
sport. 最高的; 最上面的; 最优秀的
TOP [tɔp] adj.
chem. 磷酸三辛酯
Top [tɔp] adj.
chem. 此端向上
top [tɔp] abbr.
gen. 最大的; 顶夸克
agric. ; 树冠; 根冠; 作物地上部; 甜菜
anim.husb. 羊毛毛条; 根作物茎叶; 菜叶; 萝卜等茎叶
auto. ; 部,端,面; 部,面; 车顶顶盖; 车篷; 连杆头部; 小头; 活塞顶部; 最高档; 最初馏分; 轻油; 上部的; 主要的; 顶置自流式油箱
avia. 顶面;
baseb. 前半局; 球上部击球
bridge. 盖打; 顶分
commer. 最高
dril. 顶部的
econ. 上端
el. 顶部; 上部
forestr. 截梢; 截梢树
golf. 击球上部
hydroel.st. 最高点; 顶点
interntl.trade. 此端向上包装指示用语
manag. 顶盖; 首位; 最高职位; 最高级人员
met. 炉顶
row. 一号桨手
securit. 顶价; 最顶部技术分析
shipb. 顶上的; 头等的; 达到…顶端
sport. 顶尖; 顶峰
steel. 顶层
tech. 极点; 桅盘; 上升到顶; 顶上; 顶篷; (部); 坡顶 (of grade)
telecom. 最高层; 上面
textile 服装上身; 上装; 袜口; 高筒靴口; 鞋面; 正面电镀的金属纽扣; 袒胸衣服; 穿在上半身的衣服; 毛条; 套装上装; 上衣如 T 恤衫等; 表面镀过的金属钮扣; 化学纤维条
 English thesaurus
top [tɔp] abbr.
abbr. topographical
TOP [tɔp] abbr.
abbr. Tennessee Outreach Project; The Outreach Program; Top Of The Pile; Trade Opportunities Program; Training Opportunities And Practice; take or pay; Teams Optimise Processes; technical operating procedure; test and operations plan; test outline plan; The OS-9 Project (OS-9); total obscuring power; Topical
abbr., automat. technical office protocol
abbr., avia. Topeka, Kansas USA; cloud top; tour operators' package
abbr., commun. Task Oriented Form (SMA/SMC)
abbr., ed., scient. Technology Opportunities Program; Top One Percent
abbr., el., scient. Technical and Office Protocol; Thermal Overheat Protection
abbr., fin. Tonga Pa'anga
abbr., IT Technical Office Protocol; Tool Object Product
abbr., law Tourist Oriented Police; Treasury Offset Program (Yanamahan)
abbr., med. Theory Of Practice; Termination Of Pregnancy (harser); Tysabri Observational Program (ННатальЯ)
abbr., met. take-over point
abbr., mil. Tactical Offensive Position; Technical and Office Protocols; Tour of Duty; Taking Outbound Pilot (Interex)
abbr., nautic., scient. The Ocean Project
abbr., O&G Top of Packer (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. turn-over package
abbr., phys., scient. Time Optimized Process
abbr., physiol., med. Topically
abbr., polym. trioctyl phosphate
abbr., scient. Thermal Obviation Protection
abbr., sport. The Olympic Partner
tech. testing on pump; thermal overload protection; transient overpower; transistor-outline package; turning oil pump
top. abbr.
abbr., med. topically
top [tɔp] abbr.
abbr. torque oil pressure
abbr., libr. topography
TOP [tɔp] abbr.
abbr. turn over, please
abbr., anim.husb. total organic phosphorus
abbr., auto. trap oxidizer-periodic; turnover, please
abbr., avia. tactical operating procedure; takeoff position; takeoff power; tool order preparation; two-axis optical pickoff
abbr., busin. Technical Development Plan
abbr., commun. table of pages
abbr., el. tape operated printer; thin outline package; transistor outline package
abbr., fr., space tube a ondes progressives
abbr., libr. temporarily out of print; temporarily out print
abbr., med. tenderness on palpation (Andrey Truhachev)
abbr., mil., avia. top
abbr., nucl.pow. unprotected transient overpower scenario (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil technical data package; toluene disproportionation; torque and drag program; technical/office protocol
abbr., plast. tris 2-ethylhexyl phosphate
abbr., space take-off power; telemetry operation procedure
abbr., sport. Olympic Partners (Millie)
energ.ind., abbr. take or pay (бери или плати)
mil., abbr. technical operating procedure; test and operations plan; test outline plan; total obscuring power; Tour of Duty
physiol., abbr. Topically
top. abbr.
abbr. topography
O&G topographic
Top [tɔp] abbr.
abbr., oil output time
top of formation
: 1 phrase in 1 subject